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Title 臺中市室內空氣品質稽查管制計畫
Abstract 室內空氣品質計畫工作進度統計至12月1日,各項進度皆符合環保局預定進度,包括已彙整歷年巡檢及檢測不合格名單,統計CO2巡檢不合格場所共有82家次,四項巡檢累計為29家次,公告方法檢測不合格場家統計以甲醛項目不合格較多,共有10家次。統計二氧化碳巡檢共檢測110家次,共計2,174點次,超過標準值(1,000 ppm)有34家次(共計有168點次),以幼兒園居多,其次依序為展覽場所及醫療機關,CO2檢測值介於363~1,943 ppm;幼兒園真菌相已檢測10處,針對室內/室外比率值分析探討;公共場所室內空氣污染物統計已檢測10處,10處檢測結果顯示有一場所甲醛測項超標,但經改善複測後以符合標準值,其餘場所部分數值接近標準值,以二氧化碳檢測結果顯示公共場所因民眾出入頻繁,通風設備無法調整換氣率,導致測值偏高,且部分場所檢測結果,其總細菌值接近標準值,推測主要為人數進出影響所致。本團隊為協助改善公共場所室內空氣品質,已執行公共場所現場專家學者輔導協談8場次,後續將執行追蹤調查,對輔導場址進行複測。並辦理室內空氣品質法規暨輔導改善說明會3場次及完成宣導文宣印製500份,經室內空氣品質政策推動說明與常見缺失改善方式,可提升公共場所對室內空氣品質管理專業知識,以達宣導成效。
EngTitle The inspection and control of indoor air quality for Taichung City in 2013
EngAbstract Schedules of plan regarding indoor air quality (IAQ) have met the requirements regulated by Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung. Lists of unqualified public sites via examination and measurements have been included. Statistical results indicated that there were 82 unqualified public sites via examination of CO2. Notably, four parameters (CO2, HCHO, TVOC and CO) of IAQ were all examined sequentially at 29 public sites. Among the unqualified public sites examined employing the standard method announced by Taiwan EPA, they were higher up to 10 unqualified public sites for formaldehyde (HCHO).There were 110 public sites of a total of 2174 points examined for CO2. Among them, CO2 concentrations for 34 public sites of 168 points exceeded standard (1000 ppm). At kindergartens, the sites where their CO2 concentrations exceeded standard were at the most. Next to kindergartens, exhibition sites and hospitals were the second and third many. Their CO2 concentration ranged 363-1943 ppm. Total Fungi Concentration (TFC) in 10 kindergartens has been examined and the I/O ratios (indoor TFC concentration/outdoor TFC concentration) were also analyzed and investigated. The examination for indoor air pollutants in ten public sites indicated that, concentration of HCHO of one public site exceeded standard. After improving and re-examining, it met the standard eventually. Parts of measurements for the other public sites were close to the corresponding standard. Results of CO2 measurements implied that, devices for ventilation could not properly adjust the gas exchange rate due to residents frequently come and go from public sites. This will also result in the higher concentrations of CO2. Results for parts of public sites revealed that, concentrations of Total Bacterial Concentrations (TBC) were close to standard, meaning that this could result from residents frequently come and go from public sites.In order to improve IAQ of public sites in Taichung, eight forums (25 public sites contained) with scholars and experts on site has been proceeded by the present team. Track, investigation and re-measurements will be continually conducted for the target (unqualified) public sites. Regulation, three public hearings and 500 copies of flyers concerning IAQ will be completed. By means of announcing the strategies and common drawback improvement concerning IAQ, professional knowledge for management of IAQ about public sites could be promoted. Furthermore, the effectiveness of propagation and instruction for IAQ could be enhanced.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司