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Title 102年度臺中市機車排氣檢驗站管理計畫
Abstract 「102年度臺中市機車排氣檢驗站管理計畫」,工作期程於102年2月1日起至102年12月31日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共1280站次、標準氣體比對640站次、無預警查核650站次、跑馬燈維護101站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練3場次、業務聯繫會議2場次、檢驗站表揚大會1場次;改裝移動式排氣檢驗車,並辦理偏遠地區及梨山地區戶外定檢42場次,檢驗車輛數達375輛;推動保檢合一方面提供宣導海報、布條、建置保檢合一資訊系統及辦理示範站人員教育訓練1場次,保檢合一服務共計26,469人次參與;製作廣播廣告2則,播放900檔次;新聞稿公布5篇;定檢明信片印製及郵寄通知單完成10個月,共寄發1,143,774件;增設機車排氣檢驗站工作方面,已提交甄選計畫1式、甄選說明會3場次、申請文件審查作業1式、抽籤決選會1式、現勘作業1式,共計完成11站增設機車排氣檢驗站之甄選工作。執行交通(環境)噪音陳情案件監測11點次、公私場所周界噪音查核或量測16點次、非游離輻射電磁波監測6點次、通知機動車輛原地噪音量測35場次及夜間機動車輛攔檢作業之原地噪音量測12場次;完成機場噪音管制中心及監測站查核2場次;辦理航空噪音防制區劃分研商會、協調會事宜1場次;完成依本市特性修訂噪音管制法第8條及第9條修正草案1式;完成量測儀器檢定及送校工作1式,其執行成果摘要如表一。
EngTitle 2013 Taichung City Motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project.
EngAbstract “2013 Taichung City motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project” had begun from Feb.-01- 2013 to Jul.-31-2013. Its implementation timetable is 6 months. The results as below:In the tasks of inspection station, this project has finished 1,280 cases of regular quality inspection, 640 cases of standard gas comparison, 650 cases of unannounced check, and 101 electronic marquee maintenances. In the tasks of related meetings, this project held two meetings of education training and a “The Best Inspection Station of the Year” award ceremony. In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 42 outdoor inspections for remote areas by the mobile modified exhaust inspection car, in which, there were 375 motorcycles participated. In the tasks of maintenance and inspection, this project completed promotion posters, banners; build-up ”Maintenance and Inspection Information System” and held an education training for the demonstration station staffs. Furthermore, this project for the vehicles of maintenance and inspection service were 23,535 people participated. In the tasks of promotion, this project finished 2 radio advertising articles, which there were 900 times broadcasted; moreover, this project also published 5 press releases. In the tasks of notification, this project sent 1,143,774 postcards. In the tasks of adding inspection station, this project proposed an “Inspection Station Selection planning report” and held 3 seminars of selection. In addition, this project also proposed an “application document examination procedure report” and held a meeting of lots to decide which should be new inspection stations. This project completed 11 new inspection stations of site reconnaissance and acceptance.In the tasks of noise control, this project completed 11 times of monitoring for enforcing traffic(environmental) noise complaint cases, 16 inspection/measurement for perimeter noise of public or private premises, 6 times of monitoring for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, 35 in-situ noise measurements for notified motor vehicles, and 12 in-situ noise measurements for intercepted inspection at night. In addition, this project also completed 2 inspections for the airport noise control centre and inspection station. Furthermore, this project completed 1 consultative meeting of “Aircraft noise control zone delineation” and revised “Draft Amendments of Noise Control Act Section 8 and 9” and finished inspection/ calibration for measuring instruments.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新研綠能科技有限公司