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Title 空氣污染事件應變決策支援系統專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的為強化空氣污染事件應變體系,並提供地方環保機關必要之應變人力、物力等相關資源,以提升應變能力。主要成果包括:(1)參考國外美、英、日等國空污應變機制,並檢視國內空污應變體系,提出預防管理階段應強化之具體建議做法,逐步完備空污應變體系。(2)完成空污應變聯絡清冊更新,增加南科台南園區與新竹工業區之支援清冊建置,提供中央及地方環保機關於空污事件發生時緊急聯繫使用;另以仁大工業區為例,規劃重大空污事件發生時民眾疏散及管制方案,提供地方環保局參考辦理。(3)空污小組主動通報地方環保局之空污案件共58件,協助地方即時應變;另提供空污事件常用設備及人力,供台中及高雄毒災應變隊使用以協助處理空污事件。(4)以無預警方式測試地方環保人員通報(聯繫)管道之暢通性,以確保空污事件發生時,能迅速、即時通知相關人員到場應變。(5)辦理1場次研習及交流會議,說明環保署空污應變業務現況及未來工作、地方應變常見問題、空污應變系統操作使用,以及地方應變處理案例之經驗分享,使應變作業相關人員熟悉應變程序及可取得之應變資源,提昇地方環保機關應變能力。
EngTitle Evaluation of the decision supporting system for air pollution incidents
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to strengthen air pollution incident response resources for Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). The results of this project include: (1) The demands of accident prevention management are analyzed based on the information which collected from United States, United Kingdom, and Japan, as well as domestic air pollution response system. (2)The contact information of environmental agencies and other organizations have been updates with additional supporting information for two large industrial parks, i.e. Southern Taiwan Science Park -Tainan Park and Hsinchu Industrial Park, in this project. The evacuation plan for major air pollution incidents was developed by using Ren-Da Industrial Park as case and provided local EPB as reference. (3) 58 air pollution incidents were notified to local EPB by Air Pollution Team, in order to assist local EPA instant response. Moreover, we provides a set of air pollution equipment with3 team members for two Environment Incident Response Teams, respectively, to assist local EPB in air pollution sampling and monitoring during the air pollution incident. (4) No warning test was conducted to ensure the local EPB staffs will do emergency response immediately and quickly during an air pollution incident. (5) A workshop of air pollution incident emergency response was conducted on December 23, 2013. The purpose of this workshop is to enhance the ability of local EPB staffs on emergency response. The topics included emergency response status and future task of air pollution incidents of EPA, common problems of local EPB, operating instructions of the Air Pollution Incident Response System, as well as three case studies of local EPB.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院