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Title 102年度基隆市餐飲業污染管制計畫
Abstract 餐飲業污染管制為基隆市環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)歷年來持續且積極推動之作業,本年度計畫執行期程為102年4月至12月底,共進行基本資料調查402家次;稽巡查件數816件(含陳情案件277件);輔導餐飲業完成防制設備改善共33家;進行餐飲業檢測共11家次;辦理餐飲業污染減量說明會4場次及1場次之教育訓練。除執行合約要求之各工作項目外,本計畫亦延續過去推動之餐飲業源頭管理創新作法及熱區主動巡查,目前有17家新設立餐飲業經與產發處合作方式而進行納管;另於熱區主動巡查作業中,現階段主要以中正區、安樂區及仁愛區為主要區域,共執行285家佔主動巡查58.3%,建議未來依據各行政區陳情案件統計資料,持續修正高陳情潛勢之熱區路段巡查規劃。在陳情案件處理情形,統計102年度共接獲277件陳情,其中包含公害陳情案件共184件,陳情案件或其它陳情案件共93件;整體陳情案件以稽查結果進行分析,主要為勸導改善共155件(約佔56.0 %),未發現污染現象者有92件(約佔32.1 %)。另針對餐飲業基本資料調查,統計計畫期間102年4月至12月底,統計共完成402家次,餐飲業類別以中式餐廳為最多,佔整體之54.2 %,其次為速食店,佔整體之31.6 %。防制設備裝設情形以中式餐廳最多,共有67家(裝設比例為31%);其次為速食店,共有43家(裝設比例為34%),總計共有147家裝設污染防治設備,裝設比例為37%。為達到改善空氣品質之目的,建立餐飲業陳情案件處理要點,作為未來餐飲業稽查管制依據,並配合輔導改善稽查紀錄表,輔導餐飲業者裝設相關防治設備及定期維護。
EngTitle 102 years Keelung catering pollution control plan
EngAbstract Catering for the Keelung Pollution Control Environmental Protection Agency ( hereinafter referred to as EPA ) over the years and continue to actively promote the jobs plan process for the 102 year implementation period of April to the end of December , a total of 402 times the basic survey data ; JI inspections pieces 816 ( petition containing 277 cases ) ; counseling control equipment to improve the food and beverage industry completed a total of 33 ; conducted a total of 11 food and beverage industry to detect times ; handle the catering industry pollution reduction instructions and training sessions will be four sessions of 1 .In addition to the implementation of the work program contract requirements , the project also continues to promote the food and beverage industry over the last source management practices and innovative initiative to inspect the hot zone , there are 17 new restaurants already established cooperation with production carried out at the hair nanotube ; another in the hot zone initiative to inspect the job , at this stage mainly in Zhongzheng District , Lok area and benevolence region is the main area of the implementation of 285 accounted for proactive inspections of 58.3% , suggested the future based on various administrative petition cases statistics , sustained correction of high petitions potential the hot zone road patrol plan.In the petition case handling situation , statistics 102 years received a total of 277 petitions , which includes public nuisance cases of 184 petition cases or other petition cases of 93 ; whole petition cases to audit the results were analyzed , mainly for persuasion improvement of 155 pieces (about 56.0% ) , those who have not found the contamination 92 (about 32.1% ) .Another basic information for the food and beverage industry survey , statistical plan period 102 to 12 by the end of April , a total of 402 times to complete statistics , Chinese restaurants catering to a maximum category , accounting for 54.2 percent overall , followed by fast food restaurants , the total of 31.6% . In the case of control equipment installed at most Chinese restaurants , a total of 67 ( 31 percent installed ) ; followed by fast food , there are 43 ( installation ratio of 34%) , a total of 147 home improvement design pollution control equipment , installation ratio of 37% .To achieve the goal of improving air quality , the establishment of food processing industry petition cases point , the restaurant industry as a future basis for inspection and control , and improve audit record table with counseling , tutoring catering industry related control equipment installation and regular maintenance.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基隆市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司