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Title 推動我國溫室氣體排放量申報工作與建立減量管理機制
Abstract 環保署鑑於溫減法(草案)尚在立法院審議中,但考量溫室氣體減量工作刻不容緩,故將溫室氣體納入空氣污染防制法(簡稱空污法)方式,以執行溫室氣體減量管理政策,待未來溫減法(草案)通過後,即回歸溫減法管理。本計畫延續環保署自93年度之豐碩執行績效,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗、減量之本土化制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體排放量登錄/申報管理趨勢及推動排放標準或標竿值訂定技術資訊,且考量我國產業推行條件,持續推動空污法下相關溫室氣體管制工作,以支援未來整體國家政策之推行。本計畫完成之工作項目,經歸納執行結果扼要說明如下:一、掌握國際溫室氣體強制申報制度,包含美國聯邦、美國加州、歐盟、加拿大、日本、英國及澳洲等法源及依據條文、實施時間、申報目的、範疇、層級、溫室氣體類型、對象、頻率、期限、查驗機制及納管涵蓋程度。二、參酌國際經驗完成溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法法制化作業,包含環保署「溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法」及「公私場所應申報溫室氣體排放量之固定污染源」;此外,於2013年2月~3月間完成10場次溫室氣體排放量申報作業相關說明會議,加強制度之宣導工作,並建立溫室氣體排放量申報作業指引與問答集及主管機關溫室氣體排放量申報作業手冊等配套工具。現階段順利協助環保署匯集共計145家第一批公私場所應申報對象提交之溫室氣體排放資訊,且已於頭三季達100%申報率,其範疇一固定排放型式累計排放量為136.35百萬公噸CO2e;範疇二為17.93百萬公噸CO2e,已掌握我國工業及能源部門燃料總排放量之88.9 %。第四季提交之申報資訊則持續累積中。三、持續掌握我國溫室氣體登錄平台自願登錄現況,截至2013年12月底止,累計共488家登錄其盤查結果,以2010年登錄排放量最大,該年度登錄排放量為209.68百萬公噸CO2e,範疇一能源固定排放量為150.10百萬公噸CO2e,占能源局統計(2010年)工業及能源部門燃料燃燒排放量的73.71%;就查驗情形而言,掌握自2000年到2011年間於國家登錄平台上登錄排放量(範疇一及範疇二),其查驗情形皆超過八成,平均查證比例為88.6 %。;此外,藉由完成50場次輔導作業,使平台公開資訊之正確性提升15%,現階段自願揭露碳盤查資訊之整體正確性可達94.7%。四、完成溫室氣體排放量公私場所之即時查詢功能之建置與排放量申報查詢及管理應用程式與溫室氣體排放量申報作業審查管理系統,藉此協助主管機關即時管理與資料運用,並提供業者先行自我檢核資料正確性,提高申報數據可用性。五、完成運用空污法推動溫室氣體管制工作之整體架構,且蒐研國際許可制度、排放標準、查驗機構管理資訊,參酌國際作法提出我國許可制度研訂方向,並完成「固定污染源溫室氣體排放許可證管理辦法」(草案)及「公告公私場所應申請溫室氣體排放許可證之固定污染源」(草案);另參酌美國電力業新設電廠溫室氣體排放標準研訂作法(美國環保署針對電力部門提出燃氣1,000~1,100磅CO2/MWh及燃煤1,100磅CO2/MWh/年或7年平均1,000~1,050磅CO2/MWh之排放標準),完成我國電力業排放標準研訂方向(初稿),其考量不同CCS補集效率針對燃煤電廠提出0.012 ~ 0.862噸CO2e/MWh,及90%燃氣電廠普遍可達成之建議排放標準值0.410噸CO2e/MWh;此外,依據空污法第21條第2項,訂定溫室氣體查驗機構管理辦法(草案),現階段草案已進入預告,準備召開公聽會議。六、針對會議辦理部分,本計畫符合委辦目標於民國102年1月4日起至11月30日間完成辦理18場次專諮會議共計邀集110名專家委員參與。
EngTitle Promote greenhouse gas emissions declaration in Taiwan and establish the mechanism of reduction mana
EngAbstract The project of “Promote greenhouse gas emissions declaration in Taiwan and establish the mechanism of reduction management” (the Project), while meeting the contracted objectives according to the commissioned project guideline, represents the accumulation of work stretching from the continuing policy development of domestic GHG accounting, registration, validation, verification and project reductions for industries since 2004 to 2012. The Project has successfully delivered the following outcomes:1. To develop domestic mandatory GHG reporting scheme and tools.The Project has summarized the mandatory GHG reporting schemes applied by U.S. federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and local California EPA, European Union, Canada, Japan, U.K. and Australia including their design elements such as legislature basis, implementation date, reporting purposes, scope, reporting level, greenhouse gases, emission sources, reporting frequency, timeframe, verification approach and expected emission coverage under the scheme or program. 