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Title 100年度沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫
Abstract 雲林縣政府為了解座落在台灣雲林縣麥寮鄉的六輕工業區對於其周遭環境之空氣汙染與居民健康的影響,自民國98年起委託國立台灣大學連續三年執行「沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。今年為計劃執行的第三年,報告內容整合了民國98年7月至民國101年7月期間共三年的結果。本計畫之研究區域為六輕工業區周遭的10個鄉鎮,包括麥寮鄉、臺西鄉、褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉、元長鄉與虎尾鎮。根據距離六輕工業區之遠近,我們將10個鄉鎮分為距離六輕10公里內之麥寮鄉與臺西鄉為A區,以及距離六輕10到20公里之四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉與褒忠鄉為B區,還有距離六輕20到30公里之虎尾鎮、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉及元長鄉為C區。本研究團隊採用跨領域之方法來執行此計畫,工作內容包含環境監測、生物偵測、健康檢查,肺功能檢測以及問卷調查。針對與石化工業相關之環境及健康議題,本團隊已進行了完整之文獻回顧。本團隊並蒐集了民國93年至100年台灣環保署在雲林縣臺西、崙背與斗六三個空氣品質監測站的二氧化硫(SO2)、一氧化氮(NO)、二氧化氮(NO2)、氮氧化物(NOx)、臭氧(O3)與PM10微粒等空氣品質資料以進行空氣汙染分析。本團隊於研究區域之10鄉鎮中的14所學校以矽塗層真空不鏽鋼採樣筒採集到207個揮發性有機物樣本、以哈佛衝擊器採集了192個懸浮微粒(PM10)樣本以進行重金屬分析與152個細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)樣本以執行多環芳香烴(PAHs)分析。本團隊更建立了一個居住在此10鄉鎮至少滿5年且參與問卷調查、肺功能檢測與健康檢查的流行病學世代共3230人並完成此流行病學世代中2176人的尿中1-羥基芘(1-OHP)、1906人的尿中重金屬以及1195人的追蹤,本團隊亦建立了一個由132位孕婦與其80位嬰幼兒所組成的高敏感世代。環境監測方面的重要結果包括有:(一)A區的二氧化硫(SO2)與氮氧化物(NO, NO2, NOx)在受六輕影響之風向且風速大於3 m/s時,其濃度會顯著的增加,而且隨著過去這些年六輕持續地擴建與營運,A區二氧化硫(SO2)與氮氧化物(NO, NO2, NOx)的濃度也隨之增加。且距離六輕10公里內的大氣環境中二氧化硫的小時濃度已達有害健康的程度,而二氧化氮濃度的小時濃度也已超過模式預估的小時最高值。(二)許多只會或是主要從石化工業所排放之揮發性有機物,包括1,3-丁二烯(1,3-Butadiene)、丙烯腈(Acrylonitrile, AN)、氯乙烯(Vinyl chloride)、1,2-二氯乙烷(Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-, EDC)、二甲苯(m/p/o-xylene)、甲基第三丁基醚(Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl-, MTBE)與乙酸丁酯(Acetic acid, butyl ester, NBA),只有在A區會被檢測到或是被量測到有較高之濃度,尤其在受六輕影響之風向下更為明顯。(三)許多與燃煤電廠或是石化工業相關之金屬與多環芳香烴,包括釩(V)、鍶(Sr)、砷(As)、鎳(Ni)與銅(Cu)以及苯(a)駢蔥(Benzo[a]anthracene, B(a)A)、苯(k)苯駢苊(Benzo[k]fluoranthene, B(k)F)、苯駢苊(Fluoranthene, Fl)、芘(Pyrene, Pyr)與二苯(a,h)駢蔥(Dibenz(a,h)anthracene, DBA),在受六輕影響之風向時,A區會量測到較高之濃度。本團隊自98年度起三年來沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫中,自2006年12月至2012年6月總共整理出21件重大空汙事件,並且深入探討100年5月12日大火所引發的空汙事件。鄰近六輕工業的麥寮鄉與臺西鄉附近的學校於六輕公用流體管線破損外洩燃料液化石油氣火災後,可以偵測到六輕工業區製程中指標性揮發性有機物的乙烯、丙烯、1,3-丁二烯、丙烯腈、氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷與苯,這些污染物平時就會發現到的污染物在六輕發生工安事故時更會有大量的排放,且當順風從六輕吹向內陸時,對於麥寮鄉及臺西鄉附近學校與居民健康和生計的影響更嚴重。當地居民暴露包括氯乙烯、苯與1,3-丁二烯等人類確定的致癌物之下會增加癌症風險,而六輕石化工業大量的乙烯排放則可能對當地農作物成長造成衝擊。本研究團隊所建立之流行病學世代的基本特性包括有:平均年齡為46.4±21.8歲、男性比例為41.5%、抽菸比例為(9.9%)、喝酒比例為(10.1%)以及嚼檳榔比例為(4.7%)。此流行病學世代在三區分別收集到之人數為A區1016人、B區1007人以及C區1207人。尿中重金屬的結果顯示,636位A區之民眾其尿中鍶(Sr)、釩(V)、砷(As)、鎘(Cd)濃度皆顯著高於1088位B區與C區之民眾。尿中1-羥基芘(1-OHP)的結果則發現,524位A區之民眾其尿中1-OHP濃度顯著高於1527位B區與C區之民眾。在肺功能方面的重要結果則有:(一)898位A區之民眾其最大中段吐氣流量(FEF25-75%)預測百分率以及一秒率(FEV1/FVC)都低於1109位C區之民眾。(二)518位A區之健康民眾(沒有抽菸且無疾病史)其用力時肺活量(FVC)預測百分率及第一秒用力吐氣體積(FEV1)預測百分率顯著低於551位B區之健康民眾。(三)A區民眾之尖峰呼氣流量(PEF)預測百分率則低於其他兩區之民眾。健康檢查之結果發現到:(一)989位A區之民眾的BMI、血中之血小板、尿素氮、天門冬胺酸轉胺酶、丙胺酸轉胺酶、總膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白之異常率明顯高於2174位B區與C區之民眾。(二)複迴歸分析之結果顯示,460位A區之民眾的血中尿素氮濃度與其尿中砷濃度有顯著之相關性。根據過去三年的世代研究得到以下幾點結論:(一)六輕工業區的營運確實造成鄰近地區尤其是10公里範圍內之區域的空氣品質下降,包括了傳統空氣汙染物(二氧化硫與氮氧化物)以及致癌性空氣汙染物(揮發性有機物、重金屬與多環芳香烴)。(二)住在距六輕10公里範圍內至少滿5年的居民,其尿中某些石化工業的指標金屬以及1-OHP之濃度都有增加的現象。(三)住在距六輕10公里範圍內至少滿5年的居民其肺、肝與腎功能以及血液與心血管系統都有受到影響。本研究團隊表示,必須加強六輕工業區內所有製造工廠的污染防治以降低鄰近區域之空氣汙染承載,並且建議藉由增加世代的樣本數以及檢測其血中之生物指標來擴大並深化本世代研究才能早期偵測到居住在六輕工業區附近民眾之潛在健康影響。
EngTitle Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study (2011-2012)
