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Title 102年度資源回收電子報發行專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫的目標是透過每月編輯方式,將環保法規與政策、基管會各項活動之動態及國外環保回收等相關政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步邀請國內各類回收主題之專家、學者及民間環保人士等專業人士-進行訪談,從政策規劃及推動,再談及各項回收執行現況,讓國內現行的回收推動現況及其成效之全貌浮現。透過國內動態、深入分析、活動看板、多媒體、問與答及國際瞭望等六大單元,以淺而易懂的文字敘述,彙編為網路虛擬雜誌,以網路型態寄送及發行,不受空間及時間的限制,成為提供各界瞭解我國回收施政的便利管道,以宣揚資源回收施政之成果及普及的環境教育及其政策。電子報以網頁編輯方式提供給基管會,由相關單位上傳至基管會資源回收電子報之網頁中。
EngTitle Release Recycle e-paper of 102-103 Annual
EngAbstract The main tasks of this project consist of summarizing environmental regulations and policies, activities organized by the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) and international recycling policy trends and providing analyses through monthly editing works. Experts, scholars and non-governmental environmental activists versed on domestic recycling issues are interviewed. Topics discussed range from policy planning and implementation to current status of resource recycling streams. Overviews on the current domestic recycling promotion and its achievement are therefore conveyed through easily understandable narrations. The outcome are virtual e-magazines on the internet that contain 6 sections: domestic occurrences, depth analysis, activities billboard, multimedia, Q&A’s, and international outlook. These e-magazines are published and distributed in the forms of webpages which can be viewed any time and any where. They have become easily accessible channels for people of different fields to learn about recycling administration of our country. They can also be used to spread our experiences in recycling administration, environmental education and policy. Edited e-magazines are provided to the RFMB in the format of web-pages and then posted to R-paper section of the RFMB official website.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 惠國顧問股份有限公司