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Title 雲林縣低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫
Abstract 本計畫於102年3月5日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括辦理運作機能小組會議、製作低碳社區發展策略報告、訂定低碳社區甄選辦法、推動社區取得低碳社區標章、辦理低碳社區說明會、補助社區執行行動項目、辦理永續家園研討會、辦理跨局處低碳家園推動工作相關進度協調會議、辦理跨縣市觀摩活動及製作雲林縣低碳家園推動政策白皮書等。期末報告期間各工作項目執行成果,主要如下:(1)邀請專家委員辦理8場次運作機能小組會議,增加專業諮詢及技術支援,於會議中研擬討論本縣未來低碳永續方向及政策。(2)辦理雲林縣低碳社區甄選活動,藉由活動辦理,讓社區居民一同響應並且參與,也可讓低碳永續觀念深植民心。(3)以本縣社區現有狀況,並參考國內外相關低碳資訊,製作低碳社區發展策略報告,做為未來推動本縣低碳社區之參考。(4)為辦理低碳社區甄選活動,本計畫除訂定甄選辦法外,亦辦理低碳社區說明會,並於說明會中鼓勵社區參與甄選,最終甄選出5處績優低碳社區,且補助社區執行行動項目,藉由小金額的補助,可加速推動低碳社區,並凝聚社區居民向心力。(5)為讓社區居民能更為理解低碳永續家園理念,本計畫辦理6場次永續家園研討會,藉由低碳社區營造的心得分享及交流,讓社區居民了解營造低碳社區並不難,而動手施作。(6)低碳社區並非單一面向推行,因此辦理跨局處低碳家園推動工作相關進度協調會議,增加專業諮詢、技術支援,且請各局處提供相關低碳永續方面計畫,用以彙整未來本縣低碳永續政策推動方向。(7)本計畫規劃辦理1場次跨縣市低碳城市觀摩活動,以低碳城市性質及組成考量,預計觀摩縣市為宜蘭縣,藉由觀摩活動,可從中學習經驗,並作為未來執行低碳城市相關作業之參考。(8)參考國內外低碳城市案例,並收集溫室氣體相關資料進行彙整分析,並規劃低碳永續家園策略,完成雲林縣低碳家園推動政策白皮書,以提供本縣作為低碳永續家園推動施政之參考。(9)每月定期提交月報,並依預定進度控管計畫。
EngTitle Low-Carbon Sustainable Project Office in Yunlin County
EngAbstract This project was initiated on March 5, 2013. Its working plans include organizing the meetings of operation groups, the production of low-carbon community development strategy reports, formulating low-carbon community selection criteria, assisting communities in passing low-carbon community certification, holding low-carbon community policy briefings, subsidizing communities to execute carbon reduction, organizing sustainable-home seminars, organizing cross-departmental coordination meetings to monitor the progress of low-carbon-related jobs, holding a cross-city/county observation program, compiling Yunlin County Low Carbon Home Policy Blueprint, etc. The results of each focal point for project implementation during the final are mainly as follows: (1) Invite experts to organize meetings of operation groups, in order to acquire more professional advice and technical support. In the meetings, the County’s future sustainable low-carbon directions and policies were discussed;(2) Conduct an activity to select low-carbon communities in Yunlin County in the hope that community residents’ response and participation can enable the low carbon and sustainability concepts to be rooted in their awareness; (3) Compile the low-carbon community development strategy report in reference to both the County’s current situation and the low carbon information from domestic and international sources, and take it as a reference for promoting the County’s low-carbon community policies in the future;(4) To conduct the low-carbon community selection activity, the project not only formulated selection criteria, but also held low-carbon community policy briefings to encourage the communities present to participate in the selection. The final top five low-carbon communities were selected and subsidized for low carbon reduction effort in the communities. It was hoped that through the small amounts of subsidies, low-carbon community promotion as well as community cohesion could be facilitated;(5) To help community residents better understand the concepts regarding low-carbon sustainable homes, seminars were included in this project. By sharing and exchanging experiences of developing low-carbon communities, it was proven that community residents could easily understand relevant concepts and put them into practice;(6) The low-carbon community policy is supposed to be implemented with a think tank, so cross-departmental meetings were held to promote the progress and coordination of related jobs, to acquire professional consultation and technical support, as well as to request each department involved to provide their low-carbon sustainability plans that would constitute a basis for the County’s future execution of low-carbon sustainability policies;(7) The project will organize a cross-city/county observation program and in consideration of the characteristics and elements of a low-carbon city, Yilan County will be chosen for the program. It is expected that through the observation program, we can be equipped with related knowledge and employ it for the implementation of low-carbon City policies in the future;(8) Take domestic and international low-carbon cities as the subjects for case study, collect and analyze relevant data of greenhouse gases, plan low-carbon sustainable home strategies, and complete the Yunlin County Low Carbon Home Policy Blueprint, so that these may provide the County with references to promote low-carbon sustainable home policies; and(9) Submit the monthly report and put the plans for control in accordance with predetermined schedules.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司