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Title 102年臺中市特定污染源管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間於餐飲業方面,目前已針對317家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導,且完成印製宣導摺頁3000份,配合於查核時進行發送,並成功推動設置及改善空氣污染防制設備41家次,迄今均未再發生民眾陳情案件,另完成屢遭陳情業者改善調查30家次,周界異味官能檢測完成30點次,油煙污染防制宣導說明會或座談會完成3場次,低油煙餐飲示範對象辦理觀摩活動1場次;紙錢集中燒及源頭減量方面,紙錢集中清運共計2558.3公噸,比去年同期增加633.59公噸,淨爐法會完成9場次,印製宣導海報3,000張、宣導摺頁5,000張與彩色布條2,000幅,提供清潔隊及區公所等單位供民眾拿取。辦理紙錢集中清運宣導說明會已完成3場次。集合式住宅、樓管公司、公寓大廈訪談完成302家,調查結果顯示目前社區大樓紙錢集中清運有167家已實施,136家未實施,而其中有103家共計23762戶今年開始實施集中清運,預計削減量可削減TSP 130.17公斤、SOx 23.23公斤、NOx 12.48公斤。推動LED燈具更換、一爐一香或封爐完成30家。露天燃燒方面,好發季節現場查核完成451件,地籍資料查詢完成354處,總控制面積達177,624.54m2,而在污染削減量部分,以排放係數估算分別可消減TSP 768.82公斤、PM10 379.41公斤、SOx 5.77公斤、NOx 268.16公斤、CO 6724.47公斤、THC 609.27公斤、NMHC 297.74公斤。
EngTitle The 2013“Taichung City Specific Pollution Source Control Project”
EngAbstract During the implementation period of this project, in terms of food and beverage industries, verification and guidance of soot control equipment are currently carried out with 317 operators, and 3000 promotional brochures have been printed, where they are being given out as verification is being performed. This has successfully promoted the installation and improvement of air pollution control equipment in 41 industries, and until now, public petition cases have no longer occurred. Also, improvement surveys have been completed for 30 operators, who have been petitioned repeatedly, and functional detections for odors in the perimeter have been completed 30 times, three soot pollution prevention guidance meetings or seminars have been held, and one demonstration activity for low-soot catering have been held. In terms of gathering and burning paper money and decreasing the sources, a total of 2558.3 metric tons of paper money were gathered and removed, which is an increase of 633.59 metric tons compared to the same period last year. Nine incinerator cleansing rituals were held, 3,000 promotional posters, 5,000 promotional brochures, and 2,000 colored banners were printed for the public provided at units such as the cleansing squads and district offices. Three guidance meetings on the processing of the gathering and removal of paper money have been held. 302 interviews have been completed at collective housing projects, building management companies, and apartment buildings, the survey results show that currently 167 have already implemented the gathering and removal of paper money at community buildings, which 136 still haven’t implemented this, among which in 103, there are 23,762 households who have started implementing the gathering and removal this year. The estimated reduction of TSP is 130.17 kg, of SOx is 23.23 kg, and of NOx is 12.48 kg. The promotion of the changing of LED light fixtures, one censer one incense, or sealing the censer have been completed in 30 operators. In terms of open burning, 451 on-site inspections have been completed during the peak season, cadastral information inquiries have been completed in 354 locations, with a total control area reaching 177,624.54 m2. While in terms of pollution reduction, with emission factor estimates, TSP can be reduced by 768.82 kg, PM10 by 379.41 kg, SOx by 5.77 kg, NOx by 268.16 kg, CO by 6724.47 kg, THC by 609.27 kg, and NMHC by 297.74 kg.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司