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Title 全國高污染潛勢工業區地下水質預警監測井網規劃建置計畫(第二期)
Abstract 本計畫主要工作為(1)研修工業區地下水質預警監測井網規劃建置程序及後續監測管理方式,辦理補充調查及地下水質監測工作;(2)依據環保署工業區燈號分級及污染潛勢評量結果,優先篩選高污染潛勢工業區,評估既有監測資源效益,規劃建置整體地下水質預警監測井網,辦理地下水質調查工作;(3)依調查評估結果,提供後續分級監測管理、污染源調查查證及應變處理建議,且配合環保署需求,辦理污染擴大調查。第一項工作具體成果係依據第一期執行成果回饋,本期納入垂直向污染傳輸模擬及先期調查機制,以掌握區外污染概況,建置整體地下水質預警監測井網。後續分級監測管理方面,直轄市、縣(市)環保機關可視工業區污染現況及經費運用情形,彈性調整監測數量及頻率,建議至少針對曾檢出異常情形之監測井及其依地下水流向研判具污染潛勢之井位加強預警監測,並維持每2年至少監測1次全管制項目。另配合環保署要求,辦理第一期工業區預警網補充調查,採滾動式管理,補足地下水流場缺口及修正井網距離,篩選中壢工業區、新竹科學園區、台中加工出口區、南崗工業區、林園工業區及楠梓加工出口區等6處共計新設5口監測井及納入11口既設井,均檢出微量管制污染物質,經過本期補充可使預警防線更為完備。此外,本計畫亦篩選第一期工業區預警網檢出異常之監測井監測地下水質,協助地方環保局完備分級監測管理工作,其中中壢工業區及楠梓加工出口區持續檢出含氯有機污染物達管制標準之情事,監測管理建議維持第一級(每1年至少2次監測異常項目)並依各單位權責加強應變作為,避免污染擴大。第二,依據環保署工業區燈號分級及監測管理現況,優先篩選6處高污染潛勢工業區(含樹林工業區、大園工業區、觀音工業區、桃園幼獅工業區、永康工業區及臨海工業區),評估既有監測資源效益,規劃建置整體地下水質預警監測井網,辦理地下水質調查工作。經有效整合各單位監測資源,在不擴編計畫經費額度及執行期程的前提下,新增3處工業區(含大甲幼獅工業區、民雄工業區及大發工業區)納入執行,以提早達成工業區預警管理目標。9處工業區共新設置60口監測井及納入25口既設井,總計85口,各區井網監測效益(可監測範圍面積/工業區範圍面積)可達81.6%~91.4%,有效監測範圍均可涵蓋已知區內污染區位。計畫執行期間已就地下水質調查成果,回饋污染模擬檢視污染現況及監測效益評估,尚無需求補充井位。本期9處工業區預警網之地下水質調查結果顯示,有3處工業區區外檢出達管制標準的情形,包括桃園幼獅工業區檢出三氯乙烯,臨海工業區檢出氯乙烯及大甲幼獅工業區檢出鎳;多處工業區均有一般項目(主要為氨氮、鐵、錳等項目)超出監測標準及檢出微量管制有機化合物(主要為含氯有機物)等情形,地下水污染管制項目檢出率達29%(25/85),應定期監測,掌握區外污染變化。第三,針對區外檢出污染達管制標準之工業區,本計畫已完成桃園幼獅工業區之監測異常區位污染擴大調查工作,已確認污染擴散範圍並據此補充1口新設井調整預警防線;上游補充調查成果顯示,區內地下水存在三氯乙烯及四氯乙烯,且檢出四氯乙烯達管制標準,研判區外預警監測井之污染應來自區內,建議環保機關進一步查證污染來源,並依土污法相關規定執行行政管制及應變措施;另於計畫執行後期檢出污染達管制標準之大甲幼獅及臨海工業區則已完成擴大調查規劃並責成主管機關優先執行風險管理作為,其擴大調查現場作業待下年度第三期計畫辦理。依各工業區預警網調查評估結果,桃園幼獅工業區、臨海工業區及大甲幼獅工業區因檢出達污染管制標準,後續分級監測管理建議列為第一級(針對異常項目應每1年至少2次加強監測),各單位分工執行污染源調查查證及應變處理工作;樹林、大園、永康及民雄工業區因檢出微量污染管制項目,建議列為第三級(針對異常項目應每1年至少1次持續監測);觀音工業區及大發工業區均無檢出污染管制項目,後續分級監測管理建議列為第四級(針對全管制項目應每2年至少1次定期監測)。
EngTitle Early Warning Groundwater Monitoring Well Network Planning Project for High Potential Polluted Indus
EngAbstract The main work of this project included: (1) revising the procedure of the planning and establishment of early warning groundwater monitoring well networks for industrial parks; (2) assessing the efficiencies of the existing monitoring resources of the selected high potential polluted industrial parks based on the results of the Environmental Protection Administration’s light classification and polluted potential estimation of industrial parks, establishing the early warning groundwater monitoring well networks and carrying out the groundwater investigation; (3) proposing the recommendations of classified monitoring management, pollution investigation and verification and response measures according to the results of the groundwater investigation as well as carrying out the additional investigation for groundwater pollution.Firstly, the modification of the vertical pollution transportation and the mechanism of investigation in advance were brought into the procedure of the planning and establishment of early warning groundwater monitoring well networks. Regarding the classified monitoring management of the well networks, the local environmental protection bureau may adjust the monitoring quantities and frequencies based on the groundwater quality of the industrial parks as well as their budget application. It was recommended that the groundwater monitoring wells with abnormal monitoring results and their surrounding