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Title 101年度低碳城市先期推動計畫-低碳家園建構計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容包括:(1)建構低碳永續家園協助低碳永續措施,並辦理臺南市低碳計畫進度追蹤檢討會議以及低碳生活圈會議;(2)成立臺南市低碳診所提供節能減碳諮詢服務;(3)執行溫室氣體盤查、碳中和及碳足跡推廣作業;(4)協助機關執行低碳城市、永續家園相關宣導、輔導、訓練、績效管考等作業;(5)維護及管理臺南市低碳城市網站;(6)彙整國內外因應氣候變遷調適資料,協助修訂臺南市相關政策及法令;(7)辦理碳資產或溫室氣體管制相關議題宣導。以下將針對前述工作執行成果進行說明。(一)建構低碳永續家園配合環保署低碳永續家園政策,本計畫協助臺南市召開南區低碳生活圈相關會議,並完成16項低碳永續家園行動項目之研議與規劃,包含都市及建築設計節能準則在地化行動、舊建築節能改善診斷行動、行動項目認證專案維護行動(低碳永續志工培訓)、行動項目認證專案維護行動(低碳永續志工培訓)、定期檢視及公布永續發展推動成效、好望角巧佈點社區草原農園行動、屋頂太陽能光電系統設置推廣行動、巨大廢棄物預約收集再生、家戶分類廚餘回收、二手跳蚤市集活動及交換平臺推廣、掩埋場活化及裂解回收廠、省水器材推廣、機關及企業綠色採購推廣行動、樂活環教場所設置、與社大學校社團合作推廣樂活行動、推動地區民間組織參與。(二)成立臺南市低碳診所協助臺南市政府於4月22日成立臺南市低碳診所,提供公共區域電力系統、空調系統、照明系統、綠化量、再生能源及節約用水等項目之節能健診服務,本計畫總共完成56處健診服務與41本健診報告書。另外,協助臺南市行動項目改造計畫,完成溪北及溪南兩場次的「臺南市低碳社區節能減碳改造推動」說明會。(三)執行溫室氣體盤查、碳中和及碳足跡本計畫依據環保署「縣市層級溫室氣體盤查計算指引」進行臺南市縣市層及溫室氣體盤查作業(轄區盤查年度為100年、行政機關盤查年度為101年)。行政轄區之溫室氣體盤查結果顯示,臺南市溫室氣體總排放量為2,294.15萬公噸,能源部門(能源工業、能源交通、能源住商)排放1,908.15萬公噸(83.17 %)為大宗,其次為工業製程部門排放266.31萬公噸(11.61 %)、廢棄物部門排放73.76萬公噸(3.22 %)、及農業部門排放45.93萬公噸(2.00 %)。另外,在政府機關溫室氣體排放總量為93,339.02公噸,以固定式能源排放源為70,131.11公噸(75.14 %)為大宗,其次為交通運輸為21,212.64公噸(22.73%)、逸散排放源排放量為1,986.26公噸(2.13 %)、農業排放量為9.01公噸(0.01%)。 在碳中和工作上,本計畫使用PAS2060及ISO14064-1組織層級溫室氣體排放減量與移除之量化與報告附指引之規範,作為進行組織碳排放量計算方法學之依據,並針對臺南市永安國小導入ISO 14064-1 組織型溫室氣體盤查管理系統,完成基準年溫室氣體盤查作業,其101年溫室氣體總排放量為44.194公噸,並依照此排放量訂定減量目標,預計103年11月達到碳中和。此外,針對產品碳足跡,本計畫依據「產品與服務碳足跡計算指引」、「PAS 2050: 2008」、「PAS 2050: 2011」要求,辦理產品碳足跡及碳標籤推廣作業,遴選出4項臺南在地產品(水性白膠、LED路燈、自然白玉子、紫心冰烤蕃薯),作為產品碳足跡之輔導對象,其磐查結果依序為1.14 kg CO2e / 每包1kg、07.37 kg CO2e / 每盞Yacht 70W LED、161.68 gCO2e / 1顆自然白玉子、861.95 g CO2e / 每500g,並分別於10月-11月取得環保署碳標籤證書。(四)推動低碳城市本計畫於102年協助臺南市成立「臺南低碳城市專案辦公室」,其核心工作為統整與修訂臺南市各項低碳建構政策,包含訂定低碳城市推動主軸(12項降為10項),包含「打造永續低碳社區」、「推展低碳文化觀光」、「應用多元綠色能源」、「擴增生態城市機能」、「建置高效低碳運輸」、「營造全民低碳生活」、「建構循環利用社會」、「引領低碳環境校園」及「全民教育國際交流」,共聚焦45項推動措施、91項具體做法。並藉由7場次低碳城市滾動式檢討會、研商會及低碳城市推動委員會議的召開,建立臺南市施政減碳具體指標( 8大面向、29個指標),作為低碳轉型政策之追蹤機制。(五)建構低碳城市網站建構維護「臺南市咱ㄟ低碳城市網」,並以「簡單、便捷、分享、生活」的知識交流平台呈現大臺南地區在節能減碳推動的現況,將低碳永續相關資料、資訊、文件、活動等逐步有計畫性的蒐集及整合,作為後續推廣及推動的堅固後盾,並方便民眾立即瞭解臺南市當年度針對低碳所做的重點工作及各項活動。(六)制定臺南市氣候變遷調適綱領依據聯合國近年推動調適政策之核心議題,本計畫彙整了國際調適領域主要課題、技術、法規等政策,包含 5個主要國家(英國、荷蘭、中國、日本、印度)之國家調適策略與計畫,以及8個城市(倫敦、多倫多、鹿特丹、墨爾本、開普敦、東京都、新加坡、胡志明)調適計畫與行動方案,歸納出國際上推動氣候變遷調適政策之思維與推動軸心。另外,本計畫亦參考經建會「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」與「地方氣候變遷調適計畫規劃作業指引」,針對臺南市因應氣候變遷八大調適領域,完成社會經濟研析、自然環境研析、氣候變遷影響初步分析、中央與臺南相關推動計畫彙整,並於12月3日召開第一次臺南市政府跨局處平台會議,確認八大領域各主協辦單位與規劃調適計畫內容,完成臺南市氣候變遷八大領域綱要初稿。(七)宣導碳資產或溫室氣體管制相關議題在碳資產或溫室氣體管制相關議題宣導上,本團隊完成5篇新聞稿之低碳資訊刊載及天下雜誌臺南市低碳節能診所宣導訊息刊登,並在透過網路管道定期製作、寄送與網路刊登3篇臺南市低碳電子報,透過多元化媒體管道宣導臺南市低碳措施與新訊,強化民眾對低碳生活之概念,提高臺南市在低碳推動的能見度;本團隊製作的相關文宣品,配合環保局或市政府相關節能減碳活動,發放低碳診所宣導摺頁設計與印製2000份,以及低碳宣導品之1000份隨身碟及1000份memo便利貼。
EngTitle 2012 Early Action Project of Low -Carbon City for Low Carbon Society Establishment
