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Title 室內污染物分布特性及採樣分析技術與改善策略評估暨室內空氣品質標準值修訂
Abstract 為釐清室外環境的變異對於室內空氣品質之影響,本團隊利用前期時序性資料的整合分析探討環境變遷對於室內各項汙染物的濃度分佈情形,彙整自1998年以來,累計共764筆不同建築物之實場監測資料,將其整合採樣時間相對應之環保署大氣汙染物一般空氣測站的監測資料,及場所建築特徵和室內外潛在污染源之問卷調查資訊,並利用GEE或GLM統計模型進行估算。研究發現大氣汙染物濃度變化對室內汙染物分佈情形均有顯著影響,若在模式中考量大氣溫度之影響,亦發現每單位溫度的增加會顯著影響汙染物室內外關係。進一步加入時間變項後,除CO2以外,各式室內汙染物濃度每年的beta值比起基準年份多呈負值,說明相較10年前,室內空氣品質較為理想;然而,近5年室內O3和真菌濃度的中位數相較於過去有顯著的增加,在時間模式中也發現,室內濃度的beta值有隨年份增加的趨勢,顯示室內環境有逐漸惡化的現象。本研究利用學界罕見之寶貴資料,首次整合長達15年不同類型建築物之室內監測數據,釐清影響室內各式空氣汙染物濃度的因素,進而評估大氣汙染物變異對室內濃度的影響,定量出各自的影響程度。本研究團隊完成公告方法與非公告方法監測值的比對,並發現 personal environment monitoring (PEM) 採樣器適合用於實場PM2.5濃度的監測,研究團隊也研擬「微粒直讀式儀器的使用規範與查驗制度」。在懸浮微粒組成與健康效應部份,研究發現鋁、鈣、鐵和鈉是國內辦公空間PM2.5與PM10的優勢元素,道路或裸露地面則是可能的貢獻源;本研究所調查的元素濃度偏低,尚無足夠證據證實會增加人體的健康危害風險,未來應擴展至其他類別場所,以深入瞭解國內公共空間的懸浮微粒特性與潛在健康危害。本研究於國內7處室內公共場所進行半揮發性有機化合物(以鄰苯二甲酸酯PAEs與萘等PAHs)氣態、懸浮微粒(PM2.5、PM10)、地板灰塵採樣。PAHs結果顯示,各採樣點氣相總PAHs均高於PM2.5及PM10,氣相PAHs最高濃度為萘,其中各採樣地點氣相萘與國際間研究室內環境濃度相仿。PAHs於懸浮微粒中,菲最常測出,其他較常測出者為苊烯及蒽。PAEs方面,氣相總PAEs濃度高於懸浮微粒相PM2.5及PM10,分子量較低(<300 g/mol)之PAEs於氣相大部分均有測出,其中以DBP濃度較高;分子量300-400 g/mol之PAEs如DEHP檢出率達100%;分子量400 g/mol以上之PAEs如DINP與DIDP於氣相中大部分均低於偵測極限。懸浮微粒PM2.5及PM10方面,被檢出者較集中於分子量300-400 g/mol之PAEs,且大部分PM10高於PM2.5之濃度,主要分布於粗微粒(coarse, PM2.5-10)部份。地板灰塵結果顯示,DIBP、DEHP及DNOP檢出率均達100%,濃度主要以DEHP佔最高比例,其次為DNOP與DINP。為探討室內真菌暴露對健康之影響,從Pubmed搜尋 2009-2013年之研究發表,經題目及摘要、全文、研究設計等原則層層篩選後獲得7篇關於潮濕/真菌暴露對近期氣喘影響之英文全文文獻以進行統合分析,隨機效應模式分析之結果顯示潮濕、霉斑及霉味分別可增加近期氣喘風險40.1% (95% CI=0.921-2.133)、60.1% (95% CI=1.264-2.027) 及79.9% (95% CI=1.268-2.553),然潮濕之影響未達統計顯著 (p > 0.05)。另外,本研究亦藉由比較培養法與qPCR之真菌檢測結果以評估非培養技術qPCR之環境可應用性。在10點次空間中,培養法測得之真菌及Aspergillus日平均中位數濃度分別為456 和55 CFU/m3,qPCR測得之濃度則為9,233與77 spore equivalent/m3;但兩種方法測得不論是真菌或Aspergillus之濃度均不具顯著相關性 (p > 0.05)。若進一步加上過去分析之5個光電廠樣本,則真菌濃度便呈現顯著正相關 (r= 0.408, p=0.043)。此相關性不一致之情形可能是由於不同場所特性會影響真菌的生理特性,亦即提高或降低真菌的可培養性;然此也顯示了兩種方法所得之真菌暴露資料可能連結至不同之健康效應,然此部分仍須未來進一步結合健康資料才能獲得更清楚之結論。本研究團隊在彙析國內外生物性污染的生成因素等相關文獻後,發現溫度、濕度和有機質為影響微生物生長的重要因素,因此控制溫度等因子有助於降低室內的生物性污染問題。研究團隊也完成2個室內生物性污染改善案例,並整併入「室內生物性污染控制技術指引」。
EngTitle Distribution characteristics of indoor air pollutants, sampling and analysis techniques with strate
EngAbstract This study is aimed to integrate the database of indoor air indicators and pollutants established by our research team over the past 15 years to evaluate the primary climatic impacts on IAQ in Taiwan. Since 1998, we have continuously collected monitoring data of IAQ in a total of 764 buildings in different indoor environments. We further integrated the profiles of ambient pollutants from EPA atmospheric stations according to the sampling area and specific time. Building characteristics and potential indoor and outdoor sources were summarized as well. Generalized Linear Model (GLM) or Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), depending on the distribution of data format, were selected to evaluate the impacts of ambient pollutants and climate variations on IAQ. Results show that variations of ambient pollutants had significant impact on IAQ. Besides, these relationships are affected significantly by the change of ambient temperature. Taking into account the factor of “sampling year” in the examining models, current IAQ seems to be better than a decade ago since lower values of beta coefficients in each year are found compared to that in baseline year, except the pollutant of CO2. However, higher median value and beta of indoor O3 and fungi were found after the year of 2005 compared to the levels before 2004, demonstrating a worse situation of IAQ starts to occur. In conclusion, our study is the first to evidence a series of impacts of ambient pollutants and climate variations on indoor air pollutants by using a 15-years dataset of field investigations. We have clarified the factors contributing to the change of levels of indoor air pollutants and quantified the degrees of these impacts.This study has also conducted a comparison between data of real-time monitor and standard sampling method for PM2.5 and PM10, and suggested that personal environment monitoring (PEM) instrument could be used to monitor the levels of PM2.5 in the fields. We also draft a document for “standard usage