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Title 102年度基隆港港區船舶排煙影像辨識技術可行性評估及港區PM2.5監測管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目標係應用視覺影像進行船舶排煙影像即時監控與蒐證,針對船舶污染源迅速採取應變管制與稽查措施,同時應用遙測技術監控港區污染情形,評估污染源管制措施之效益、進行船舶油品含硫量調查,以及調查研究基隆港區PM2.5 排放特性並規劃有效之管制策略。本計畫應用CCTV 影像監控系統進行船舶排煙監看作業,自102年度4 月至12 月底,記錄異常排煙情形共有130 件,並針對7 件異常排煙情形(6 件異常、1 件民眾陳情)進行通報基隆市環保局及基隆港務分公司,現場人員判斷不透光率未超過40%,無違規不當冒煙情事,皆已列入後續主要追蹤對象。另追蹤本年度排煙船舶之後續進出港及排煙情形顯示,港區主要排煙情事仍以麗星郵輪及海軍艦艇為主。另配合港區船舶油品含硫量採樣分析,主要為瞭解船舶油品使用情形,至10 月底止完成20 樣本分析(重油10 件,柴油10 件),結果顯示,受測油品之含硫量均在中油販售油品規範範圍內,並遠低於MARPOL 73/78 公約之規範。本年度新增排煙影像辨識作業,利用影像辨識技術,對於船舶排煙進行辨識評估。船舶影像辨識系統對於船舶排煙的辨識與目測判煙相比對的正確度已可達到八成五左右,並且設有自動通報系統,在偵測到煙霧後可以即時得到訊息以做相關因應,運用自動辨識系統將可增進人工目測的效率,並提升儀器檢測的自動性,對於未來的船舶判煙將有一定的幫助。彙整UV-DOAS 監測結果顯示,港區二氧化硫(SO2)與二氧化氮(NO2)日平均濃度與基隆測站相較,硫氧化物(SO2)部分,基隆港區較空品測站平均高2.3 倍;氮氧化物(NO2)部分,基隆港區較空品測站平均高28%,另苯(Benzene)、甲苯及對-二甲苯(p-Xylene)之濃度趨勢均無顯著相關性。在各異常事件日中,透過上風處方位及影片確認,船舶排煙對二氧化硫(SO2)有顯著影響。針對現階段監測結果及盛行風向顯示,船舶排煙對氣狀污染物SO2、懸浮微粒PM10 及PM2.5來源有顯著影響。細懸浮微粒PM2.5 監測,包含自動採樣分析儀及手動採樣兩部分, PM2.5 自動及手動採樣分析成果,與環保署同時段手動監測結果與本計畫測值相較,兩者趨勢尚相近。另分析監測期間盛行風向顯示,船舶排煙對氣狀污染物SO2、懸浮微粒PM10 及 PM2.5 來源有顯著影響,以盛行風向而言,主要造成港區污染濃度上升因素,以港區周遭活動為主要來源;二次衍生氣膠部份,以SOR 值及NOR值來看本年度執行之檢測(5 月27 日至7 月28 日)主要來自當地產生之污染物轉化;依NH4+利用率指標J 值及I 值進行解析, I 值大於2,J 值小於1 表示當地污染之硫酸鹽大多與NH4+中和完,硝酸鹽無中和完,故應管制硝酸鹽,管制硝酸鹽除可減少PM2.5 之形成,對於本市臭氧問題的解決亦有幫助。藉由UV-DOAS 監測、PM2.5 成分分析、風速風向推估及與港區內船舶進出數等進行交叉比對,推估港區內活動(含船舶進出港及車輛進出等)明顯影響港區內SO2 之測值變化;國際上趨勢,未來2020年後油品含硫量將加嚴降低至0.5%以下,以目前油品測值,皆遠高於此標準。綜上述,為維護港區環境空氣品質,未來除加強船舶油品管制作業,應同時對港區內出入船舶行進速度、船舶排煙行為、港區周邊移動污染源行為等進行管制,並推行港區岸電使用等,進而降低港區內空氣污染事實,維護市民良好空氣生活品質。
EngTitle 102 years Keelung harbor ship smoke image recognition technology feasibility assessment and monitoring of PM2.5 harbor management plan
EngAbstract Application The main objective of this project visual images of ships exhaust system real-time monitoring and video evidence collection , control and audit quickly implement contingency measures against ship pollution , while applying remote sensing technology to monitor the harbor pollution situation , assess the effectiveness of pollution control measures , a shipping sulfur content of oil surveys and research PM2.5 emission characteristics of Keelung area and plan effective control strategies.The project application CCTV video surveillance system to monitor ship operations smoke , 102 years since the end of April to 12 , recording a total of 130 abnormal situations smoke and smoke for seven abnormal situations ( six exceptions, a public petition ) be informed of the EPA and Keelung Keelung Harbor Branch , field personnel to determine opacity does not exceed 40% , non- smoking violations improper circumstances , have switched to include follow- main track objects. Another follow-up work for the year and out the exhaust port and ship exhaust situation shows that smoke -compliance is still the main harbor and naval -based Star Cruises . Another oil with sulfur content of ship Port sampling and analysis , to understand the main ship oil usage , until the end of October to complete the 20 samples analyzed ( 10 heavy oil , diesel 10 ) , the results showed that the sulfur content of oil under test Petroleum oils sold in volume within specification range and far below the MARPOL 73/78 Convention norms .New Year smoke image recognition task , the use of image recognition technology to identify the ship exhaust be assessed . Ships accuracy of image recognition system for ship identification and visual exhaust smoke sentence has been compared to about 85% can be achieved , and with automatic notification