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Title 101年度執行怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫
Abstract 摘 要全球面臨氣候變遷與全球暖化,各國開始意識到環境遭受的危機。再者,科技產業發達的時代下,汽機車數量亦逐年成長,使得都會區的交通問題益形嚴重。車輛怠速(引擎空轉)狀態,不僅浪費油料,更因引擎燃燒不完全,導致積碳增加,比一般行駛狀態產生更多廢氣,加速引擎機件磨損。立法院院會已於100 年4 月8 日三讀修訂空氣污染防制法部分條文的提案,增訂「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,並已於101 年6 月1 日正式執行。本計畫主要目標為規劃推動停車怠速熄火政策相關管制措施,工作項目包括執行停車怠速熄火之稽查作業及辦理停車怠速熄火政策之宣導活動,期望提升民眾怠速熄火之環保意識,達到減少黑煙及各項氣狀污染物排放,有效降低溫室效應氣體產生,進而提升轄區內空氣品質。本計畫工作項目包括機動車輛停車怠速熄火稽查管制作業及機動車輛停車怠速熄火宣導作業,兩大重點工作。稽查管制作業之重點稽查勸導地點,主要包括火車站、各行政機關、各國中小學、便利商店、各風景區或其他民眾常發生怠速情況的地點。截至12 月31 日,共計完成稽巡查勸導作業2,000 輛次,其中包括有停車未熄火狀況,但未逾三分鐘,且經勸導配合熄火之案件,1,199 輛次;及有停車未熄火狀況,且逾三分鐘之案件801 輛次。本計畫採多元化之停車怠速熄火宣導作業,包括宣導活動、宣導品、電子傳播宣導、新聞稿及種子教師訓練會議等。本計畫已配合台東縣政府等單位,圓滿辦理怠速熄火宣導活動四場次。活動中藉由與民眾互動的遊戲方式,達到機動車輛停車怠速熄火政策之宣導工作,並提供活動宣導品共計4,300 份(含計畫宣導品500 份),宣導成效共計1,994人次。怠速熄火新聞稿,本計畫自計畫執行開始,已逐月完成新聞稿提送,且發布於台東縣環保局網站之環保新聞發布區,可提供民眾了解機動車停車怠速熄火政策之最新資訊。電子傳播宣導作業,本計畫已另用環保署製作之停車反怠速影帶,分二階段密集於6 月及7 月重點宣導,共計完成240 次之怠速熄火影帶託播。種子教師訓練會議,本計劃已於6 月及11 月,由國立大學車輛工程系教授擔任講師,圓滿完成二場次。
EngTitle 101 year promotion and implementation of an idling-stop control plan
EngAbstract Abstract Facing global climate change and global warming, countries began to suffer from environmental awareness to the crisis. Furthermore, under the age of advanced technology industries, number of steam locomotives has grown year by year, making the metropolitan area Equity-heavy traffic problems. Vehicle idling (engine idling) status, not only waste oil materials, because more Incomplete combustion engine, resulting in increased carbon, driving behavior than the general state produces more gas to accelerate Engine mechanical wear and tear. Legislative Yuan Yuan was 100 years April 8 three readings to amend the Air Pollution Control Some of the provisions of the law proposal, updating "idling motor vehicles parking management approach", which was 101 years June 1 formally executed. The main objective of this project is to promote the car idling-stop planning policy related control measures, work Projects include executive car idling stop the inspectors to do the job and stop propaganda handling car idling stop policy Activities, expected to enhance the public's environmental awareness idling stop, to reduce smoke and the air pollution status Emissions of pollutants, effectively reduce greenhouse gases, and thus enhance the area of ​​air quality. The project work includes motor vehicles stalled car idling motor vehicle inspection and control operations Idling-stop vehicles parking advocacy work, two major priorities. The audit focused on inspection and control operations to persuade Guide sites, including fire stations, each executive agency, national schools, convenience stores, each wind Scenic or other public place usually idling happening. As of December 31, completed a total of protracted 2,000 motorcycles were inspected persuasion operations, which include car did not stall condition, but not more than three minutes, And with the flame of the case by persuasion, 1,199 motorcycles;, and there is not parking stall condition, and more than one-third 801 cases of Bell's vehicles. The diversified mining project car idling-stop propaganda operations, including promotional activities, promotional products, Electronic dissemination of propaganda, press releases and seeds teacher training meetings. This project has been with the Taitung County government Government and other units, the successful office manager idling-stop promotional activities four sessions. Activities by interaction with the public Gameplay, advocacy work to achieve motor vehicles stalled car idling policies, and provide activities A total of 4,300 copies of promotional products (including product promotion plan 500), a total of 1,994 effective advocacy People. Idling-stop press release, the project execution plan from the beginning, has completed a press release submitted monthly, And environmental news release posted on the EPA website Taitung area, providing the public understanding of motor vehicles Car idling stop the latest information policy. Electronic dissemination of advocacy work, this project has another environmentally-friendly Produced by the Department of Anti-idling car video, divided into two stages dense in June and July focused on advocacy, total 240, followed by the completion of idling-stop video playback care. Seeds teacher training conference, the program was in June And in November, the Department of National University professor vehicles lecturer, successful completion of the two sessions.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 得眾環境科技有限公司