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Title 102年全國社區大學氣候變遷環境教育推廣專案工作計畫
Abstract 因氣候變遷所造成的全球環境危機,已是這個世紀全體人類最大的挑戰和必須共同面對的嚴肅課題。為因應全球危機,各國政府開始積極推動各種有關氣候變遷的調適方案。我國雖非聯合國成員,但作為地球村生命共同體的一員,自當無法置之事外。
EngTitle Summary of the Plan of Promoting Environmental Education Concerning Climatic Change among all Commun
EngAbstract The global environmental crisis caused by climatic change has become the biggestchallenge for all human beings this century; it is a serious problem that we all must facetogether. To cope with this global crisis, the governments of all countries have begun toactively promote all kinds of climate-related programs. Although Taiwan is not amember of the UN, as a member of the global village, we cannot keep out of the affair.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人社區大學全國促進會