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Title 102年度基隆市空氣品質綜合管理暨室內空氣品質管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作執行期間,皆依據合約相關規定辦理,並以達成績效指標、環境指標及民意指標為三大努力方向,積極有效運用空氣污染防制經費,改善基隆市空氣品質,並以爭取行政院環境保護署績效考評佳績為目標,協助執行各子計畫查核管制,並整合及展現各項計畫成果,達成空氣品質綜合管理之目的。相關重點摘要分為以下兩類說明:一、工作量化成果:在計劃期間,已依規定完成各3場次之空氣污染管制、港區污染管制、陳情案件處理相關工作檢討會議。每月針對基隆市主要道路進行道路目視普查共執行208段次,通報髒污8件、另配合環保署道路髒污通報完成回報共5件。協助完成辦理1場基隆市環境保護基金管理委員會議,並配合貴局、環保署等相關行政資料或會議之資料撰寫及提報與參與。在環境負荷方面,人口數仍持續呈現下降情形(102年374,914人,較101年減少2,239人)、商業登記家數總數為11,208家、工廠登記數為271家,較101年大致持平;轄區車輛總數280,121輛,主要污染源以機車、小客車為主,合計占96.95%,在全國車輛密度排名第4,屬於中高負荷。在空氣品質方面,102年空氣品質指標(PSI)年平均為44.7,不良比率(PSI>100)為0%;良好比率(PSI≦50)為69.3%,指標污染物為臭氧。基隆市歷年皆優於國家長期改善目標(PSI>100為1.5%)。本年度已針對歷年空氣污染物法規超限情形進行探討分析,主要空氣污染物之超限情形已逐年改善,將以此作為未來空氣污染防制計畫書修訂相關空氣品質目標之調整依據。在推動基隆市室內空氣品質管理方面,皆已依據環保署室內空氣品質考評相關規定,完成預公告場所輔導20處次及配合相關宣導7處次、5處細懸浮微粒檢測;2場次宣導及1場次跨局處協調與宣導會議。民意調查結果,在環保局改善空氣品質工作滿意度有51%(101年50.4%)傾向滿意,34.3%(101年35.8%)傾向不滿意。整體來說,有五成以上市民對於環保局改善空氣品質之工作成效感到滿意。未來建議應針對市民認為應加強管制之標的,朝向解決民眾陳情原因來努力,結合多元化宣導,提升民眾環保意識與知識,進而提高民眾好感與認同。二、未來方向建議:有關基隆市各項空氣污染防制暨空氣品質維護改善工作之相關未來可行推動方向及作法,綜整重點建議如下:(一)細懸浮微粒污染掌握:未來可進一步編列相關模式模擬分析,以釐清基隆市細懸浮微粒濃度成分、來源比例,瞭解轄區內細懸浮微粒境內境外之污染比例,以進一步掌握污染來源與對象。(二)重點污染源管制推動:基隆主要污染源除協和電廠之外,以移動污染源為另外一主要排放來源,尤其以機車為主,應以管制為主、搭配持續汰舊及低污染運具設置推廣為主,以降低移動污染源負荷為重點管制目標。(三)污染排放量管理掌握:本年度依據環保署排放量資料,針對來源、對象進行解析,建議未來應要求相關計畫針對其管制對象之排放量進行清查與推估,釐清污染來源,與環保署排放量清冊比對,以掌握實際排放量。(四)空氣污染管制計畫網路資訊整合:為提升基隆市空氣污染管制工作成果與法令宣導效益,應有效利用網路平台的即時性,建議可規劃整合相關網頁資訊,進行網路資源整合,強化及展現空氣污染管制工作成效。(五)基隆港區未來管制建議:臺灣港務股份有限公司於102年提出「臺灣港群綠色港口推動方案」,為因應基隆港轉型,建議可針對基隆港轉型可能所帶來之相關影響擬定專案計畫進行分析(例如:轉型後港區及港區周遭道路車流量轉變、轉型對基隆港各面向帶來之效益…等),以作為未來港區污染管制策略方向研擬之參考。
EngTitle 102 Keelung year integrated management of air quality of indoor air quality control plan cum
EngAbstract During the execution of this project work , are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract , and to achieve performance indicators, environmental indicators and indicators of public opinion for the three endeavors , active and effective use of air pollution control spending, improve air quality , Keelung , and to gain administrative EPD hospital performance appraisal success as the goal, assist in the implementation of each subproject audit controls and integration and to show the results of the project , to achieve the goal of integrated management of air quality . Highlights divided into the following two categories related instructions :First, the work to quantify the results :During the plan period , have been completed in accordance with the provisions of this three screenings of air pollution control, pollution control , Minato , case processing petitions related work review meetings . Keelung month for road main road to perform a visual survey of 208 Paragraphs , informed dirty 8 , another dirt road with the EPA notified the completion of the return of five . Help complete the processing of a field of Keelung Environmental Defense Fund Management Committee meeting , and with information relevant administrative data or the meeting of the Council, such as writing and reported to the EPA and participation.In terms of environmental impact , the population continued to show a downward scenario ( 102 years 374,914 people, a decrease of 2,239 compared to 101 people ) , business registration number of the total number of 11,208 family home , factory registration number is 271 , compared with 101 the year roughly flat ; area of the vehicle total 280,121 vehicles, major sources of pollution to locomotives, passenger cars based, together accounted for 96.95% , ranked fourth in the national vehicle density , belong to the high load .In terms of air quality , air quality index was 102 (PSI) an average of 44.7 years , poor ratio (PSI> 100) was 0% ; favorable ratio (PSI ≦ 50) was 69.3 % for the index pollutant ozone . Keelung calendar year are better than the national