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Title 102年臺中市固定污染源許可、空污費及揮發性有機物管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程自102年2月1日至102年12月31日止,主要工作項目包括:許可審查、空污費審查、連續自動監測設施管制、揮發性有機物管制、定期檢測監督管理及法規符合度查核等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程辦理,計畫總進度達成率已達100%,無落後之項目。許可審查作業延續ISO9001標準化作業,並採簡訊方式通知申辦進度,計畫執行期間計核發49張設置許可證與376張操作許可證。為落實空污費申報稽核,今年度抽查原物料揮發性有機物成份20點次,其中13件樣品與申報數值差異逾10%,已辦理空污費重新核算及追繳。本計畫每日檢核連續自動監測數據,計畫執行迄今計有2廠監測數據超出排放標準,已提報予環保局告發處分。另執行11根相對準確度稽查檢測、10根標準氣體查核及10次訊號平行比對測試,測試結果皆符合規範。今年度現場查核採全廠法規符合度查核方式辦理,計已查核509廠次,查核符合率為96.4%,查核不符者皆已移由環保局查處。今年度推動臺中港區固定污染源管制方案,並指定10家區內公私場所於8月底前完成排放量認可,本計畫已於7月26日辦理說明會,並輔導業者申辦排放量認可。
EngTitle 2013 Control plan on permits to stationary pollution source, air pollution fees and VOCs
EngAbstract This project has a period of execution from February 1,2013 to December 31, 2013, with main tasks including permitreview, air pollution fees review, control of CEMS, VOCcontrol, management of periodic tests, and checking on legalcompliances. All operations have begun and are going asplanned and scheduled; percentage of achievement iscurrently 100.0%, which fulfills the predefined progress. Theoperation of permits review extends the standardized ISO9001 operation and involves notification of progress ofoperations to applicants by texts. The execution, over itsperiod, issued all 49 permits to installation and 376 permitsto operation. To fully carry out the audit over thedeclaration of air pollution fees, the project takes 20sample checks on VOC components in raw materials this year,of which 13 samples have been subjected to re-calculationand re-payment order for being in excess of the declaredvalue by over 10%. This project also exercises daily checkof data of CEMS; till date it has uncovered two plants withsuch figure exceeding the criteria for emissions and hasreported to EPB. It also exercised 11 checks on flumes RATA,10 checks in standard gases and 10 checks in signal parallelcomparison, and found them all compliant. On-site check thisyear is conducted by the method of overall plant legalcompliance, and has run 509 times, which found a rate ofcompliance at 96.4%, where the noncompliant cases have beenreported to EPB for disposal. This year sees the launchingof control program of stationary pollution sources inTaichung Harbor, which requires ten plants, to complete emission approval by end of August. This project has givenpresentation on July 26 and given counsel tothe industries in applying for emission approval withinprescribed dates.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司