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Title 102年度「清淨家園推廣計畫」
Abstract 規劃「清掃學習活動競賽計畫(102~104年)」,依據各縣市提報之計畫進行書面審查及實地查核,統計各縣市清掃學習推廣情形並給予奬勵,藉此激勵各縣市之榮譽感及使命感,透過良性的競賽,讓各縣市的清掃學習種子教師更加精進及確實,製作環保清潔劑及室內外植栽整理教學影片,不但可在活動過程中教導學員自製環保清潔劑,更可在清掃學習活動網站及環保署相關影音平台播放宣導,最終讓環境為本的觀念深植於生活之中,並轉換成實際環保行動。102年度辦理第四屆「綠厝邊之美」攝影比賽及建置活動網站,透過民眾的鏡頭,以14項環境衛生永續指標為攝影主題,捕捉各示範區自然景觀、人文風情、環境改造等影像,依評選結果辦理頒奬典禮。透過建置「綠厝邊之美」美術館彙整歷屆得奬作品,且拍攝環保示範區成果影片,經由影像、影片託播及燈箱廣告對全民宣導,讓民眾能夠一覽環保示範區環保的美麗,更讓全民有感於環保署對環境的用心與努力,發揮母雞帶小雞的效果,傳承及推動環保示範區,達到遍地開花的成效,讓全國環境永續發展,期望達成全國各地都是環保示範區。
EngTitle 2013 Clean Neighborhood promotion plan
EngAbstract The project of cleaning-learning activity competition which has been planned by each city and county since 2013 will have conducted by 2015. Rewards are proposed to evaluate each site for their respective cleaning-learning efforts. The friendly competition will inspire each city. The awards will give the respective city a sense of honor and mission. The seeded teachers of cleaning-learning competition will encourage each site to work hard. A documentary will demonstrate how to grow plants. It also teaches the trainees how to make the eco-friendly detergents. This documentary will link the cleaning-learning activity website, the video media website and the EPA website. The objective is to build a positive lifestyle that is environmentally friendly with realistic actions of environmental protection. The 4th Eco Community Photo Contest was held in 2013. A website was set up to promote the related activities. The topic of the photo contest was 14 environmental sanitation sustainability criteria. The public was invited to take photographs of the natural landscapes, cultural customs and environmental modifications from the Model Environmental Protection Districts. Winners were awarded during the ceremony after the friendly competitions. The website of the Eco Community Museum compiles all previous award-winning photographs and the film of the Model Environment Protection Districts. It was to showcase the achievements by using images, video streaming and light-box. The EPA shows the beautiful scenery of the Model Environment Protection Districts and the efforts which has been implemented. The EPA strives to uphold and conduct the environmental sustainable development by building model environmental protection districts all over the country.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環保生活協會