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Title 102年度臺南市節能減碳計畫-低碳生活營造計畫
Abstract 為協助推動節能減碳低碳生活營造計畫,本計畫於執行期間協助推動臺南市政府單位具體落實無悔措施、推廣節能減碳行動標章、低碳活動、辦理氣候變遷相關媒體宣導及「夏月節電不浪費 低碳省錢好利high」活動。辦理一場次辦公廳舍節電說明會,進行市府所屬25個公務單位現場查核作業。辦理三場次節能減碳行動標章說明會,參加人數共730人,協助各單位進行行動標章申請相關事宜,共有14個單位提出申請,經環保署審查有13個單位取得節能減碳行動標章。定期維護管理臺南市環保局「綠網」部落格之節能減碳資訊,統計至12月10日環保局Facbook粉絲專頁累計粉絲團人數達2,386人,部落格推廣累計達2,157次。辦理節能減碳宣導活動15場次,登錄水號數量51,275個。辦理2場次夏月節電政策宣導說明會,分享節水省電經驗,參加人數約計160人。辦理3場次低碳校園環境教育交流會,擴大推動低碳城市及低碳示範校園理念,參與人數共220人。辦理「中秋不烤肉、減碳新生活」音樂會,宣導「不烤肉」、「不放煙火鞭炮」、「不買過度包裝的禮盒」三不政策,約有超過300位民眾共襄盛舉。辦理臺南、高雄2場次低碳觀摩活動,共有180人參加。應遠見雜誌邀請賴清德市長參加「第11屆華人企業領袖高峰會」,特刊於12月出刊。藉由平面媒體宣導節能減碳相關議題,媒體露出共計8則。製作拍攝有關低碳生活、低碳旅遊、夏月節電等12集低碳永續家園宣導片。辦理「夏月節電不浪費 低碳省錢好利high」節電競賽,並公開抽獎及表揚。配合環保局於活動時設置節能減碳攤位宣導、協助環境教育專案計畫,進行環境教育場所宣導,結合低碳回收行動列車,進行節能燈具巡迴宣導,合計宣導人數達1,595人。
EngTitle 2013 Tainan Promotion Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction - Low Carbon Life Project
EngAbstract In order to assist in the promotion of energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction in the low carbon life project, this plan assisted the Taiwan City Government to implement the practical ways, promote the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction action logo, low carbon activity, process relevant media publicity in climatic change and the 「Summer Season Electricity No Waste Low Carbon Money Saving and Good Benefit is High」 activity. One session of office electricity conservation explanation meeting was conducted as well as site audits on 25 government units of the city government. Three sessions of energy conservation and carbon emission reduction action logo explanation meeting were held with 730 attendees. Assisted various units to apply for the action logo and all together 14 units applied and upon examination by the Environmental Protection Administration, 13 units acquired the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction logo. Periodically maintained and managed the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction information in the 「Eco life」 blog of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City Government. Up to December 10, the number in the Facebook fans page of the Environmental Protection Bureau reached 2,386 and the blog promotion reached 2,157 times. Fifteen energy conservation and carbon emission reduction publicity activities were held and the number of registration was 51,275. Two sessions of Summer Electricity Conservation Policy Publicity Meeting were held to share the experience of water and electricity conservation and the number of participants was about 160. Three sessions of low carbon campus environment education exchange meeting were held and expanded the promotion on the philosophy of a low carbon city and low carbon demonstration campus with 220 participants. Held the 「No Barbecue During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Carbon Emission Reduction New Life」 Concert and publicized the three no policies including 「No Barbecue」, 「No Fireworks and Firecrackers」, 「No Excessive Packaging Gift Box」 and about over 300 citizens jointed this grand occasion. Two sessions of low carbon observation and study activities were held in Tainan and Kaohsiung respectively with 180 participants. In response to the invitation by Time Magazine Mayor Lai Ching-Te participated the 「11th Annual Global Views Business Forum」 and the special edition was published in December. Through plane media to publicize the issue relevant to energy conservation and carbon emission reduction, there were all together eight media exposures. Twelve episodes of low carbon sustainable homeland publicity films were produced and the contents included low carbon life, low carbon travelling and summer season electricity conservation. The electricity conservation contest entitled 「Summer Season Electricity Conservation No Waste Low Carbon Money Saving Good Benefit is High」 was held with open prize draw and commendation. Coping with the Environmental Protection Bureau, the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction booth was set up to publicize and to assist in the environmental protection project, environmental education site publicity and combine with the low carbon emission recycle action train to conduct energy conservation light fixtures publicity tour and all together the number of person publicized reached 1,595.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 立境環境科技股份有限公司