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Title 廢乾電池及廢照明光源回收處理體系調查分析暨執行成效檢討評估
Abstract 本計畫執行期程為102年1月22日至12月31日, 97~102年市售照明光源檢驗結果,符合歐盟相關規範有123組,佔總樣品數72.4%。分別於7/8~7/10完成1家非直管乾式處理(宏青公司)及7/15~7/17完成1家直管濕式處理(明鴻公司)汞流布現場監檢測工作,工作內容包含環境汞濃度監測、排放煙道檢測、廠區總懸浮微粒檢測以及再生料與廢棄物採樣等。根據CATI調查結果,有一成民眾不會將廢燈管回收,而未回收的原因以不知道要回收的比例較高,多數民眾會將拆卸後的廢燈管以原紙套(盒)或容器做好盛裝或包覆,且民眾對於破損廢照明的危害程度認知度高,但可回收之認知度尚待提昇,另近七成的民眾沒有打破燈管(泡)的經驗。廢乾電池流布調查統計結果,認證體制內佔63.97%;認證體制外(已回收未分類、已回收已分類)佔5.41%;而直接排入垃圾中數量佔30.62%。10組市售乾電池檢測除二次鹼錳電池汞含量符合「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」5ppm及「歐盟電池指令」5ppm相關規定,其餘各類鈕釦型電池之汞含量約介於158ppm~25,000ppm之間,另已依各類乾電池成本調查及估算之結果提出費率與補貼費率草案並分別於12月3日及9月30日公告實施,錳鋅/筒型鹼錳電池徵收費率、鎳氫電池與鎳鎘電池徵收及補貼費率暫不調整。為加深民眾廢乾電池須回收之觀念,本計畫已針對廢乾電池回收及近年新興產品「行動電源」設計2款回收宣導海報,並結合廢家電及廢資訊物品之廣告刊登方式進行宣導。另針對清潔隊規劃廢照明光源防破教案內容重點。101年應回收廢棄物回收處理創新研發成果發表會已於102年3月25日在集思台大會議中心辦理完成,並製作計畫成果摘要手冊。102年度評選作業統計申請件數共有56件,符合初審資格者有52件,複審核定者有18件,其中申請方式以獨立申請者共有14件(學術單位10件、研究機構4件)。
EngTitle Inspecting and Analyzing the Collection and Recycling systems of Waste Batteries and Waste Lamps
EngAbstract The project period was from Jan 22, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013. The testing result of lamps from 2008 to 2013 showed that there were 123 samples complied with the EU regulation, about 72.4% of total samples. For the mercury distribution within the waste lamp recycling plant, the investigations of Hong Chin Corp. (dry technology for non-linear fluorescent tube) and Ming Hong Corp. (wet technology for linear fluorescent tube) had been completed in July 8 to July 10 and July 15 to July 17, respectively. The work included the environmental mercury concentration monitoring, emission during processing, and the total suspend particles monitoring. According to the CATI surveying result, about 10% people wouldn’t collect waste lamps because most of them didn’t know waste lamps should be recycled. Lots of people would put the waste lamp into a new or the original package for protection. However, people recognized the danger of broken waste lamps but didn’t know the broken waste lamps should be recycled, too. And there were 70% people didn’t have the experience for breaking lamps. For the result of waste batteries distribution, the auditing and certification volume was 63.97%, outside the auditing and certification system (collected but not sorting, collected and sorted) volume was 5.41%, and volume discarded in the municipal solid wastes was around 30.62%. The testing result of 10 battery samples showed, only the secondary alkaline battery complied with the standards 5 ppm of both domestic and EU battery directive regulations, the other samples’ mercury contents were between 158ppm to 25,000ppm. Besides, the draft of fee rates and subsidy rates for waste batteries had been completed and announced on 3rd December and 30th September, respectively. The fee rates of Mn/Zn, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd batteries and the subsidy rates of Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries would not be adjusted. In order to enhance the concept of battery recycling, the project already designed 2 posters for battery and “power bank” recycling. Those 2 posters were exerted on advertisements which combined with waste electronics and computers recycling. Besides, the project proposed the educational material of the waste lamps breakage prevention for municipal cleaning crews. The 2012 exhibit of the achievement for subsidizing the inventing and researching of regulated recyclable wastes collection and recycling was held in NTU Convention Center on 25th Mar, 2013. And the summaries of all the developments had been passed to the academics and related businesses through meeting data. There were 56 cases applied in 2013, and 18 of them passed the auditing and qualified for the subsidy. There were 14 cases applied by individual units.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會