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Title 101、102年應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體監督查核評鑑專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要研修稽核認證監督管理制度及協助執行相關監督查核評鑑作業;規劃透過稽核認證監督查核評鑑制度,制定相關管理規範,防止稽核認證作業中產生弊端、提高稽核作業效率;完成規劃導入各項稽核認證管理系統,包含資源回收(RRMS)系統中稽核認證監督作業業務管理資訊功能、受補貼機構交通位置圖監督平台電子化、稽核認證團體監督業務e化管理平台與監督計畫現場查核電子題庫。檢討應回收廢棄物稽核認證監督制度及實體標準流程作業內容,並導入實廠觀摩,分析稽核認證監督作業執行成果,由查核評鑑缺失及稽核人力、稽核作業重點、稽核認證量核算等關鍵查核要點,以評估有效之稽核認證作業改善項目、查驗模式與計畫工作等,研擬提升監督作業成效方案,並提出稽核認證專案具體建議需求。101及102年期間協助委員完成應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體之實廠觀摩9場次、查核作業共112場、評鑑作業16場及7場以上相關會議之檢視與研析,提出修正建議。透過以上本計畫作業內容,可強化整體稽核認證制度面、執行面及系統面之作業效能及品質。
EngTitle 2012-2013 Project on the Monitoring, Checking and Evaluation of Auditing and Certification Groups an
EngAbstract The project mainly aims to design and devise the auditing and certification monitoring system, and conduct related monitoring, checking and evaluation of auditing and certification operations. Through this auditing and certification monitoring system, the underlying management regulation will be set up, and irregularities occurred in auditing and certification procedure will be prevented, thereby the operation efficiency of auditing will be increased. The project has completed an introduction of various auditing and certification management systems, including the management information function of auditing, certification and monitoring in Resources recycling information management system (RRMS), e-management platform of monitoring businesses for auditing and certification groups, e-map for subsidized businesses, and e-question bank for on-site checking of monitoring project.The executive unit of the project also reviewed the auditing, certification, and monitoring regulations for recyclable wastes and the contents of concrete standard operating procedure; furthermore, the executive unit started to introduce factory on-site visiting, analyzing the result of auditing, certification, and monitoring operations;by checking some critical auditing items such as drawbacks evaluation, labor power evaluation, main points of auditing operations, and the quantity of auditing and certification, the project has evaluated the improvement items and the checking modes and plans to effectively boost up the result of auditing and certification operation. A proposal of the enhancement of monitoring efficiency will be studied and specific suggestions for auditing certification program will be proposed.In 2012 and 2013, the executive unit of the project has assisted the committee members to complete 9 on-site visits for recycled recyclable wastes auditing and certification groups, organizing 112 checking operations, performing 16 evaluation operations, and holding at least 7 relevant reviewing and analysis conferences, in which some corrective suggestions were proposed. Through the contents of this project briefly described above, the project may enhance auditing and certification efficiency in the aspect of institution and execution and system.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司