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Title 102年空品淨化區巡查管理及裸露地調查改善計畫
Abstract 102年本計畫工作大項計有蒐集及調查本計畫相關環境背景資料;辦理本市空氣品質淨化區巡查及裸露地調查改善重要管制;協助執行環保署年度考核及配合本局空污計畫考核;會議、宣導、便民措施及民眾滿意度;計畫管理(含系統維護及管考),工作項次總計41大項。計畫自2月1日簽約,統計至12月31日,整體進度達成率為100%。計畫簽約金額為1368萬元,契約規定之專任人力要求含計畫經理及專案工程師5位,非專任人力為計畫主持人。階段成果為完成25.33公頃裸露地輔導改善、5.13公頃工廠植樹綠化、35處空氣品質淨化區碳匯量測作業、45處校園及60處工廠植樹綠化後續追蹤、召開16場次綠化申請案初複勘及經費審查會議、辦理空氣品質淨化區評比作業、推動5處基地認養作業、研擬103年度空氣品質淨化區評比原則、建置空氣品質淨化區喬木履歷及語音導覽系統、辦理空氣品質淨化區夏令營活動、攝影比賽及塗鴉寫生比賽、使用航照圖完成裸露地資料建置與每月例行查核作業等、輔導一處空氣品質淨化區申請環境教育設施認證、補助綠肥及綠化施作403公頃。
EngTitle 2013Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone and Investigation & Consulting Improvement for Generalized Bare Lands
EngAbstract This project in 2013 involves 41 tasks, including gathering and survey of the project-related environmental background data; patrol on the clean air zone of the City, and survey and improvement of exposed lands; assistance in the annual EPA evaluation and the evaluations according to the Bureau’s air pollution project; meetings, propaganda, people-convenient measures and people satisfaction; and project management (including maintenance and evaluation of systems). Since the signing on Feb. 1 till Dec. 31, the percentage of achievement of the Project is 100%. The Project executed contracts for NT$13.68 million, and involves dedicated human power, specified by contracts, including project manager and five engineers, and non-dedicated project leader.Currently the results are the completion of counseled improvement on 25.33 hectare of exposed land, 5.13-hectare forestation in plants, carbon measurement at 35 places in clean air zones, follow up on forestation in 45 schools and 60 plants. The results also include 11 meetings given to re-survey of forestation applications and fund review, rating of clean air zones, voluntary care of five bases, and formulation of principles for 2014 clean air zone rating. Those finished further include the implementation of tree resumes and voice guide system in clean air zones, summer camps of clean air zones, contests of photography and drawings, as well as data creation of exposed lands by aerial maps, and monthly routine checks. Counselling a Clean Air Zone certification for environmental education facilities, Subsidies for Agricultural Land with Green Manure There are a total of 12 administrative regions with 403 acres planted with cosmos green manure this year.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司