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Title 102年度臺南市紙錢減量集中燒管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間(102年03月20日至102年12月31日),共計有745處單位參與紙錢集中燒政策,其中以集合式大樓(含社區)245次最多、其次為寺廟140次,而整體總收運量則為747.99公噸,削減總懸浮微粒7,465公斤、一氧化碳81,449公斤;至於在「以功代金」方面,今年度結合教育局、社會局、瑞復益智中心、臺南北區家扶中心、臺南家扶中心、德蘭啟智中心、蘆葦啟智中心、鴻佳啟能庇護中心、蓮心園基金會、創世基金會;結合社福團體在15處納骨塔宣傳,同時搭配全家便利捐款模式,並推廣32處集合式大樓配合,截至12月底共有2,106人響應,其累計捐款達759,700元,減少二氧化碳25,070公斤,較101年度成長四成。另外,執行期間共計進行845件次寺廟訪查,211間採用足百紙錢、355間使用LED光明太歲燈、461間有一爐一香,並新增27家寺廟配合「以米代金」政策,結合原有和節慶推廣年度減少7,664公斤紙錢用量,碳排約減少11.5公噸。統計1,515間廟宇紙錢燃燒量約每年10,319公噸、燃香量每年約325公噸,臺南市有60間廟宇設置金爐防制設備,推估年度總紙錢燃燒量約2,728公噸,占全市廟宇燃燒量26%,可減少總懸浮微粒23,219公斤。至於在相關宣導方面,已辦理完成1場次跨局處協商會、2場清明時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、1場以功代金宣導說明會、2場中元時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、2場淨爐儀式和1場祈福法會;另在媒體宣導方面,則完成2場記者會、發佈相關環保新聞新聞稿8則、進行跑馬燈播放3次以及電台廣播3次。
EngTitle Tainan City 102 annual reduction centralized paper money to burn control plan
EngAbstract “2013 Tainan City Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement & converge-burning”(the project), executed from March 20, 2013 to December 31, 2013(the period), completed objectives whithin the arranged schedule. During the period, there are 745 units participated in the converge-burning acitivity (the acitivty). Most of them are from apartment building and community 277 times, followed by the temple 140 times. The total weight of converge-burning Ghost Money is 747.99 ton, reduced TSP 7,049 kg and carbon monoxide 7,645kg. In order to maximazed the project’s publicity, the project encourage citizens to replace the ghost money with charity donations. The project conbined Family Mart convenience donations system and invited several organizations, such as Education Department, Socail Welfare Department, St. Raphael Opportunity Center, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, St. Theresa Opportunity Center, Luway Opportunity Center, Hung-Chia Sanctuary Center, The LSY Organiztion, Genesis Social Welfare Foundation, to prmote charity donations instead of buring ghost money at 15 Grave Towers and 32 apaterment buding. The acitivity is not only attracted 2,106 people to participat but also accumlated donation amout of NT$ 759,700. Camparing to year of 2012, the reducing amount of carbon dioxide grew 40 percent to 25,070 kg from such activity. Meanwhile, the project also conducted 845 times temple visiting, 211 units using environmental ghost money, 355 units having LED Taisui device, 461 units reducing incense quantities, and 27 units joined the policy of “God bless rice instead of ghost money”. Combined with all policy participating temples, the project reduced 7,664kg of paper weight and 11.5 ton of carbon dioxide. Statistic shown, there were 1,515 temples that conducted ghost money and incense burning, the estimated number was 10,319 ton of ghost paper and 325 ton of incense. Now, there are 60 temple the implanted burner with air pollution control facilities, estimated amount is 2,728 ton, 26% of Tainan City’s amount, it can reduced 23,219 kg TSP. In the part of advocacy, the project held 1 session for cross-bureau coordinate meeting, 2 converge-burning explanatory conferences during the Tomb Sweeping period, 1 explanatory conference for denotation instead of burning ghost money, 2 converge-burning explanatory conference during the The Chungyuan Festival, 2 clean process ceremonies on the incinerator, and 1 award ceremony. Moreover, held 2 press conferences, released 3 times of broadcast and 3 times of television marquee, and published 8 news
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 堃捷工程股份有限公司