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Title 固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收作業檢討暨法規制度研修計畫
Abstract 第二階段空氣污染防制費(以下簡稱空污費)開徵至今已逾14年,相關徵收制度及配套措施均已建制完成並順利運作,為整合空氣污染管制相關工作,提昇便民服務,環保署自96年7月將空污費徵收相關之申報、核算業務陸續移轉直轄市、縣(市)主管機關執行,期藉由中央與地方權責分工之調整,俾使徵收制度因時制宜。為完備空污費徵收制度及強化外部稽核之管制機制,本年度主要工作重點包含:1.強化固定源空污費查驗、監督作業,2.執行縣市作業成效評鑑、考核及建立審查人員認可制度,3.評析空污費執行成果掌握污染排放現況,4.協助空污費徵收制度檢討修正,5.執行會計帳目查核作業。6.強化更新空污費網路申報系統。本計畫完成監督查核標準作業流程之增修與強化,建立完善之外部稽核程序,執行250件地方環保局空污費申報案件之審查品質書面查驗、10家VOCs現場查核輔導作業及18家次連續自動監測設施法規符合度查驗,經由全國25場次地方環保局之現場輔導,掌握執行面之缺失,研擬審查技術手冊及標準作業程序,提供地方環保局審查作業遵循之準則。為有效解決地方環保局審查人力素質差異之問題,本計畫協助建立空污費審查人員認可制度,並完成訓練教材之編撰,亦於10月辦理完成兩場次之審查技術應用訓練研習會及成果測試,建置現階段審查人才資料庫。此外,針對徵收制度之完備性進行檢討,檢視VOCs排放量計算相關法令,研擬修正建議,另為擴大經濟減量誘因,評析粒狀物徵收之可行性,並完成空污費申報審查系統之強化與更新,落實簡政便民之政策目標。
EngTitle The review and enhancement study project in air pollution control fee for stationary pollutant sourc
EngAbstract The Phase 2 Air Pollution Control Fees (hereinafter referred to as “the Fees”) have been imposed for over 14 years. The relevant imposing system and responsive measures have been established and smoothly operated. In order to integrate relevant work of air pollution control and prevention and to improve Convenience services, the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) since July, 2007, transferred the operations of declaration and calculation of the Fees to the Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB) of each city and county. It was expected that through the labor division of the central and local governments, the Collection system could be enhanced to complete the system and strengthen the management mechanism of the external auditing. The main priority work of this year include: 1. strengthening fees verification and monitoring operation of stationary sources of air pollution; 2. executing effectiveness evaluation of operations in EPBs and evaluating and establishing investigator qualification system; 3. evaluating the executing effectiveness of fees execution to grasp current pollution emission; 4. Assisting the reviews and modification of fees Collection system; 5. carrying out the work of accounting auditing; and 6. enhancing online fees declaration Management system..The project completed the modification and enhancement of supervision and monitoring standard operational procedure, established sound external auditing procedure and executed examination of air pollution control fee operation quality of 250 local declaration cases , ten VOCs onsite auditing and consultation, and the verification of 18 cases according to Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems . Through the onsite consultation of 25 screening in EPB, we examined the drawbacks of execution and enacted technical manual and standard operational procedures the guidelines to the EPB for examination work . In order to effectively solve the lack of human qualities issue for auditing, this project assisted to establish investigator qualification system and completed the compiling of training materials. In October, we conducted two seminars on the training of technical application to demonstration the achievements. We also established the database of existing auditor talents. Additionally, we reviewed the completeness of Collection system and examined relevant rules and regulations of VOCs calculation for the studies and enactment of modifications. To expand economic incentives for reduction, we analyzed the feasibility to impose fees for particulate pollutants and completed the enhancement and updates of declaration review system of air pollution control fees to realize the public policies based on the convenience.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司