long-term improvement goals (PSI> 100 1.5% ) .For the calendar year from air pollution regulations be overrun scenario analysis discussed , major air pollutants overrun situation has gradually improved , will serve as the future of air pollution control plan amendments related to air quality objectives adjusted basis .Keelung in promoting indoor air quality management, have switched in accordance with EPA regulations indoor air quality evaluation , complete the pre- announcement counseling 20 times and places associated with the promotion seven times , five fine suspended particles detected ; 2 sessions advocacy screenings and a cross-departmental coordination and advocacy meetings.Survey results , the Environmental Protection Agency to improve air quality and job satisfaction , 51% ( 50.4% in 101 years ) tend to satisfaction , 34.3% ( 35.8% in 101 years ) tendency dissatisfied. Overall, there are over half of the people working for the Environmental Protection Agency to improve the effectiveness of air quality satisfaction. Future proposal should address the public think should strengthen the control of the subject , toward solving the public petition to try to reason , combined with diverse advocacy to enhance public environmental awareness and knowledge , and to improve public goodwill and recognition.Second, the future direction of the recommendations:Keelung about the air pollution control air quality maintenance -cum- related improvements to promote viable future direction and practices , integrated whole key recommendations are as follows :( A ) fine suspended particles of pollution control :Future models may be further restated related simulation analysis to clarify Keelung fine aerosol concentrations ingredients, proportions sources to understand the proportion of fine suspended particles of pollution in the area outside the territory , in order to further understand the sources of pollution and objects.(B ) to promote the focus on pollution control :Keelung major source of pollution in addition to Concord plant to move to another one of the major sources of pollution emission sources , particularly in the main locomotive should be control -oriented , with a continuous replacement of old and polluting transport has set up to promote mainly to reduce the load of mobile sources focus on control objectives .( C) the amount of pollution emitted management master :Year based on EPA emissions data for the source object for analysis, recommendations for future requirements related projects should be carried out for the control of emissions from the object of their inventory and estimate clarify sources of pollution , and EPA emissions inventory compared to control actual emissions .(D ) Air Pollution Control Program Network Information Integration:To improve the outcome of Keelung and the Air Pollution Control Act advocacy work efficiency , efficient use of network platform should be immediate , it is recommended to plan the integration of the relevant pages of information , for network resource integration, strengthen and demonstrate the effectiveness of air pollution control .(E ) the future regulatory proposal Keelung area :Port Co., Ltd. of Taiwan proposed in 102 years , " Hong Kong Taiwan group to promote the Green Port Program" , in response to the transformation of Keelung , Keelung proposal for restructuring related to the impact might be brought by the proposed project plan for analysis ( for example : the transformation Hougang Port traffic areas and surrounding roads change , transformation efficiency for each of Keelung brought ... etc ) , in order to develop as a reference for future strategic direction of the harbor pollution control .
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基隆市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司