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Title 應回收廢棄資源物循環再生利用創新技術評估與推廣規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract 隨著經濟發展與工商業活動頻繁,連帶產生大量的固體廢棄物資源質 超限利用情形,已成為臺灣地區目前急需解決的問題。因應日益嚴重垃圾問題,並有效分配資源物質之使用冀能將廢棄中可回收加以再利用,環保署特委託本研究計畫針對臺灣現行公告應回收廢棄資源物循再生利用及創新技術進行評估與推廣。 本計畫首先調查應回收廢棄資源物循環再生利用產業類別目前發展現況與 技術特性,針對 13 類 33 項公告應回收廢棄 物目做一完整理。並針對項公告應回收廢棄 物目做一完整理。並針對資源物循環再生利用創新技術之可行性進評估,依據目前研究結 果,應回收 廢棄物如鉛蓄電池及資訊品之國外創新技術應用於內,根據面、政策面、執行環境以及經濟做為評估指標要項。並針對國內不易清除回收之項目(如:冷媒、錐管玻璃廢液晶螢光粉等),整理前所遇到瓶 收之項目(如:冷媒、錐管玻璃廢液晶螢光粉等),整理前所遇到瓶 頸與未來之可能處理方式。研究期間已完成舉辦兩場專家者座談會,並擬將擬之創新技術成果作為後續研發及市場商業化推動,並建立網路平台加以廣。
EngTitle Recyclable waste resources using innovative recycling technology assessment and promotion.
EngAbstract Due to the economic development and commercial and industrial activities, solid wastes are increasingly produced and resource materials are unlimitedly utilized. It has become an important issue needing to be solved promptly. Thus, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) entrusted this project to National Taipei University of Science and Technology (NTUST) to assess the innovative recycling technology and investigate the status of solid waste resources recycling for further promotion. It is expected that the results of this project could provide the way to solve the serious solid wastes problem and redirect the utilization of recycling resource materials. This project firstly investigated the present status of recyclable wastes at industrial categories and their technology characteristics. Recyclable wastes of 13 categories and 33 items were selected for investigation according to Regulated Recyclable Wastes Program (Taiwan EPA). In particular, innovative technologies were assessed for application feasibility for several items. Indicators for performance evaluation for some items such as lead acids batteries and waste information technology equipment were assessed. Evaluation indicators covered several aspects including technology, policy, execution, environment and economic aspects. We also focused on the difficult recycling materials such as refrigerant, cone glass, waste LCD, fluorescent powder for case studies to understand the bottle neck of present conditions and the improvement of treatment in the future. Two workshops have been taken place during the study period. Results of this study and the opinions of scholars and experts have been integrated for further innovative technology development and commercial promotion. A website platform was also constructed for further promotion and communication in the future.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立臺北科技大學