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Title 容器回收流布及體制運作探討
Abstract 一、調查101年廢容器流向分布,並試算101年及102年回收率,以反映廢容器實際回收狀況。二、採樣檢驗容器商品之瓶蓋墊片是否使用PVC材質,並勾稽申繳費率,以維持稽徵繳費公平性。三、探討PET容器收縮標籤膜之易撕線設計事項,以提升廢容器回收處理效益。四、研訂廢鐵容器及廢鋁容器解除列管之評估指標,並研提相關配套作業或措施,以活絡資源回收管理體制。五、評估廢容器補貼費率採行浮動調整機制之可行性,據以精進補貼制度。
EngTitle Project of container recycling of distribution and functioning of the system
EngAbstract This project was executed from January 26th 2012 to December 31st 2012. the major purpose of this project focus on five aspects which are “investigating the distribution of the waste containers”, “PVC content inspection on cap pad of the containers”, “investigation and design for cutting line on PET bottles”, “assessment criterion for de-regulating waste iron and aluminum containers”, “The feasibility assessment on adjusting fee rate of waste container by the market price” and the outcomes of the implementation are summarized as following paragraph. By visiting over 30 recycle enterprises in 2012, proportion of un-certified containers had been investigated to estimate the total volume of disposal. Also, the proportion of un-recycling waste containers had been investigated to calculate the amount of recycling. Moreover, some of recycling points, such as the recycling industry, government organizations, schools, communities and other places, had been surveyed for calculating its proportion in recycling channels and recycling volume. According to the result of detected sample, we illustrated a description about attached moisture and scenario of the attachment on waste containers for further studies. By surveying recycling enterprises and wholesale-retailers, cap pads, we established a database including cap type, market share, pad materials and responsible enterprises to make a completely checking system. There are more than 150 caps pads sent to Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) for detecting PVC contents. Furthermore, those disqualified enterprises will be reported to EPA for requiring a payment. This project has collected the domestic and overseas information of PET label removers treatment, equipment and design, and investigated the remove rate domestically. The result was approximately 80.1%. This project has investigated the holes of the shrink label cutting line on PET bottles. Developing the optimal standard of cutting lines, such as the hole diameter, number of lines and interval distance. This project has taken off the effectiveness rates of the PET containers designed due to the policy. And give the suggestions for the subsequent management. This project has planned the operation steps on commercial PET containers labeled design at least 100 goods, and established the 53 basic data which was not using easily removal design. Auditing the due payment, and sent the list to EPA for illegal. This project has investigated iron and aluminum containers information for de-regulating, and referred the management system, and provide the de-regulated index. This project has analyzed Fe and Al containers fund deficit trends and assess the expected benefit of the coordinated sets of measures.This project has collected the governmental implementation indicator of sliding price adjustment. This project has analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of waste container subsidies policy then drawing the speaking note. This project has been promoting the separation of waste glass container measures the difference between the subsidized rate for 101 years, analyzing the effectiveness of its implementation and subsequent management of the research program suggestions. The project has collected and compared the price of raw and recycling materials on 2012. This project has surveyed the 76s recycling and treatment industry, and calculating the cost on recycling and treat parts. In order to evaluate an appropriate fee rate at present, recycling costs data, the fund balance of payments and other information will use to be assessment tools and also can make a suggestion for adjust fee rate in the future,One of seminars was held on 27th of November, 2013, and the participants including experts, professors and recycling industrial managers, and the other one held on 20th of December, 2013.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會