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Title 102年度屏東縣柴油車檢測計畫
Abstract 計畫名稱: 102年度「屏東縣柴油車檢測計畫」委託單位:屏東縣政府環境保護局執行單位:瑩諮科技股份有限公司計畫主持人:林慈儀 聯絡人:吳明蒼聯絡電話:(07)8151591 傳真:(07)8151590計畫期程:自102年2月27日起至103年2月28日止經費:新台幣肆佰肆拾柒萬元整計畫執行概述:一、 柴油車檢測作業自102年3月1日截至103年2月28日,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測890輛次,無負載檢測492輛次,路邊攔檢615輛次(含6輛直上動力計全負載),場站檢測228輛次,合計執行2,219輛次,累積達成數量100%,總不合格數275輛,不合格率12.4%。二、 非法油品稽查管制計畫期間需配合環保署102年度加強辦理交通管理措施推動暨非法油品查緝計畫,計執行路邊攔車稽查油品採樣87輛次,動力站抽油37輛次,配合地檢署國土小組抽油1輛次,共計完成油品採樣125件,油品皆合格,累積達成數量100%。三、 民眾檢舉案件處理102年1月1日統計至102年12月31日為止,共接獲檢舉柴油車污染156件,因資料不全等原因而不辦案件55件,可通知案件101件,回覆96件。另已完成到檢回覆數為156件。另針對有提供照片或影片之複審評定會議,則採取每月召開2次之方式,現階段統計至12月底,共計通過複審並完成核發檢舉獎勵金17件。四、 柴油車自主管理結合高屏空品區訂定「柴油車客貨運業者自主管理共通規範」,以分級管理為原則。現階段完成117家完成簽訂,列管車輛數達988輛。五、 自主管理及保檢合一推動為推動柴油車自主管理及保檢合一,工作團隊分別於於102年4月30日邀請環保署張和中技師,針對本縣清潔隊,召開「柴油車加裝濾煙器說明會」,會議中針對 大署欲推動柴油車加裝濾煙器及環保駕駛執行宣導,會議中並要求各公務單位柴油車輛全數納入柴油車自主管理系統;102年5月2日則召開「柴油車保檢合一暨環保駕駛說明會」,針對本縣各車隊及保養廠宣導本縣今年度推動之柴油車認證保養廠評選及辦理方法,另外也宣導駕駛習慣的改善能有效達到節能減碳之目的;並依據縣府工商科及蒐集至柴油車動力計檢測站執行排煙檢測之車輛,維修及調修之保養廠業者名單,共歸納328間保養廠,並逐一電話訪問結果,僅有76間屬於柴油車保養廠,經過初步篩選及現場訪查之後,共有4家保養廠進入第二階段評鑑作業,並於102年10月7日邀請專家學者及局內長官完成評鑑作業,其評鑑結果依序名次為優先評選出2家柴油車認可保養廠,分別為裕益汽車股份有限公司屏東分公司及屏東客運修配廠。另於11月7日針對兩家保養廠人員辦理柴油車認可保養廠教育訓練,課程安排包含柴油車排煙檢測原理及儀器設備介紹,另外針對「柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序」說明及現行法規之排放標準規範等課程,並且安排人員實際操作演練及現場進行考核測驗,以確認認可保養廠技術人員具備執行檢測能力。六、 停車熄火宣導工作團隊於路邊攔檢與動力站檢測時,除標準解說流程外,亦宣導停車熄火政令並給予宣導貼紙;另至各公務機關、車輛公會及各宣導會進行政令宣導。為因應停車熄火政策,使車主於熄火時能有妥善休息空間,本計畫於102年7月已與瑪家鄉台灣原住民文化園區及墾丁貓鼻頭停車場達成協議,增設司機休息室提供司機休息之區域,進而降低車輛怠速之行為發生,於11月墾丁貓鼻頭停車場已設置完成。七、 削減量推估本計畫執行之削減量,估計102年1月至12月TSP削減20.0公噸,PM10每年削減20.0公噸。
EngTitle 2013 Pingtung County Diesel Vehicle Inspection Program
EngAbstract Project title: 2013 Pingtung County Diesel Vehicle Inspection ProgramClient: Pingtung County Environmental Protection BureauExecuted by: Envimac Environmental Solution ProviderPI: Lin Ciyi Contact Person : Wu TsangTel: ( 07 ) 8151591 Fax: ( 07 ) 8151590Project Period: February 27, 2013 until February 28, 2014Funding : NT$44,70,000Project Executive Summary :1. Diesel vehicle inspection operations Since March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014, there had been a total of 890 diesel vehicle-times inspected, 492 vehicle-times with unloading inspection, 615 vehicle-times inspected at roadside checkpoints (including six vehicle-times with dynamometer at full load), 228 vehicles-times tested at stations, which is a total of 2,219 vehicle-times, with the cumulative number reaching 100%; 275 vehicles failed with a failure rate of 12.4%.2. Inspection and control of illegal oil During the project, in compliance with the EPA, to strengthen the 102 traffic management measures and to promote illegal oil investigation project, there were 87 vehicle-times oil-tested at the roadside checkpoints; 37 vehicle-times oil-pumped at the power stations; in accordance with Homeland office at Kaohsiung District Prosecutor Office, one vehicle-time was oil-pumped. In total, there were 125 samples of oil, which were all qualified, with the number reaching 100% accumulatively.3. The public report case processing From January 1 to December 31, 2013, there were a total of 156 reported cases on diesel vehicle pollution. Due to incomplete information, 55 cases weren’t dealt with. Among 101 notifiable cases, 96 cases were replied. The number of cases responding to checkup were 156. Besides, re-checkup evaluation meetings were held for the cases with photos or videos provided twice a month. Till the end of December, there was a total of 17 cases posing the review and awarded with report incentives. 