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Title 臺中、雲林地區農地作物含重金屬鎘污染成因調查及查證計畫
Abstract 本計畫合約期程是自101年10月29日至102年12月31日止,主要工作內容是針對臺中后里及雲林虎尾兩處進行農地及作物受重金屬鎘污染原因調查工作,以釐清農地污染成因與傳輸途徑。本計畫工作項目已完成合約規定之農地環境勘查、農地土壤、渠道底泥、渠道水質、周界大氣、排放管道、農作物植體等調查作業,並運用空污模式及各項介質的同位素進行污染源評估,計畫工作目標已全數達成。臺中后里地區主要以豐興鋼鐵廠列為調查對象,依據所調查蒐集之各類環境樣本分析結果,顯示后里地區農地遭受鎘、鋅污染的原因與豐興鋼鐵逸散粉塵有關,污染傳輸途徑研判為二:(1)由豐興鋼鐵廠廠內后里圳一支線12給水與暫存池溢流至鄰近后里圳第二支線渠道,再經引灌流入鄰近農地,造成農地土壤鋅、鎘含量的累積;(2)經由空氣擴散沉降於周邊農地造成污染。雲林虎尾地區主要將台灣色料廠列為調查對象,結果顯示廠內集塵灰、地表粉塵、污泥、引道(虎尾小給2-4渠道)底泥檢測出含有高量重金屬鎘,研判該廠為造成鄰近渠道底泥富含鎘、鉛的操作源。雲林虎尾地區其污染成因包括(1)廠內粉塵經逕流水帶往排溝排放,造成下游農地引灌後導致污染;(2)棋盤厝中排因暴雨滿溢淹沒農地;然渠道(虎尾小給2-4渠道及棋盤厝中排)底泥富含鎘來源與台灣色料有關。依本計畫調查結果研判台中后里地區農地主要污染來源為豐興鋼鐵廠,雲林虎尾地區則為台灣色料廠,建議後續將上述事業列為求償對象,並規劃預防策略,以讓兩處區域的民眾能安心過生活。
EngTitle Investigation and verification for causes of cadmium contaminated crops in Taichung and Yunlin
EngAbstract The duration of the contract to this project is between October 29th, 2012 and October 28th, 2013. The main job of this project is to investigate and verify the cause of the emerging problem of cadmium rice in an endless stream at Houli, Taichung and Huwei, Yunlin.The investigation works on farmland environment inspection, farmland soils, sediments in irrigation ditches, irrigation water quality, ambient air quality, emission channels and plant tissues, and the assessment on pollution sources via air pollution model and isotopic analysis on all kinds of transportation media have been accomplished.At Houli, Taichung , Feng Hsin Iron Co., LTD. is the top priority of investigated subject. According to all kinds of collected environmental samples and the analytical results, it appears that the fundamental reason for the contaminated farmlands with zinc and cadmium concentration above controlling standards is the diverged dust created from steel manufacturing. There are two transportation pathways. First, the over-loaded waste water and the water from the 12th supply ditch of Houli 1th branch irrigation tunnel, which pass through Feng Hsin Iron and Steel manufacturing factory, enter Houli 2nd branch irrigation tunnel and are used as irrigation purpose that results in accumulation of zinc and cadmium in farmlands. Second, the zinc and cadmium-contained dust diffused and precipitated through air and eventually accumulated in farmlands.As for the investigation at Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD. is the top priority of investigated subjects. The investigation result shows that dirt, dust, sewage sludge and No. 2-4 drainage have been measured with high concentration of cadmium. Hence, based on the assessment and judgement Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD is the source of cadmium accumulated in drainage ditch. The emerging problem of cadmium-contaminated farmlands at Huwei, Yunlin is attributed to two reasons. First, the dust was carried by surface runoff into drainage ditch and that results in pollution of farmlands downstream. Second, the sediments in are full of cadmium. Once the torrential rain comes the water flow out of drainage ditch and enter farmlands. Those cadmium in sediments is correlated with Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD.In terms of the investigation results, the judgment has been made that the pollution source at agricultural area in Houli, Taichung is Feng Hsin Iron and Steel Co., LTD. And the pollution source at agricultural area in Huwei, Yunlin is Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD. The further works in the future will be planning prevention strategy for pollution and prosecuting these two companies for environmental contamination. Also, compensation will be required in order to return a secured environment to local residents.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司