method for real-time monitors for PM2.5 and PM10”. Moreover, we investigated the characteristics and health effects of PM2.5 and PM10 in office spaces, and found that aluminum, calcium, iron and sodium elements were major compounds in study spaces. Road and uncover land were potential contributors for the elemental compositions of PM2.5 and PM10 by PCA, and total Cr has higher hazard risk by risk assessment. In the further, we need to investigate the characteristics and health risk of PM2.5 and PM10 in different kind of public spaces.This study sampled the semi-volatile organic compounds (such as phthalates PAEs and naphthalene PAHs), gas, suspended particulate (PM2.5 and PM10), and floor dust, in seven domestic indoor public places. PAHs showed that the gas phase of PAHs in every sampling site is higher than the PAHs in PM2.5 and PM10, the gas phase of naphthalene concentration is similar to the indoor environmental concentration in the international research. In the aspects of suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10 of PAHs, phenanthrene was mostly detected; acenaphthylene and anthracene were also frequently detected. The result of PAEs, the total gas phase concentration is higher than the suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10. For PAEs in gas phase, molecular weight (<300 g/mol) were mostly detected, in which DBP was with the highest concentration; molecular weight (300-400 g/mol) such as DEHP were detected 100%; molecular weight over 400 g/mol such as DINP and DIDP in the gas phase mostly were all below the detection limits. For PAEs in suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10, The concentration of PAEs in PM10 is higher than PM2.5, mainly distribute on coarse, PM2.5-10. The analysis of floor dust shows that DIBP, DEHP, and DNOP reach the detection rate of 100%. In the dust concentration, the concentration of DEHP has the highest proportion; Followed by DNOP and DINP.In order to assess the impacts of fungal exposure on human health, a systematic search of the Pubmed database was conducted (2009-2013). Seven full papers about the associations between dampness/visible mold/mold odor were selected for meta-analysis according to the selection criteria. The results of random effects model shows that dampness, visible mold, and mold odor can increase the risk of current asthma by 40.1% (95% CI=0.921-2.133), 60.1% (95% CI=1.264-2.027), and 79.9% (95% CI=1.268-2.553), respectively; however, the effect of dampness was not significant (p > 0.05). Moreover, this study also tried to evaluate the applicability of qPCR to airborne fungal monitoring by comparing the fungal exposure determined by culture assay and qPCR. In 10 tested spaces, the daily concentrations (median) of fungi and Aspergillus detected by culture assay were 456 and 55 CFU/m3, respectively, whereas qPCR quantified 9,233 sp-eq/m3 of fungi and 77 sp-eq/m3 of Aspergillus (median). Although there were no significant correlation between culture assay and qPCR in concentrations of fungi and Aspergillus both (p > 0.05), the positive correlation was showed after further combining the results detected from five spaces of a photonic fabrication factory (r= 0.408, p=0.043 for fungi). Such discordant findings may be because the characteristics of spaces would affect the metabolic activity of fungi, i.e. decrease or increase in the culturability of fungi. These findings also implied that the fungal exposure examined by culture assay and qPCR might link to different health impacts; however, this need a further study of investigating the associations of fungal exposure determined by the two methods and health outcomes.Previous studies, in summary, have shown that temperature, humidity and organic material are important influence factors in microbiological growth, therefore controlling these factors is helpful for preventing biological contamination. This study had performed two of biological pollution improvement cases, and results of improvement were synthesized into 「A guide to control technology of indoor biological contamination」.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立成功大學