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Title 102年臺中市固定逸散源管制與洗掃街管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫於102年2月1日至102年12月31日執行期間,有關各項工作重要成果包括:固定逸散源337家次法規符合度現場查核作業;企業道路認養24家次;神秘客不強迫加油查核執行175站次共318件,加油站法規符合度查核331站加油員「正確加油」訓練4656位;加油槍抽氣量與加油量比率(氣油比)檢測1515槍支62站次;油氣管線壓力衰減洩漏(氣漏)檢測50站次;揮發性有機物洩漏測定檢測42站共216點次,街道揚塵洗掃作業總累積達228,352公里,總達成率為100%,依環保署污染削減係數計算,可得TSP削減3,151公噸,PM10為599公噸,街道髒污程度調查及分級作業,總調查長度為4,225其中A級道路佔80%、B級道路為18%及C級道路為2%本計畫並分別於大新文化中心及港區藝術中心辦理二場次固定逸散法規宣導說明會及一場次里長協助通報機制宣導會;另於大雅區公所辦理加油站種子教師教育訓練及環保局大型會議室辦理3場次,各區隊洗掃相關教育訓練。
EngTitle The 2013 “Taichung City Fixed Permeating Source Control and Street Hosing Management Project”
EngAbstract The project’s critical results of various work during its implementation period spanning from February 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 encompass: a total of 337 fixed permeating source audits found to conform to the onsite audit work; corporate roadway adoptions of 24 enterprises; mysterious visitor’s non-coercive fuel vapor audit executions at 175 stations, totaling 318 cases, with 331 gas stations audited to meet the gas station law and regulations, and 4656 gas station handlers found with “correct ways of refueling”; the gas refueling gun vapor emission and refueling ratio (the vapor/fuel ratio) has a total of 1,515 refueling guns tested at 62stations; the fuel vapor pipework pressure deterioration leak (vapor leak) has 50 stations tested; vapor organic compound leak testing has 42 stations tested totaling 206 locations, the street permeating dust hosing work totals to 228,352km cumulatively, with a total achievement ratio at 100%, which as calculated according to EPA’s pollution reduction index derives a TSP reduction of 3,151 tons, PM10 at 599 tons, and of the street dirty level survey and grading work, the total survey length is at 4,634 km, of which level A roadways account for 80%, level B roadways 20% and level C roadways 2%. The plan has held two sessions of the fixed permeation law campaigning presentation and one session of Chief of Village assisted reporting mechanism campaign held at Daxin Cultural Center and Seaport Art Center; another gas station at Daya district office handling seed teachers training and three sessions each held at Environmental Protection Department conference room, offering various district teams with street cleaning-related orientation training.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司