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Title 應回收容器責任業者基線資料建置暨回收推廣專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程為102年2月6日至102年12月31日,主要工作內容分別為「建置國內應回收容器責任業者基線資料」、「建立應回收容器材質之基線資料,強化列管材質判釋基礎」與「收集並盤查廢容器製成再生料之碳足跡」,相關執行成果說明如下: 彙整101年度各容器材質申報營業量前20%之責任業者,分析其責任業者營業申報量前50%商品,建置基線資料共計126件,並彙整相關基線資料分析其判釋指紋。 建置「非塑膠廢容器判釋流程」、「應回收廢塑膠容器簡易判釋流程」與彙整平板容器與非平板類免洗餐具之成分與成型資料,供後續執行機關與回收/處理機構之判釋參酌。 彙整歷年針對回收相關標誌疑義案例共計22件,其中常見之疑義案件為特殊塑膠材質與複合材標示編碼,其次依序分別為回收標誌標示位置與廢塑膠容器責任物歸屬。針對地方環保機關諮詢輔導管道方面,本年度執行期間分別對於「未發泡PS材質容器類型與判釋方式」與「OPS材質容器材質特性與回收處理」等問題進行輔導與說明。另本計畫已配合環保署針對印表機耗材墨水匣、碳粉匣納入列管範圍與PVDC材質之食品包裝材納入列管範圍進行調查說明。 完成PVC、發泡PS與未發泡PS等三種材質之盤查作業,且各項材質之稽核認證量均達到75%以上,故盤查獲得之數據實有其代表之可信度,可作為後續減碳效益量化之基礎數據。另盤查上述三種材質之應回收廢容器製成再生料之碳排放量與原生材料之碳排放量進行比較後發現,使用廢容器再生料較使用原生料,可減碳76%至85%。 完成鐵、鋁、玻璃等三種材質之國內碳足跡排放係數建置之相關行政作業事宜;因我國已建立主要能耗包括電力、柴油等相關碳排放係數,經數據品質評核系統之計算後,鐵、鋁、玻璃之數據品質均達高品質。
EngTitle The Baseline Data Establishment and the Collection Promotion for the Responsible Producers of the An
EngAbstract The project period was from February 2nd, 2013 to December 31st, 2013, the main subjects included “database establishment of recycled container responsible enterprises”, “database establishment of announced recyclable items and enhancement of material distinguishing”, “collecting and investigating carbon footprint of the secondary production”, and the results were summarized as the following: According to the recycled container sales volume reported by responsible enterprise in 2012, the database was established by the best-selling goods in all range of material taking a half of the top 20% amount of reported sales volume. In total, 126 data was set up for checking out undeclared enterprises in the future. In addition, establishment of distinguishing process on non-plastic waste containers and announced recyclable waste plastic containers could provide a standard for enforcement authorities and recycling enterprises to follow. However, there were 22 uncertain cases about recycle symbol counted from sales database system (managed by EPA), such as particular plastic and complex plastic, recycle symbol marked at inconspicuous place, and unclear category. This project had built local environmental protection authorities counseling access, and during the project, we collaborated with EPA to help local environmental protection authorities and environmental groups to learn more about non-foamed PS container distinguishing technique and treatment of OPS. Besides, we carried out a feasibility analysis and investigations on additional announced regulated containers which environmental groups claimed to add. Such as printer supplies, toner, and food packaging which contained PVDC. This project has completed inspection of carbon emissions on PVC, PS and non-foamed PS, and auditing and certification volume of each material was up to 75%, therefore, these data was reliable for further study. Through the inspection of carbon emissions on secondary products compares with original materials, especially on PVC, PS and non-foamed PS, carbon reduction reaches 76% to 85% when using secondary products. Furthermore, the carbon footprint coefficients for three materials (iron, aluminum and glass) had been established. Because we already had the electric power and diesel carbon emission coefficients. After inspection, the coefficients of three materials all meet the high data quality by calculation.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會