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Title 逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制策略檢討及排放減量計畫
Abstract 造成我國空氣品質不良之主要指標污染物為臭氧(O3)及懸浮微粒(PM10),環保署並已於101年5月14日將細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)納入空氣品質標準管制項目。為改善空氣品質,環保署乃辦理本計畫,期藉由檢討逸散性粒狀污染物管制策略,以健全相關法令制度,並落實執行粒狀物染物逸散源管制相關法規,達到實質減量目的,此外,推動工業區道路揚塵防制評鑑工作及協助環保署對各縣市空氣品質維護或改善執行績效之考評作業,提昇地方環保機關污染管制執行成效,以達到改善空氣品質之目標。本計畫協助完成營建工程空氣污染防制費收費費率修正公告及營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法修正發布工作,新增疏濬工程之費率及費基,期藉由提高經濟誘因,促使營建業主設置或採行空氣污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放。另完成粒狀污染物三級防制區改善至二級防制區之策略檢討工作,檢討加嚴三級防制區之營建工程空氣污染防制設施標準,亦完成國內7處工業區之道路揚塵防制先期評鑑工作,督促工業區道路管理機關建立環境保護管理制度,加強區內道路揚塵減量。又本計畫完成各縣市重點道路之巡查工作,長度共1,655公里,查獲污染案件共357件,已通報當地環保局及相關主管機關完成改善。在營建工程方面,於資訊系統新增疏濬工程之營建工程空氣污染防制費計算功能,將已完工之營建工程轉移至歷史資料庫,以提升效能。並執行10處重大公共工程法規符合度查核作業,以掌握重大污染源之現況;在砂石車污染管制方面,研發、設計砂石車污水阻隔設施,完全解決砂石車引起之路面污染及車行揚塵污染問題,並配合交通部完成該部主辦之院頒101年道路交通秩序與交通安全改進年終視導實施計畫;在結合村里長通報污染方面,於低碳永續家園建置結合村里建構逸散污染源粒狀污染物管理制度認證專案,做為村里長之執行參考依據;在地方執行績效考評方面,查核304處公私場所法規符合情形,查有6處空氣污染行為及121處污染防制設施有缺失者,已請地方主管機關督導業者完成改善。
EngTitle Control Strategies Review and Reduction Plan for Fugitive Particulate Emissions
EngAbstract The main characteristic pollutants causing poor air quality in Taiwan consists of ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10). On May 14, 2012, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) included fine particulate matter (PM2.5) among air quality standard control items. With the aim of improving air quality through this project, the EPA reviewed fugitive particulate emissions control strategies and thereby put relevant legal and regulatory systems on a solid footing, implemented laws and regulations controlling fugitive sources of particulate pollutants, and achieved the goal of reducing fugitive particulate emissions. In addition, this company also performed assessment of airborne particulate matter control from roads in industrial areas and assisted the EPA in evaluating air quality maintenance and improvement performance in all counties and cities in order to boost the pollution control effectiveness of local environmental authorities and achieve the goal of improved air quality.This project helped complete revision and announcement of construction project air pollution control fee collection standards, construction project air pollution control facility management regulations, and the fee rate and fee basis for new dredging projects, which provide increased incentives for the construction industry to install or employ air pollution control facilities reducing particulate matter emissions. In addition, this project also completed review of strategies for upgrading Class III particulate pollutant control zones to Class II control zones and review of strength and air pollution control facilities standards for construction projects in Class III control zones, completed preliminary assessment work for control of airborne particulate matter from roads in seven domestic industrial areas, and supervised the establishment of environmental management systems by road management agencies in industrial areas in order to improve measures to reduce road airborne particulate matter in these areas. Furthermore, this project completed inspection patrols over a total of 1,655 km of key roads in all cities and counties, and observed a total of 357 pollution cases; local environmental protection bureaus and relevant competent authorities have been notified to complete improvement in these cases.With regard to construction projects, to improve efficiency, the information system's construction project air pollution control fee calculation function for new dredging projects was revised to transfer completed construction projects to the historical database. To gauge the current status of major pollution sources, legal compliance audits were performed of 10 major public projects. In the area of dump truck pollution control, this project designed and developed a dump truck wastewater containment facility, fully resolved the problems of road surface pollution from dump trucks and airborne particulate matter from trucks in motion, and completed the Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Executive Yuan-sponsored 2012 road traffic order and traffic safety improvement year-end inspection plan. With regard to pollution notification by village heads and borough wardens, this project established a fugitive pollution source particulate pollutant management system certification program in conjunction with villages and boroughs under the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Plan. This certification system will guide implementation by village heads and border wardens. As for evaluation of local implementation performance, this project audited legal compliance at 304 public or private premises, and found that six premises had air pollution behavior violations and 121 premises had pollution control facility shortcomings; the local competent authorities have been requested to supervise completion of improvement in these cases.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司