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Title 推動離島地區興設生質能源中心專案工作計畫
Abstract 為落實節能減碳政策及解決離島垃圾處理問題,行政院環境保護署遂於100年起研擬「離島地區興設生質能源中心報院計畫」報院案,業於民國102年1月23日同意核定在案;惟該報院計畫就所提各項產出物再利用之效益,仍應進行滾動式檢討。爰此,為妥善規劃離島地區垃圾處理方案及兼具發展生質能源,本計畫藉由調查生質料源、能資源產品需求、再利用效益,蒐集生質技術(厭氧消化/高效堆肥/熱裂解)以及為滿足地方發展特性,據以規劃最佳處理技術組合。同時,為提高設施運轉規模及考慮料源集運問題,生質能源中心開發應循「擴大生質料源」及「分階段擴建模式」兩大原則。最佳技術組合規劃如下:澎湖縣為「垃圾分選廠(另案興建,設計量70公噸/日)+厭氧消化廠(新設,設計量80公噸/日(第1階段50公噸/日+第2階段30公噸/日))+堆肥廠(新設,設計量25公噸/日)」;金門縣為「垃圾分選廠(新設,設計量40公噸/日)+厭氧消化廠(新設,設計量100公噸/日(第1階段60公噸/日+第2階段40公噸/日))+堆肥廠(新設,設計量40公噸/日)」;連江縣為「垃圾分選廠(新設,設計量10公噸/日)+生質物燃料錠廠(新設,產品量4公噸/日)+轉運對岸)」;至於熱裂解技術,建議應視離島現況及國外技術發展動態,進行滾動檢討、調整。經濟效益評估假設不考慮初設成本(悉由中央補助)、土地成本(由地方政府自籌)及不攤提設備折舊情況下,以經濟效益淨現值經濟指標評估營運20年的收益,並與現行垃圾處理方式(轉運+焚化)比較。若沼氣規劃燃氣發電利用,澎湖、金門離島生質能源中心分別具3.589億元及4.117億元效益;若沼氣規劃CNG燃料利用,澎湖、金門離島生質能源中心分別具4.477億元及4.473億元效益;若沼氣規劃供蒸汽利用,金門離島生質能源中心具5.861億元效益。連江離島生質能源中心具0.793億元效益。推動生質能源中心每年約減少7,809公噸碳排放。為減少工程介面、確保施工品質及建立最佳化操作條件,生質能源中心宜採統包方式辦理(含細設/製造/安裝/測試/訓練/一定時間的維護或營運),並採「公有民營」操作營運模式,方能提昇營運效能及確保永續經營。另外,本計畫完成相關工作及配合交辦事項,包括離島天然資源調查、邀請國外專家就八里污水處理廠廚餘厭氧共消化試辦計畫進行技術指導、於離島地區辦理1場次辦理生質能源中心技術研討會、涉及環境影響評估及海岸線、海流影響監控機制法令研析,以及提供生質能源中心工程計畫書範本等工作。
EngTitle The Project Of Promoting Offshore Islands Region To Establish Bio-Energy Center
EngAbstract In order to implement the carbon reduction policy and solve the offshore islands solid waste disposal problems in Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) thus promoted 「The Project Of Promoting Offshore Islands Region To Establish Bio-Energy Center」to the Executive Yuan and it was approved on January 23, 2013. However, the benefits from outcome resources should be reviewed gradually.For the purpose of proper plan waste disposal solutions and the offshore islands region renewable energy development; therefore, the project team planned the best treatment technology assembling by investigating biomass material, resources product demand, utilization benefits and collected biomass technical information (Anaerobic Digestion, High-effective Compost, Pyrolysis); moreover, met the local development feature. Meanwhile, for increasing facility operation scale, considering biomass material collection and transportation problem, the offshore islands biomass energy center should be followed ‘widen biomass material’ and ‘installment expansion method’ principles. The best technology treatment assembling as below, Penghu County was 「waste sorting equipment treatment (constructed, design capacity 70 tons per day), Anaerobic Digestion treatment (new, design capacity 80 tons per day) and high-effective Compost (new, design capacity 25 tons per day)」. Kinmen County was 「waste sorting equipment treatment (new, design capacity 40 tons per day), Anaerobic Digestion treatment (new, design capacity 100 tons per day) and high-effective Compost (new, design capacity 40 tons per day)」. Lianjiang County was「waste sorting equipment treatment (new, design capacity 10 tons per day), Biofuel (new, product capacity 4 tons per day) and transport to Chinese mainland」. Pyrolysis technology was recommended to ongoing review and adjusted regard to the offshore islands current situation and abroad technology development.Economic profit evaluation was based on the assumption of non-considering first cost (central government grants) land cost(local government grants) and equipment depreciation, which adopts Net Present Value (NPV) indicator to evaluate the operating benefits for 20 years,and operational benefits was compared to currently waste disposal methods (transportation and incineration) . If the biogas used as electricity generation, Penghu and Kimen has NTD 358.9 million and NTD 411.7 million benefits , respectively; If the biogas used as compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel, Penghu and Kimen has NTD 447.7 million and NTD 447.3 million benefits, respectively; If the biogas used as steam fuel, Kimen has NTD 586.1 million benefits. Lianjiang has NTD 79.3 million benefits . Aspect of greenhouse gas reduction, the offshore islands biomass energy center might be reduced approximately 7,809 metric tons of carbon emissions annually. To decrease the engineering interface and ensure construction quality and establish an optimized operating mode, the offshore islands biomass energy center should adopt turnkey package (including detail design/manufacture/install/test/train/maintenance or a period of operation). By public-private operation mode can enhance operating performance and ensure sustainable management.In addition, the project has completed relevant tasks, including offshore islands natural resources survey, invited a expert to provide technical guidance regarding Bali wastewater treatment plant co-digestion with food waste pilot project, held a technical seminar in offshore island, involved the environmental impact assessment, coastline and ocean current control mechanism, as well as provided biomass energy center plan template as references.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司