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Title 公告應回收廢棄物費率結構檢討及電子電器暨資訊物品回收體系成效評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫依工作契約完成(1)檢討公告應回收廢棄物費率架構,協助費率審議委員會相關行政作業。(2)探討國內外回收管理制度發展趨勢,推動國際合作交流模式。(3)評估責任物列管範圍及退場機制,檢討研修國內綠色設計指標規範。(4)辦理提升廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收成效工作等4大項工作內容。公告應回收廢棄物費率架構檢討方面,完成下列工作:(1)透過國內外資料蒐集、專家學者面訪及諮詢座談會,完成3項費率結構焦點議題及補貼費率調整原則探討,並提出調整建議。(2)完成以廢冷暖氣機及廢鉛蓄電池進行浮動費率試算作業,並提出可行性評估。(3)提出以冷媒收集量研擬差別補貼費率方案。(4)完成12場次費率審議委員會召開及辦理,並完成第9屆費率審議委員會改選作業。國內外回收管理制度蒐集及推動國際合作交流方面,完成下列工作:(1)完成歐盟(德國、荷蘭、比利時、瑞典、英國、瑞士及挪威)、澳洲、日本、美國、加拿大、韓國、中國大陸等13個國家回收管理制度資訊蒐集。(2) 完成3篇國外管理趨勢專題資料蒐集,包含電子廢棄再使用管理趨勢、日本小家電回收政策實施情況及歐盟會員國因應WEEE指令修訂之管理變革。(3)完成出訪美國參與第3屆國際電子廢棄物回收管理夥伴會議。(4)彙整10個區域夥伴國家(越南、泰國、馬來西亞、印度、奈及利亞、迦納、巴西、阿根廷、薩爾瓦多、哥倫比亞)電子廢棄物回收處理系統現況。(5)完成修訂11篇101年度廢電子電器與廢資訊物品回收管理訓練課程及中英文版教材內容。責任物列管範圍檢討及綠色指標探討方面,完成下列工作:(1)依法制面、環境面、經濟面及作業進行電風扇解除列管可行性評估。(2)完成11項電子電器及資訊物品(電視機、電冰箱、洗衣機、冷暖氣機、電風扇、顯示器、個人電腦元件(主機板、硬式磁碟機、電源器及機殼)、印表機、鍵盤、可攜式電腦之平板電腦及筆記型電腦)責任物列管範圍檢討。(3)完成彙整7種國內外綠色標章責任業者取得情形、透過25家次業者電話訪談及3場次諮詢座談會,提出綠色差別徵收費率實施檢討及建議。推廣廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收成效工作方面,完成下列工作:(1)完成電子電器及資訊物品回收宣導海報選擇,並寄發至交通場站、各級學校及經銷販賣業者, 兩款海報共寄發9,752張。(2)以廢筆記型電腦回收為主題,完成1支宣導短片拍攝。(3)透過網路發布回收宣導插畫,總計瀏覽次數達4萬7百多次。(4)結合販賣業者完成辦理4場次回收宣導教育活動。
EngTitle Reviewing of recycling fee rate calculation formula and evaluating the effectiveness of recycling pr
EngAbstract In respect of the contract, this project has completed the following objectives:(1) Reviewed of the calculation formula of the recycling fee rate, and supported the Recycling Fee Rate Review Committee (RFRRC) for administrative operation. (2) Compared foreign and domestic e-waste collection and recycling system and promoted the international cooperation. (3) Reviewed the items of Regulated Recyclable e-waste and its corresponding exit mechanism; reviewed the standards of product green design. (4) Held public campaigns for promoting the e-waste collection.As for the calculation formula of the recycling fee rate, the following objectives have been completed: (1) Proposed 3 suggestions for the recycling fee rate calculation formula and 2 principles in setting subsidy rate. (2) Calculated the Floating Recycling Fee Rate of the air-conditioner and lead-acid batteries, and conducted feasibility assessment. (3) Proposed the project of Differential Recycling Fee Rate with refrigerant collection. (4) Held 12 conferences of the RFRRC working group, and updated the data of fee rates database. As for the comparison of foreign and domestic E-waste collection, the following objectives have been completed: (1) Analyzed and compared the recycling system in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, and South Korea. (2) Analyzed 3 reports of e-waste management, including “The Reuse of Old Appliances, Small Electrical Electric Equipment Recycling Policy in Japan” and “The Challenge of Transposing Recast of The WEEE Directive”. (3) Attended 2013 International e-waste Management Network (IEMN) Meeting. (4) Analyzed and compared the recycling system in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, Argentina, El Salvador, and Colombia. (5) Revised 11 teaching materials of e-waste recycling program for future e-waste management training.As for the review of regulated recyclable e-waste items and the standards of product green design, the following objectives have been completed: (1) The feasibility assessment of fans from legislative, environmental, economic, operational perspectives. (2) Reviewed 11 items from Regulated Recyclable e-waste. (3) Proposed the reviews of green differential fee rate after compiling opinions from current green label owners and participating companies of the phone interviews or workshops.As for the public campaigns for promoting the e-waste collection, the following objectives have been completed: (1) Selected 2 posters and sent to the transport stations, schools and retailers for promoting thee-waste collection, 9,752 posters were sent out in total; (2) produced a short film for promoting notebook collection; (3) Published the online comics of e-waste recycling whish has reached 47,000 hits; (4) Held 4 recycling awareness workshops with retailers.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司