2. To assist the implementation of mandatory GHG reporting scheme.The Project, as following the international principles, has assisted Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) to develop domestic mandatory GHG reporting scheme, “Regulations of Mandatory GHG Reporting” and “Public and Private Premises under Regulations of Mandatory GHG Reporting”. In order to enhance public awareness in regulations of mandatory GHG reporting, the Project also arranged 10 explanation meetings and developed guideline and frequently asked questions. The Project has successfully collected 100% the first 3 seasons of GHG reporting data from the first mandatory group, with 136.35 million tCO2e direct emissions and 17.93 million tCO2e indirect emissions, contributing an overall 88.9% of total GHG emissions from power and industrial sectors, while the 4th season emission data continuous to be submitted.3. On-going assisting domestic voluntary GHG reporting management in the industry level.The Project has continuously assisted the EPA to maintain the National GHG Emissions Registry (the Registry). Based on latest figure in December 2013, there have been 488 entities (mainly manufacturers and utilities) reported its emissions information in total of 209.68 million tCO2e (150.1 million tCO2e from direct emissions), contributing 73.71% CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in energy and industrial sectors, and more than 88.6% of all reported emissions on the GHG Registry have taken third-party verification. In addition, the Project has consulted 50 entities to complete review and correction of their GHG emission data, making these voluntarily disclosed emissions reports 94.7% accurate by 15% increasing. 4. To develop an online GHG emissions reporting and management system.The Project has developed an online GHG emissions reporting system (the system) serving as a platform and calculation tool supporting the mandatory scheme. The system has presented several important functions from emissions entry, data checking and searching to immediate following up and review process by the EPA officers.5. To assist GHG policy and regulation prior the draft GHG Reduction Act passed.The Project has analyzed international GHG policy and regulations in permitting, emission standard, and the management of accreditation, validation and verification bodies. In addition, the Project proposed GHG policy plan pursuant to Air Pollution Control Act, in order to continuously reduce GHG emission before the draft GHG Reduction Act passed. The Project has drafted the emission standard setting plan for Power Generation, drawing experience from US EPA (1,000-1,100 lbs CO2/MWh for coal-fired power plants and annual average of 1,100 lbs CO2/MWh or 7-years average of 1,000-1,050 lbs CO2/MWh for gas-fired power plants), suggested Taiwan EPA recommended values of 0.012-0.862 tCO2e/MWh for coal-fired power plants under scenarios of 100% to 0% CCS capture rates and 0.41 tCO2¬¬e/MWh for gas-fired power plants, as well as the regulation drafts of “Emission Permit Management for Stationary GHG Pollution Source” and the draft “GHG Pollution Source Emission Permit for Public and Private Entities”. The Project has completed preliminary policy direction of the emissions performance standard for the power sectors based on the U.S. approach on new power plants. In addition, the Project has assisted the completion of the draft “Management Regulations of GHG Validation and Verification Bodies (the V/VBs regulation)”. The draft V/VBs regulation is currently pending for public hearing and is planned to be announce by the end of 2013.6. To host conferences and conduct meetings associated to GHG issues at both international and domestic settingsThe Project has successfully held 18expert consultation meetings and total 110 experts been invited through the year as the contracted objectives required.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司