system detects smoke can instantly get the message to do the relevant response , the use of automatic identification system will be able to enhance the efficiency of artificial visual and enhance automatic detection of the instrument for the future of the ship determination of smoke will have some help.Archives UV-DOAS monitoring results show that Port Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the daily average concentration of Keelung station contrast, sulfur oxides (SO2) part , Keelung area air quality monitoring stations compared to the average height of 2.3 times ; nitrogen oxides (NO2) part , Keelung area air quality monitoring stations compared to an average high of 28% , and the other benzene (Benzene), toluene and on - the concentration trend xylene (p-Xylene) of no significant correlation. Japan and China in various unusual events , and videos through the upwind direction confirmed a significant impact on ship exhaust sulfur dioxide (SO2). Monitoring results for the present and the prevailing wind direction display , ship smoke on gaseous pollutants SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 sources of suspended particles have a significant effect .Fine suspended particles PM2.5 monitoring, sampling analyzers with automatic and manual sampling of two parts , PM2.5 automatic and manual sampling and analysis results, while manual monitoring results section and the measured value of the project compared with the EPD , the two trends are still similar. Another analysis of the prevailing wind direction during the monitoring period showed that the ship had to exhaust gaseous pollutants SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 sources of suspended particles significantly affect to the prevailing wind direction , the main factors causing increase in pollutant concentrations Port to Port activities around as the main source ; secondary aerosol derived part to NOR SOR value and value terms during the year to perform the detection of ( May 27-July 28 ) primarily from the conversion of local pollutants generated ; according to NH4 + utilization index J value and I value parsed , I value greater than 2, J value of less than 1 indicates that most of the local pollution sulfate and finished with NH4 + in nitrate -free medium and finished, it should control nitrate , in addition to control of nitrate reduction in PM2. 5 of the form , for solving the problem of ozone will also help the city .Monitored by UV-DOAS , PM2.5 component analysis, estimate wind speed and direction and the number of ships entering and leaving the harbor , such as cross- comparison, estimated within the port activities ( including the ship out of port and vehicle access , etc. ) significantly affect Hong Kong changes in the measured value of the SO2 in the region ; international trends, future oil 2020 tightened to reduce the sulfur content to 0.5 % or less, the current measured value of oil , were much higher than this standard.Above, to maintain the quality of ambient air , Minato , in addition to strengthening the future of ship oil control operations , should also be on the road within the port speed access to the ship , the ship smoke behavior , Minato surrounding behavior to regulate mobile sources of pollution , and implement Minato such as the use of shore power , thereby reducing air pollution within the port fact , maintaining good air quality and public life .
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基隆市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司