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Title 雲林縣環保局101年度沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫
Abstract 雲林縣政府為了解座落在台灣雲林縣麥寮鄉的六輕工業區對於其周遭環境之空氣汙染與居民健康的影響,自民國98年起委託國立台灣大學連續四年執行「沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。今年為計劃執行的第四年。本計畫之研究區域為六輕工業區周遭的10個鄉鎮,包括麥寮鄉、臺西鄉、褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉、元長鄉與虎尾鎮。根據距離六輕工業區之遠近,我們將10個鄉鎮分為距離六輕10公里內之麥寮鄉與臺西鄉,以及距離六輕10到20公里之四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉與褒忠鄉,還有距離六輕20到30公里之虎尾鎮、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉及元長鄉。本研究採用跨領域之方法來執行此計畫,工作內容包含環境監測與流行病學世代調查。在環境監測部分,利用台西測站資料,藉由汙染玫瑰圖的方法來剖析六輕開始運轉後對週遭鄉鎮空氣中二氧化硫(SO2)濃度的影響情形。利用台西光化測站與光化監測移動車的資料,來了解鄰近六輕工業區之鄉鎮所受揮發性有機物(VOCs)的暴露程度為何。本團隊於距離六輕10公里內之區域完成了兩季各40個採樣點位的空氣採樣。以哈佛衝擊器採集懸浮微粒(PM10)樣本以進行重金屬分析以及細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)樣本以執行多環芳香烴(PAHs)分析,並Ogawa被動式採樣器以實行二氧化硫與氮氧化物的分析。本團隊針對過去已建立共3230人之流病世代,分析其健保資料與B、C肝炎篩檢,執行空氣汙染物濃度與暴露劑量之相關分析,且完成2934人的尿中重金屬與2781人的1-羥基芘(1-OHP)分析,並針對高、低暴露族群進行代謝體學之分析。在高敏感世代的部分則是收集到147名新個案,其中包含90名孕婦與57名新生兒,並追蹤到滿1歲過去已收案之嬰幼兒68名以及滿2歲之嬰幼兒33名。環境監測方面的重要結果包括有:(一)距六輕10公里範圍內之SO2監測結果顯示,距離六輕不到3公里的監測點之SO2濃度高於距離較遠之監測點。六輕開始運轉後對台西與麥寮等週遭鄉鎮空氣中SO2濃度的提高有顯著貢獻,且六輕下風地區的SO2濃度從六輕開始運轉時就已經超過美國環保署所訂定之SO2小時值為75 ppb的標準。(二)六輕工業區的乙烯、丙烯、丙烷、丁烷與苯的濃度明顯影響到鄰近的鄉鎮包括雲林縣麥寮鄉與台西鄉以及彰化縣的大城鄉。來自於六輕工業區的苯汙染高於當地交通汙染之貢獻,且濃度因風速增加而上升並主要在白天會有高汙染的現象發生。(三)距六輕10公里範圍內之重金屬與PAHs的監測結果顯示,距六輕5公里範圍內之監測點的Ant、Chry、Fl、Phe與Pyr等五種PAHs濃度皆高於全年度的95百分位濃度,而砷(As)、鋇(Ba)、鈷(Co)、鉻(Cr)、鋰(Li)、錳(Mn)、銣(Rb)、鍶(Sr)等八種元素濃度高於整年度之90百分位濃度。流行病學世代方面的重要結果包括有:(一)距離六輕10公里內之流病世代居民,其2008-2010年間的全癌症粗發生率是1999-2001年間的4.07倍,且較同時期10至20公里與20至30公里區域之流病世代居民來的高。(二)有尿中高濃度釩(V)與1-羥基芘(1-OHP)之高暴露流病世代居民與對照之低暴露流病世代居民,在脂蛋白、脂質、胺基酸、碳水化合物代謝之中間產物以及糖蛋白代謝物的表現上有著很明顯的差異性。(三)流病世代居民在控制擾因子後,其居住地每增加1 ng/m3的空氣釩(V)暴露會造成其尿中釩濃度上升0.38 μg/g-creatinine。流病世代居民在校正相關因子後,其居住地每增加1個對數轉換後的空氣芘(pyrene)暴露(ng/m3)就造成其尿中上升0.39個對數轉換後的1-羥基芘(1-OHP)濃度(μmol/mol-creatinine)。今年的研究結果發現距離六輕越近,空氣汙染物濃度、居民體內汙染物暴露及居民的健康衝擊都越嚴重。
EngTitle Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study (2012-2013)
EngAbstract The Yunlin County Government has contracted National Taiwan University (NTU) to conduct a cohort study on air pollution and health among residents near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, which is located in Miliao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan since 2009. This is the fourth year of this series of four-year study. The study areas are 10 townships surrounding the petrochemical complex, including Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei. These townships are classified as three zones based on their distance to the petrochemical complex. Zone A includes Mailiao and Taisi which are within 10km radius of the petrochemical complex; Zone B includes Baojhong, Sihhu, Dongshih and Lunbei, townships which are located 10-20km radius of the petrochemical complex; and Zone C includes Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei townships which are located within 20-30km radius from the petrochemical complex.The NTU research team adopted a multiple-disciplinary approach to conduct this study, including environmental monitoring and epidemiological cohort study. For environmental monitoring, we used the pollution roses to analysis the data of Taisi air monitoring station for investigating how SO2 pollution varies between different wind speeds, times of day, and periods of No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex development in Zone A. We used the data of Taisi photochemical monitoring station and photochemical monitoring mobiles to understand the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex’ exposure impact of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Zone A. We conducted PM10 samples for heavy metals, PM2.5 samples for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Harvard impactor, and SO2, NO, NO2, and NOx samples by Ogawa passive sampler from 40 locations in Zone A in two seasons. For the established epidemiological cohort with a total of 3,230 residents, we analyzed their health insurance data and detected their HBsAg and Anti-HVC. We analyzed the relationship between air pollutants levels and exposure dose for the epidemiological cohort, and completed biological monitoring of 2,781 residents’ urinary 1-hydroxypyren (1–OHP) and 2,394 resident’s urinary heavy metals, and conducted the metabolomics analysis for high and low exposure groups in the epidemiological cohort. We recruited a susceptible cohort of 147 new subjects, including 90 pregnant women and 57 new-born babies, and followed up 68 1-year babies and 33 2-years babies.The main findings of environmental monitoring are: (1) The results of SO2 monitoring in Zone A showed that the SO2 levels in sampling sites less than 3 km from No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex were higher than those in farther sampling sites. The operation of No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex has influenced the SO2 pollution in Zone A. The EPA has regulated a new 1-hr SO2 standard of 75 ppb, and the downwind areas of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex have been exceeding this level since operations at the complex began. (2) The No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex impacted on the concentrations of ethylene, polypropylene, propane, butane, and benzene in Zone A. The contribution of benzene pollution from No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex in Zone A is higher than that of local traffic, and the high concentration of benzene is usually caught on day time with high wind speed. (3) The results of metals and PAHs monitoring in Zone A showed that the Ant, Chry, Fl, Phe, and Pyr of PAHs and the As, Ba, Co, Cr, Li, Mn, Rb, and Sr of metals levels in sampling sites less than 5 km from No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex were higher than those of 90 percentile levels in whole year. The main findings of epidemiological cohort are: (1) The crude incidence rate of all cancer of residents in Zone A during 2008-2010 was 4.07 times of that during 1999-2001, and it was higher than that of residents in Zone B and Zone C during 2008-2010. (2) The significant different intensity on the metabolites of lipoprotein, lipid, amino acid, intermediate compound in the metabolism of carbohydrates, and glycoprotein were found between the residents of high exposure group with high levels of urinary V and 1-OHP and the residents of matched low exposure group. (3) After adjusting for confounding factors, multiple regression analysis showed that residents’ urinary V levels were elevated by 0.38 μg/g-creatinine with a 1 ng/m3 increase in ambient V concentrations at their addresses, and residents’ log-transformed urinary 1-OHP levels (μg/g-creatinine) were significantly elevated by 0.39 with the increase of 1 log-transformed ambient pyrene concentrations (ng/m3) at their addresses.Our main findings of this year conclude that the air pollution, exposure and health effect all show a distance-to-source trend surrounding the No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台大公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所