EngAbstract There are seven main tasks in this project, including(1) assisting Tainan City Government to develop low-carbon sustainable actions, to track the progress of actions and to convoke southern low-carbon living district for the low-carbon sustainable society co-prosperity,(2) establishing Tainan Low-carbon Clinic to provide energy saving advisory services for the public,(3)estimating inventory of country GHG emissions, carbon neutral of campus and carbon footprints of products,(4)assisting institutes to implement low-carbon and sustainable society associated affairs, including advocacy, counseling, training and management,(5)maintaining and operating Tainan Low-carbon City website,(6)collecting international and domestic strategies of adaptation and assisting Tainan City Government to plan the adaptation policy , (7) handling the advocacy affairs of carbon assets and GHGs control. The achievements of above tasks are described as below:1.Establishing Low Carbon Society and Sustainability Society:According to the dedicated tasks of Low-carbon Sustainable Society (LCSS) policy from Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), this project has held associated meeting of southern district area and finished 16 LCSS action plans over 10 operational functions, including the action of urban and architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency, action of old building energy diagnosis, action of maintenance of certification project, action items certified project maintenance action (low carbon and sustainable volunteer training), action over regularly review and publish the performance of sustainable development, action over community plant(cape ,prairie, farms), the promote action of rooftop solar photovoltaic system, collecting and regeneration action of huge waste, household food waste recycling action, promoting action for second-hand markets and exchange platform, activation and cleavage landfill recycling plant, promotional action for water-saving devices, promoting action of green product for agencies procurement, happiness action with schools and communities, promoting action of participation of non-governmental organizations.2.Founding carbon clinic of Tainan City:Assisting Tainan City Government to set up low-carbon clinic which provides the counseling services for energy saving, including air conditioning systems, lighting systems, the amount of green, renewable energy devices, water conservation and other items on April 22. In the summary, the project has provided 56 counseling services, 41 advised reports and finished 2 seminars for energy saving and transformation in low-carbon communities. 3.Estimating inventory of country GHG emissions, carbon neutral and carbon footprints of products:According to the “Guidelines for calculating county-level GHG “from EPA, this project investigated the GHGs inventory of Tainan city (the target year of administrative area is 2011and administrative institute is 2012). The results display GHGs total emissions is 2,447.48 million tones CO2-e ,in which energy sector(of which the energy of industry 60.45%, energy of transportation 12.93%, household energy 10.85%) contributes 84.23%, industrial processes sector contributes10.88 %, waste sector contributes 3.01 % and agricultural sector contributes1.88 %.In the carbon neutral, this project