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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治費徵收制度檢討暨調整、規劃計畫(第二期)
Abstract 第一章「緒論」說明計畫背景、前期計畫重要結論、以及本期計畫工作目標與內容。第二章「土污整治費徵收正當性及問題討論」從憲法及環境行政法的角度探討土污整治費徵收的正當性問題,並且說明土污整治費如何達成特別公課之課徵正義,及點出土污基金代支整治費用之法律追償問題。第三章「成本效益分析與土污基金需求檢討規劃」利用第一期所建立的成本方法探討土污主要制度變因(污染土地再利用、健康風險管理原則、農地污染責任人追償)對土污基金需求的影響性以及各政策年程(15至30年)下的可能土污基金需求總額;並且利用第一期所建立的效益方法論,探討四大類污染場址整治的單位淨效益。第四章「土污整治費徵收制度修訂研析」說明土污基金支用政策目標下土污整治費的年度徵收總額,並依據國內目前主要的土水污染途徑,研擬土污整治費課費比例,以及費率可能調整方向的規劃,最後並提出土污整治費率調整的四種可能方案。第五章「土污整治費徵收與土污基金支出之經濟影響評估」則針對研擬中土污整治費徵收制度,進行收入面及支出面的可能經濟影響分析,並比較目前收費制度與新收費制度的可能產出及就業之影響。第六章「以系統動力學架構分析土壤及地下水政策成效」完成「土壤及地下水整治政策動態影響模型」之收入支出模組、成本效益模組、與經濟影響模組之模型設定,並初步以不同政策目標年數下之基金收支對環境、經濟的影響進行模擬分析。第七章「污染土地再利用政策分析與個案研究」彙整英、美、加污染土地再利用之相關個案、政策措施、以及財務誘因,作為未來國內污染土地再利用政策規劃之參考。
EngTitle Project of review and adjustment on the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees collection s
EngAbstract This project attempts to deliver specific and available suggestions for the amendment of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy system. Chapter 1 declares the background and main aims of the project. Chapter 2 investigates the justification of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy system and points out the potential problems of funds’ recovery. Accounting for the methodology built in former project, Chapter 3 analyzes the effects of proceeding relevant adjustments on the required amounts of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation funds and estimates the possible required amounts in four scenarios. Also, Chapter 3 does the cost and benefits analysis on the basis of methodology built in former project. Chapter 4 examines the possible amounts the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy. And then Chapter 4 suggests the burden shares and fees of substances and wastes with consideration of current pollution circumstances. Chapter 5 simulates the economic impacts of the adjustment of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy system, and then compares the effects with the status quo. Chapter 6 builds a system dynamic model composed of fee module, cost and benefit module, and economic impact module to simulate the impacts of fees levy on environment and economy in different policy scenarios. Chapter 7 does study the successes of brownfields regeneration in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, and then deliver suggestions for future policy planning.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中華經濟研究院