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Title 廢機動車輛源頭減量分析規劃暨廢車粉碎廠監督營運專案工作計畫
Abstract 茲說明本計畫之執行成果摘要如下:(一)調查分析基金收支及回收率狀況完成廢機動車輛類基金合理安全存量必要支出項目研析,並試算基金應保留數額為31.18億元,可做為妥善運用基金賸餘量之參考。另完成以「保三總隊廢車出口檢收數」及「實際使用率修正係數」修正廢車回收率項次研析,可提昇廢車回收率公式之合理性,以更合理反應廢機動車輛回收情況。(二)推動廢機動車輛回收處理業之產業提昇作業完成廢車殼重量上下限調整、提高廢車冷媒抽取量、調整引擎拆解破壞規範等規範研擬,並完成2場次業者研商會,依照手冊規定格式研提廢車回收業稽核認證作業手冊修正草案,以務實推動廢車回收相關管理策略。(三)研擬廢車回收粉碎處理產出碎鐵之碳足跡計算模式完成研擬廢車回收拆解之廢鋼碳足跡計算模式,並執行6家回收業拆解製程廢鋼碳排放係數調查;完成上啟源公司廢鋼碳足跡盤查(每一公斤廢機車為0.31 KgCO2e,廢汽車為0.35 KgCO2e)。另完成10場次回收業現場節能輔導作業,可掌握回收業主要能耗設備,後續作為研提減碳策略參考。(四)考察國外廢車回收機制並建立交流合作管道參訪美國加州廢車回收組織,並與之建立交流合作管道,蒐集美國加州境內廢車回收處理相關資訊。(五)觀音廠監督營運完成觀音廢機動車輛粉碎分類廠績效評估作業及促進民間參與公共工程訪視作業,並完成其動產與不動產估價作業(委由3家民營估價公司進行估價),可作為觀音廠後續處置方案規劃參考。
EngTitle Waste Vehicles Reducing Analysis and the Supervising of Shredding Plants.
EngAbstract The implementations were summarized as the following,After evaluating the expenditure of ELVs funding, the project proposed the rational funding deposit should be 3.118 billion to ensure the ELVs recycle system functioning properly. Besides, to reflect the real ELVs recycling situation, the project suggested to revise the factors of ELVs recycling formula, including adding the data of ELVs exporting number checked by police and the actual utility rate revising coefficient.The project completed the range adjustment of the ELVs’ shell weight, raising the ELVs’ refrigerant extracting quantity, drafting the ELVs’ engine disassemble rules, and holding two industry discussion forums. Then proposed draft of ELVs auditing and certification handbooks to supervise the operation of ELVs recyclers more efficiently. The project developed a model to calculate the quantity of waste steel carbon footprint produced by ELVs recycling entities, and investigated the carbon emission coefficient of waste steel for six ELVs recycle entities as well as the carbon footprint investigation for Guanyin factory had been completed. (the coefficient of waste motorcycles was 0.31 KgCO2e/Kg, and waste cars was 0.35 KgCO2e/Kg) The project also finished the energy saving counseling and assisting for ten collection entities. After the interrogation, the project had collected the characteristics of energy consuming equipment, and related data for proposing the suggestions of the carbon reduction. The project has finished visiting the ELVs recycle organization in California, American. During the visiting, the project established the communication and cooperation relations with it. Furthermore, the project has collected the information of ELVs collection and recycling in California.The evaluation of the Guanyin ELVs recycling factory’s operating efficiency had been completed as well as a conference for inspecting the achievement of private participation in infrastructure construction. The price of the movable property and real estate of Guanyin factory had been appraised by three private evaluation companies, the assessment result could be consulted for the later operation strategy.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會