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Title 推動我實質參與聯合國氣候變化綱要公約之策略研析與規劃
Abstract 本計畫掌握德班平台談判發展與因應策略,從建構法制基礎做起,輔落實部門減量、善用市場機制、強化教育宣導、促進國際合作等面向,結合跨部會及產業科技等力量,推動重點標竿型計畫。本計畫共六項工作:1.研析KP第二承諾期、ADP進展、SBSTA方法論議題、執行因應措施所可能產生不利的影響、UNFCCC第六條氣候變遷教育、訓練及公眾意識等議題;並就2015年新協議可能方案做進一步的探討。2.協助環保署參與SB 38及COP19/CMP9會議,建立國際合作管道,其中COP19/CMP9行政院代表團由環保署副署長葉欣誠擔任團長,國內各部會代表與專家學者與會,實地掌握全球氣候談判的最新動態及國際交流活動。3.研析國際碳市場之最新發展,透過建立國際組織交流管道,尋求我國參與國際碳市場之機會。提出國際碳市場發展對我國產業之影響。另由環保署執行秘書簡慧貞參加COP19/CMP9會議時波蘭之周邊會議;及工研院與IETA合辦周邊會議。4.研析國際因應氣候變遷與能源政策及立場、聯繫IETA工作組、分析國際碳權MRV管理機制及掌握德國看守協會氣候變遷績效指標。另,赴歐盟參與IEW會議及氣候變化行動署考察。COP19/CMP9會議時以工研院名義,與臺灣永續能源研究基金會合辦周邊會議。5.掌握公約溫室氣體清冊報告,完成溫室氣體國家體系平台設計、召開3場審議會、完成2012年溫室氣體排放清冊及辦理「國家節能減碳總行動方案」102年度工作計畫彙整評析。6.更新改版「推動台灣參與氣候變化綱要公約」中英文版網站及 UNFCCC推案文宣;協助UNFCCC推案施政及建置NGO對話機制舉辦5場會議。
EngTitle The strategy of Taiwan’s promotion to participate in the mechanism of UNFCCC-
EngAbstract This project’s content is established from legal basis along with multi aspect strategies of sectoral mitigation, market mechanism, education propagation, and international collaboration to further cross link achievements of governmental ministries and industrial technologies. This project includes six main tasks: 1. Analyze topic development trend in the 2nd commitment period of KP, negotiation progress of ADP, methodology topics of SBSTA discussion, possible disadvantage influences on implementing response actions, and the topics of climate change education, training and public awareness enhancement under code 6 of the UNFCCC. The project further discussed possible results for the new agreement in 2015.2. Assist Taiwan EPA participates in meetings and activities to the UNFCCC (SB38, COP19/CMP9), and establish collaboration and communication opportunities. The deputy minister of Taiwan EPA, Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, leads Taiwan Executive Yuan Delegation to participate in the COP19/CMP9 with representatives from ministries. The delegation managed the latest moves on global climate negotiation.3. Analyze multi measures to practically join in the carbon market mechanism through international organization channels. The project analyzed international carbon market mechanism and its influences on Taiwan industry.4. The research has researched and collected information of and energy policy and stand in response to climate change in main countries or groups. This project links with the WG of IETA, analyzes management mechanism of international carbon credit MRV, understands CCPI and GCRI announced by the Germanwatch, participates in EU’s IEW meeting, and visits DG-CLIMA. In the COP19/CMP9 meeting, the ITRI and TAISE co-organized a side event.5. The project has accomplished an analysis report of national GHG inventory. The platform accomplished functional design and website construction for National GHG Inventory Registry Platform. The project organized 3 times of “national GHG inventory consulting meeting”. The project has completed “2013 National Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Master Plan” annual research work, and the 2013 plan analysis.6. The project has accomplished new designs and functions of “Promoting Taiwan participation in the UNFCCC” website in Chinese and English versions. The project accomplished propagation materials in paper and electronic styles. The project organized 5 consulting meeting for UNFCCC participation promotion and the NGO talk mechanism.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院