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Title 兩岸資源回收與廢棄物管理環保服務業交流平臺專案工作計畫
Abstract 依環保署「兩岸資源回收與廢棄物管理環保服務業交流平臺專案工作計畫」委辦案評選須知內容,本計畫之目標為:一、搜集整合兩岸資源回收環保服務業相關資訊,並據以更新維護兩岸環保服務業平臺網站。二、搜集整合兩岸廢棄物管理環保服務業相關資訊,並據以更新維護兩岸環保服務業平臺網站。三、調查及搜集大陸地區投資情資、市場分佈情形,研提資源回收及廢棄物清除處理業投資進廠分析報告。四、組團赴大陸地區參加環保服務業相關學術研討會、展覽或論壇活動,協助本署人員赴大陸地區相關事宜。
EngTitle Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication-the resource recycling and waste clearance
EngAbstract To popularize the related works of resource recycling and waste management in cross-strait, this project was to mainly carry out the tasks which are shown as below by collecting and analyzing information, exchanging experiences and visits, and symposium.1.Collecting the enactments related to resource recycling and waste management that were announced by central and local governments in China as well as classifying the stratum of Act published by ministries and compared to the laws of Taiwan.2.Gathering and organizing the information about timings of activity, locations, and hosts of the conferences, exhibits, and other visits of resource recycling and waste management in China 2013-2014.3.Updating the website, The Platform of Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication - the resource recycling and waste clearance, every two weeks. It should be renewed 145 times.4.Completing the investment analyzed report in industries of resource recycling and waste clearance with purpose of providing previously reference for that Taiwanese companies invest mainland market. Moreover, discussing obstacles of investment issues and providing with strategies 5.Attending 4 conferences held in China.6.Holding two sessions of resource recycling and waste clearance and disposal organizations conference to understand the difficulties of industrial circles to invest in China and specific problems needed to government’s assistance.7.Assisting EPA in conducting external communication tasks of the “Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services”.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 上境科技股份有限公司