4. Diesel vehicle self-management In combination with the setting of "Diesel Passenger and Freight Industry Self-management Common Norms “ for the Kaohsiung-Pingtung air quality area, with hierarchical management principal, there were 117 places completing the signing with the number of vehicles reaching 988.5. Self-management and insurance checkup two-in-one promotion To promote diesel vehicle self-management and insurance checkup two-in-one, on April 30, 2013, our team invited technician Mr. Zhang Hezhong gave speech to our county clean team on "diesel vehicles with soot filter installation. In this meeting, we promoted diesel vehicles to install soot filters and eco-friendly driving; we also required all the diesel vehicles owned by the public service offices to be included in the diesel vehicle self-management system; on May 2, 2013, "Diesel vehicle insurance and inspection two-in-one and eco-driving convention” was held to promote the selection handling measures of the diesel vehicle certification maintenance factories in every motorcade and maintenance factories that year. Besides, the improvement of the driving habits was advocated to of effectively achieve the purpose of energy saving and carbon reduction; according to the vehicles from industry branch, Kaohsiung City Government and from diesel vehicle power emission testing stations, on the list of the maintenance factories, there were 328 factories. From the results of one by one telephone interviews, there were only 76 factories belong to diesel vehicle maintenance factories. After initial screening and on-site visits, there was a total of four factories going into the second stage of evaluation operations. On October 7, 2013, experts as well as scholars and executives from bureau were invited to complete the evaluation operations. According to the evaluation results, two approved diesel vehicle maintenance factories were selected from the priority ranking order: Yu Yi Motor Company Limited Pingtung branch and Pingtung passenger transport repair factory respectively. On November 7, the education training were held for these two approved diesel vehicle maintenance factories. The curriculum includes principles on diesel vehicle emissions testing and equipment introduction. Besides, as for the "Diesel vehicle Exhaust Emissions Testing Methods and Procedures,” the curriculum includes emission standards and other existing regulations courses. Some personals were arranged to do practical exercises and on-site assessment tests to confirm the technicians in the approved maintenance factories with the testing skills. 6. Parking stall advocacy When our team inspected vehicles at the roadside bar examination and power stations, in addition to the standard interpretation process, we also advocated parking stall decree and gave propaganda stickers; we also advocate in various public institutions, vehicle unions and other advocacy conventions. In response to parking stall policy, to make vehicle owners have a proper rest at flameout, with the project an agreement has been reached with the Taiwan Aboriginal Culture Park in Majia township and Maobitou, in Kenting parking lot in July, 2013. An additional drivers’ lounge has been built to offer drivers a rest area and thereby reduced vehicle idling condition occurring. In November, the Maobitou parking lot in Kenting has been set.7. Reductions estimate In this project, from January to December, 2013, the amount of TSP reduction has reached 20.0 metric tons, and PM10 reduction of 20.0 tons per year.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司