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Title 廢電子電器及資訊物品販賣、回收處理體系回收流向調查、管理及效能提升專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫完成之工作內容包括:(一)本計畫透過電話與實地訪查民眾、經銷販賣業、古物商、回收商、清潔隊、處理廠進行廢電子電器及資訊物品流布調查分析,其廢電子電器進入受補貼機構為80.14%,廢資訊物品則為70.46%。另針對未進入認證體系之廢物品,建議應持續加強資源回收宣導工作,讓民眾確實瞭解正確之回收管道,而自行拆解處理之狀況,仍須透過強力稽查作業,方能杜絕非法拆解之情形。(二)蒐集國外處理相關技術資料,於現場輔導時將相關建議提供業者參考,未來可延伸進行國外參訪了解國外處理技術,並引用至國內受補貼機構之處理技術。而針對再利用業者進行實際衍生物流向調查,其中印刷電路板因多為境外處理且為有害物質,故本計畫調查所有受補貼機構衍生物之流向,以了解去向。依據現場輔導過程中調查各受補貼機構處理效能及資源再利用比例,發現國內受補貼機構冷媒收集率效果不佳或抽取環保冷媒時有易爆之情形,建議於設施標準中可增設氧濃度偵測設備(含惰性氣體導入設計);此外本計畫針對銅鋁再生料分選情形,進行完成1家廠商改善銅鋁篩網孔徑設施,改善後銅鋁再生料中銅鋁比例可上升至72.3%,整體分選成效約上升10%,建議未來應妥善分離產出鐵、非鐵及塑膠等物質,以有效提升資源再利用比率。(三)研擬重量補貼作業模式:針對廢電子電器及資訊物品缺件物品補貼範圍及項目進行探討,經評估可納入補貼之缺件物品項目共7項,並進行5家規模較大之處理業者,現場瞭解採重量計費之廢物品項目、進廠作業規定及爭議處理。根據研擬之重量補貼認證作業流程內容,擇3家處理廠實地模擬相關作業,以評估作業時間、缺件物品雜質情形及作業流暢度,並確認認證作業模式。並以2012年度稽核認證量估算缺件廢物品納入補貼對基金支出影響,經評估試算,整體廢電子電器缺件物品總支出約占年度補貼費支出0.34%,整體廢資訊物品缺件物品總支出約占年度補貼費支出0.18%。(四)檢討廢四機回收制度及提升管理效能:為落實廢四機回收制度宣導作業,本計畫完成21場教育訓練、20場到戶輔導及結合公會辦理3場次之說明會,另本計畫陪同環保署、環保局抽檢稽查販賣業、回收處理業共計22家,共開立19張勸導單,另因應系統使用者所需共完成9項功能及報表開發。檢討廢四機回收成效,其2013年透過廢四機制度共回收95,892台,以4~12月作為比較區間,2013年度較2012年度增加了12,277由此可見由本制度回收之廢四機於穩定成長。本年度計畫持續協助制度推動,建議未來除了針對不同對象加強宣輔導,亦可以專案輔導方式,提升整體廢四機制度成效。
EngTitle Flow investigation, management, and elevate efficacy of waste home appliances and waste IT equipment
EngAbstract The purposes of this project included: (1) The purpose of this project was to analyze the flow circumstance investigation of waste home appliances and waste IT equipment via telephone and on-site investigation of publics, dealers, collection and recyclers, and cleaning team. The waste home appliance into the treatment plant was 80.14%, as compared with 70.46% for waste IT equipment. For those waste appliances beyond the certification system, such as those are forgotten at home or those with unclear delivery flow, we suggested continually enhancing public awareness of recycle, and informed the public correct recycling venues. For those are dismantled privately, we recommended to keep active inspection to eradicate the illegal situation.(2) Overseas information of relative processing technology had been collected and will be provided to recycling industries while proceeding on-the-spot counsel. In the future, overseas visits of the processing technologies can be planned, and adopt the techniques to the domestic subsidized organization. We aimed at the investigation of the actual derivative flow in recycling industry, especially the printed circuit boards because they are hazardous substances and offshore processing. During the counsels, the recyclers encountered poor rate of refrigerant collection and serious industrial safety issues (i.e. explosions) in recent years when environmentally friendly refrigerant are involved. We suggested an oxygen concentration detector, (including an inert gas) can be added in the standard facility installation to handle and shred the waste pentane-containing fridges properly. In addition, according to the sorting results of improved mesh aperture, the ratio of copper and aluminum compound in recovered resources could be rose to 72.3%, about 10% increase in the overall effectiveness. During the counsels, we surveyed the proportion of processing efficiency and resources recycling, and discovered the poor rates of recovered resources sorting of copper and aluminum. We suggested the recyclers should enhance their recycling techniques in order to separate iron, non-ferrous and plastic materials properly to effectively improve the ratio of resource recovery.(3) Develop the process of allowance of weight: we has discussed the scope subsidies and items of missing elements. After discussion with the auditing and certification unit, 7 missing elements could be incorporated into the subsidies. We went to 5 of the larger recycling industries to check the items of waste appliances weighted for bill, the regulation of operations, and dispute resolution. Following the process of allowance of weight, 3 recycling industries were chosen to proceed the simulation to analyze processing time, impurities of missing elements, and fluency of operation to confirm the model of certification. We predict the impact of open-up the allowance of weight on our foundation expense based on last year (2012) auditing certified amounts. Overall expenditure of missing elements of waste home appliance is 0.34% of annual contribution fees; total expenditure of missing elements of waste IT equipment accounts for 0.18% of the annual contribution fees. (4) Review of waste appliances recycling system and to improve management performance: We held 21 sessions of education and training, 20 on-site counseling, and 3 seminars with electronic associations to disseminate waste appliances recycling system. Spot-checking 22 regulated industries and wrote 19 persuasion tickets with EPA and EPB. Moreover, according to the users’ need, we developed 9 functions and statements for take-back web system. Inspecting the result of waste appliances recycling: This year (2013), the waste appliances collected through take-back system were 95,892. The waste collection numbers increased 12,277tems and compared with the same period (from April to December) last year, it shows a contribution to stable waste items growth. We assisted to promote system this year, and suggested advocating for different industries, and project counseling to enhance the effectiveness of waste appliances recycling system.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司