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Title 應設置資源回收設施業者及回收處理業補貼範圍評估分析
Abstract 本計畫執行期間為102 年1 月18 日至102 年12 月31 日止,工作項目分為三大項,成果摘要如下:一、評估推動新增應設置資源回收設施業者範圍,本計畫藉法規彙整、現況分析及會議決議,並參採123 家業者、與1067 位民眾調查結果,完成擴大列管之方案評估與修法草案,擬擴大至「連鎖餐食販賣業者」為應設置對象,並以「提供座位」與「內用使用免洗餐具」為納管範圍。此外,本計畫完成辦理北、中、南區6 場販賣業者法規說明會。二、評估調整廢容器回收處理補貼方案,本計畫已分析現行3 種回收清除處理補貼費撥付現況與撥付作業方式之差異,針對所提方案進行利害關係人衝突分析,及方案執行之風險評估,且完成調查回收處理業對方案的支持度與意見,據以提出建議方案及相關配套措施。三、推動建立再生料驗證機制方案,本計畫完成辦理業者說明會與專家座談會,確認最適再生料驗證機制為利用稽核認證電子化申報系統資料庫產出廢塑膠容器再生料驗證作業所須資訊,以利處理廠提供第三方驗證機構進行駐廠查核及相關文件勾稽作業等程序使用,並有效節省處理廠配合驗證作業所需人力與時間。最後,本計畫依簽約前會議調整出國參訪主題,以農藥及生質塑膠廢容器為議題,安排實地訪查美國西岸,了解其回收處理之機制與技術,供環保署參考。
EngTitle The Evaluation and Analysis of Subsidized Scopes for Resource Recycling Facility
EngAbstract The project was conducted from Jan. 18 2013 to Dec. 31 2013.The achievements for three main tasks were shown below:Evaluating and promoting the newly expanding scopes of container fast-food restaurants required to install resource recyclingfacilities. By compiling information, analyzing regulations and the results of meetings, and adopting the survey results of 123 enterprisesand 1,067 people, the plan evaluation and draft revision for the expansion of controlling have been completed. It is expected that“dining restaurant chains” should be included as controlling members, and the controlling scopes would involve “seats provided” and“disposable cutlery for stay in.” Additionally, 6 symposiums for restaurant business regulations were held in north, central, and southTaiwan.The adjustment of waste containers recycling subsidy plans was evaluated. The project has analyzed the difference among the currentthree recycling clearness subsidy payment situations and operations.For the plan proposed, the stakeholder conflicts were analyzed, and the risk of conducting plans was evaluated. In addition, the recyclingbusinesses’ supports and options of the plan were surveyed, whereby the suggestions and related supporting measures are raised.The plan to establish reusing material verification mechanism was promoted. The project has organized enterprise and expert symposiums,confirming that optimal recycling material verification mechanism is applying e-application database of auditing certification to produce theverification information of waste plastic containers recycling materials,whereby the related auditing files and operation can be provided to third party verification institutions for on-site auditing effectively.Finally, the project, based on the meeting before the agreement signed, has adjusted the abroad visiting topic. With the pesticides and BiomassPlastics as the topic, on-site visiting to the US West Coast is arranged to realize recycling mechanism and technique and provided to the EPAfor reference.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司