EngAbstract The Yunlin County Government has contracted National Taiwan University (NTU) to conduct a cohort study on air pollution and health among residents near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, which is located in Miliao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan since 2009. This is the third year of this series of three-year study and this report summarizes findings over the three years from July 2009 to July 2012. The study areas are 10 townships surrounding the petrochemical complex, including Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei. These townships are classified as three zones based on their distance to the petrochemical complex. Zone A includes Mailiao and Taisi which are within 10km radius of the petrochemical complex; Zone B includes Baojhong, Sihhu, Dongshih and Lunbei, townships which are located 10-20km radius of the petrochemical complex; and Zone C includes Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei townships which are located within 20-30km radius from the petrochemical complex.The NTU research team adopted a multiple-disciplinary approach to conduct this study, including environmental and biological monitoring, health examination, lung function tests and questionnaire survey. We have conducted a comprehensive literature reviews to update our understanding of environmental quality and health issues related to petrochemical industries. We also performed pollution analysis of existing air quality data of SO2, NO, NO2, NOx, O3, CO, and PM10 measured at three air monitoring stations operated by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration from 1994-2011. We conducted new air measurements of 207 canister samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 192 PM10 samples for heavy metals and 152 PM2.5 samples for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Harvard impactor from 14 schools located in the 10 townships of the study areas. We have established an epidemiological cohort with a total of 3,230 residents who lived at those 10 towns and villages at least 5 years, and completed all survey questionnaires, lung function tests and health examinations. We completed biological monitoring of 2,176 residents’ urinary 1-hydroxypyren (1–OHP), which is a metabolite of PAHs, and 1,906 resident’s urinary heavy metals, and followed up 1,195 residents among the cohort. We successfully recruited a susceptible cohort of 132 pregnant women and 80 new-born babies by these women.The main findings of environmental monitoring are: (1) The concentrations of SO2, NO, NO2, and NOx in Zone A were significantly elevated during the time period when the wind direction was from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex and the wind speed was higher than 3 m/s, and were increased chronologically with the expansion of manufacturing capacity of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex over the years. Furthermore, hourly SO2 concentrations have been above the US standard of 75 ppb and hourly NO2 concentrations have been above the hourly maximum levels predicted by dispersion models. (2) Several VOCs emitted either only or mainly from petrochemical industries can only be detected or measured at elevated concentrations at Zone A, especially during the time period when the wind direction was from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. These VOCs include 1,3-Butadiene, Acrylonitrile (AN), Vinyl chloride, Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- (EDC), m/p/o-xylene, Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl- (MTBE) and Acetic acid, butyl ester (NBA). (3) Several metals and PAHs related either to coal-powered plants or petrochemical industries were measured at elevated concentrations in Zone A when the wind direction was from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, including V, Sr, As, Ni and Cu, and Benzo[a]anthracene (B(a)A), Benzo[k]fluoranthene (B(k)F), Fluoranthene (Fl), Pyrene (Pyr) and Dibenz(a,h)anthracene (DBA). We also documented 21 major air pollution events between Decemner 2006 and June 2012 and conducted an in-depth analysis of air pollution after the big fire of May 12-13, 2011. We found that index air pollutants of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, including ethylene, propylene, 1,3-butadiene, acetylnitrile, vinyl chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane and benzene, all showed exceedingly high levels in Taisi and Mailiao townships, the downwind areas of the complex, for one day. Potential cancer risks of residents attributable to exposures to vinyl chloride, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene, known human carcinogens, and crop damanges attributable to ethylene, a plant hormone, can not be overlooked in these two township.。The basic characteristics of the established epidemiologic cohort are: age (46.4±21.8), gender (male 41.5%), smoker (9.9%), alcohol drinker (10.1%) and betel quid chewer (4.7%). The numbers of three Zones were 1016 residents in Zone A, 1007 residents in Zone B and 1207 residents in Zone C. The main finding of urinary metals is that urinary concentrations of V, Sr, As, Cd, for 636 residents in Zone A were higher than those for 1088 residents in Zone B and Zone C. The main finding of urinary I-OHP is that urinary concentrations of I-OHP for 524 residents in Zone A were higher than those for 1527 residents in Zone B and Zone C. The main findings of lung function are (1) FEF25-75% percent predicted and FEV1/FVC for 898 subjects in Zone A were lower than those for 1109 residents in Zone C. (2) FVC percent predicted and FEV1 percent predicted for 518 health residents who are non-smokers and have no history of disease in Zone A were lower than those for 551 health residents in Zone B. (3) Residents who lived in Zone A had lower PEF percent predicted than the other two Zones. The main findings of health examinations are: (1) The abnormal rates of BMI, platelet, BUN, GOT(AST), GPT(ALT), cholesterol(CHOL) and LDL-C for 989 residents in Zone A were significantly higher than those for 2174 subjects in Zone B and Zone C. (2) Multiple regression analysis shows that concentrations of BUN in blood were significantly correlated with urinary arsenic levels for 460 residents in Zone A.The main conclusions of this three-year cohort study are: (1) The operation of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex has deteriorated air quality of both traditional (SO2 and NOx) and carcinogenic air pollutants (VOCs, metals, and PAHs) in the nearby areas, especially the radius of 10 km from the complex. (2) Residents who have lived within 10 km radius from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex for at least 5 years had elevated urinary levels of some index metals for petrochemical industries and 1-OHP. (3) Lung, liver, renal function, and blood and cardiovascular system were all compromised for residents who lived within 10 km radius from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex for at least 5 years. We recommend strengthening pollution controls of all manufacturing plants in the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex in order to reduce burdens of air pollution to the nearby communities. We also strongly recommend expanding and deepening this cohort study by increasing size of cohort and examining biomarkers in blood in order to early detect potential health effects for individuals who live near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台大公衛學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所