wells should be chosen to be intensively monitored especially for the concerned pollutant items and the overall items listed in the pollution control standards should be tested once in every 2 years, as well.In this phase, the additional investigation were implemented for the industrial parks which were investigated in the first-phase project, including Jhongli, Nangang, Linyuan, Hsinchu Science Park, Taichung Export Processing Zone and Nantze Export Processing Zone, to complement the breach of the groundwater flow field and amend the well networks allocation by establishing or including groundwater wells. Besides, this project assisted the local environmental protection bureau in regularly monitoring the groundwater quality of the monitoring wells with abnormal monitoring results in the first-phase project. Among the selected industrial parks, the pollutant concentrations of the early warning monitoring wells in Jhongli Industrial Park and Nantze Export Processing Zone continuously exceeded the pollution control standards.Secondly, Shulin, Dayuan, Kuangin, Taoyuan Youth, Yongkang, Linhai, Taichung Youth, Minsyong, and Tafa industrial parks were selected to establish the early warning groundwater monitoring well networks in this project. A total of 60 newly-established monitoring wells and 25 existing wells were included in the planning of early warning groundwater monitoring well networks. The effective monitoring efficiency for each networks ranged from 81.6 to 91.4%. All the monitoring area of each well network was capable of covering all known contaminated hot spots.The groundwater sampling results indicated that Taoyuan Youth Industrial Park had trichloroethylene detected over the pollution control standard; Nickel was detected in Taichung Youth Industrial Park; Vinyl chloride was detected in Linhai Industrial Park. The percentage of the monitoring wells with the regulatory-listed pollutant item detected was 29% (25/85).Thirdly, this project conducted additional pollution investigation activities in Taoyuan Youth Industrial Park to evaluate the scope and extent of the contamination and established one more groundwater monitoring well to amend the well networks. The additional investigation for Taichung Youth and Linhai Industrial Parks will be carried out in the next phase of the project.In addition, according to the investigation results of each industrial park, Taoyuan Youth, Linhai and Taichung Youth Industrial Parks were graded the first level owing to their pollutant concentrations exceeding the pollution control standards and the concerned pollutant items shall be tested twice a year at least. Shulin, Dayuan, Yongkang and Minsyong Industrial Parks were graded the third level and the concerned pollutant items should be tested once a year. Kuangin and Tafa Industrial Parks were graded the fourth level and the overall pollutant items listed in the regulatory pollution control standards should be tested once in every 2 years.Finally, this project also proposed the recommendation of response measures and additional activities that should be taken by the environmental protection agencies and the industry competent authorities for future enforcement references.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司