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Title 102年度環保集點制度規劃及建置專案工作計畫
Abstract 近年來,為因應全球暖化與氣候變遷,各國政府也開始重視環境維護為發展之重要議題,如何在維護經濟利益的同時,又不與環境保護相互牴觸,是企業與各國政府所必須面對的棘手課題。環保集點制度推動是一個環保行為有價化的概念,是一個金融與行銷的推動制度,針對不同對象分別建立具體環保行動誘因,由政府、企業及民眾共同參與實踐。「環保行動有價」即是指透過環保集點制度,政府各部會攜手合作,給合民間資源,共同獎勵選購綠色產品及參與環保行動者。制度推動之初,規劃以綠色產品(服務)製造商、販售商做為主要綠點提供者,輔以環保署提供綠點加碼提高誘因,啟動環保集點制度,擴大整合公部門相關部會與民間資源,可供後續綠色消費使用,以點數交換、扣抵環保產品費用,支付公共交通費用捐款等形式回饋給消費者。引領民眾力行綠色生活,並藉由乘數效果,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環。本計畫借鏡韓國(Green Card)、日本(COCOCA、ECO AP)、中國(綠色信用卡)等國綠點相關制度及我國現行集點制度(相關載具、電子發票、紅利積點、綠色商店等),並由各機關單位訪談內容強化可能情境研析。本計畫完成六十家單位訪視,蒐集並研議對於民眾及企業之誘因方案;研析完成綠色產品減碳計算規劃及綠點兌換減碳計算平台規劃;完成三場次綠色產品識別及集點運行方式研商會議,並收集相關單位意見調查問卷;最後,完成環保集點LOGO徵選活動。
EngTitle 2013 Green point system planning and building project plans
EngAbstract In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental maintenance issue to promote environmental protection in the global context. The thorny issue that a government must face is how to safe the economic interest to be not in conflict with environmental protection. Green point system to promote environmental protection is a valuable environmental behavior of the concept, is a financial promotion and marketing of the system, namely the establishment of specific incentives for different objects environmental action by governments, businesses and the public to participate in practice."Environmental Action valuable," which means the set point system through environmental, government ministries will work together to close private resources together to award the purchase of green products and actors involved in environmental protection. System to promote the beginning, planning to green products (services) Manufacturers, Vendors, as the primary provider Green Point, Green Point overweight supplemented by EPA to provide improved incentives, environmental set-point system to start and expand the integration of the public sector related ministries and private resources available for subsequent use of green consumption, to exchange points, imputed cost of environmentally friendly products, pay for public transport costs back to consumers in the form of donations. Lead people to practice green living, and through the multiplier effect, expand the green consumer market, driving the green economy cycle. This project learn Korean (Green Card), Japan (COCOCA, ECO AP), Chinese (green credit card) and other relevant national Green Point system and our current set-point system (related to vehicles, electronic invoices, bonus points, green shops ), and interviews by the departments and units to strengthen research and analysis of possible scenarios. This project is completed sixty units of visits, gathering and deliberation incentives for people and businesses in the program; research analysis completed for green products is calculated carbon reduction plan and Green Point Carbon computing platform conversion plan; complete three sessions of green product identification and collection point operation mode to study and meetings, and collect relevant units opinion survey; Finally, to complete the green point LOGO environmental levy election activities.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 汎宇電商股份有限公司