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Title 102年度污染土地再利用制度推動及系統建置計畫
Abstract 為落實「污染土地再利用政策」之推動,使國土永續經營獲得更全面的效益,本計畫依據環保署於前兩期已完成之污染土地再利用政策藍圖與規劃架構為基礎,解析國內土地管理與農業政策之相關法規,進行受污染農地再利用之定義與執行方案之研擬,提出相關補助與獎勵措施,並搭配未來國土政策之農地分級規劃提出整合建議。同時,為執行層面建立必要的執行工具,包括污染場址管理相關必要之審查指引的擬定、民眾參與機制的建立、永續指標的建構以及示範場址再利用之可行性評估等,以完備執行面之整體內容。本計畫也建立一套篩選機制,針對全國污染土地進行篩選分類,提出優先推動之污染場址建議名單,以加速污染土地再利用政策的推行。另外,為增加政策推動的能見度,持續建置「污染土地再利用資訊平台」資訊平台之具體內容,預期未來可供民眾查詢相關場址管理與開發資訊。綜合前述工作成果,整體計畫為環保署後續推動「污染土地再利用政策」完成了階段性的策略規劃內容。
EngTitle 102 Annual Contaminated Land Revitalization Policy Promoting and Establishment of the Information We
EngAbstract 102 Annual Contaminated Land Revitalization Policy Promoting and Establishment of the Information Website ProjectTo implement the contaminated land revitalization policy and land sustainable development, the contaminated land revitalization was promoted. Based on the completed contaminated land revitalization policy and planning framework blueprint in the former two phases, this project studied complete domestic land management laws and conducted agricultural policies regulatory analysis. The project established the definition and implementation of the contaminated agricultural land revitalization. To provide suggestions of grants and incentives for contaminated agricultural land revitalization, contaminated agricultural land revitalization is classified according to future agricultural land grading policy and planning. Moreover, in order to establish the necessary implementation tools, we designed contaminated sites management, with the necessary administrative guidelines related to the establishment of mechanisms for public participation as well as the creation of sustainability indicators and the feasibility assessment for demonstration site. In order to accelerate the implementation of contaminated land revitalization policy, the project also set up a screening mechanism to filter contaminated lands for the national classification. We promote the priority list of contaminated sites. In addition, this project hosted a preliminary web site offering contaminated land revitalization information, and the public will be able to search for information in the future. Consolidated results of aforementioned work completed the strategic stage to promote the contaminated land revitalization policy for Taiwan EPA.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中興工程顧問社