used PAS2060 and ISO14064-1 as methodology to evaluate the emission of targets, including finishing the preparation (imported ISO 14064-1 and made carbon neutral report) of carbon neutral of Young-An elementary school. Furthermore, the project also use "PAS 2050: 2008"and "PAS 2050: 2011" as carbon footprint guidelines to estimate carbon footprints of 4products,including water-based white glue(1.14 kg CO2e / per 1kg), LED lights(07.37 kg CO2e / per lamp Yacht 70W LED), natural Baiyu Zi(161.68 gCO2e / per item), purple heart ice roasted sweet potatoes(861.95 g CO2e / per 500g), and assisted above firms to gained the carbon footprint labels of products. 4.Promoting low-carbon city:Assisting Tainan City Government found the project office of Tainan Low Carbon City which is responsible for integration and revision the low-carbon policies and formulate the 10 (merged from original 12) constructional strategies(contains 45 measures and 91 specific actions, including creating sustainable low-carbon communities, promoting low-carbon culture and tourism, the application of multivariate green energy, amplification eco-city function, establishing the efficient low-carbon transport, creating a universal low-carbon life, constructing recycling society ,promoting low-carbon energy-efficient buildings, leading the low-carbon environment campus, conducting education for international exchanges. Moreover, This project also hold 7 meetings (Low-carbon city rolling meeting and low-carbon city council meeting) to establish specific carbon reduction index (8 Large-oriented, 29 indicators) as a tracking mechanism to reach a low-carbon transition.5.Set up and maintain low-carbon city website:Based on "simple, convenient, and sharing life" to set up and maintain Tainan Low-carbon city website as knowledge exchange platform which integrates the associated information included carbon reductions, low-carbon sustainable development and to be the open databases for the citizen.6.Developing Tainan adaptation program of climate change:According to the adaptation issues from United Nations, the project compiled the core issue in the field of technology, regulations and other policies. Furthermore, we also arrange adaptation policies over worldwide, including five major countries (UK, Netherlands, China, Japan, India)and eight cities (London, Toronto, Rotterdam, Melbourne, Cape Town, Tokyo, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh) , and summarize the thinking and axis of climate change adaptation policies. In addition, the project also refer the CEPD "National Climate Change Adaptation Policy" and "Local Climate Change Adaptation Plan Planning Practice Guidelines" to plan Tainan City climate change adaptation program, including socio-economic research and analysis, the natural environment research analysis, preliminary analysis of the impact of climate change. After consult by Tainan City Government Platform Meeting (hold on December 3), the details contents of eight field of Tainan adaptation program of climate change was made and to be the adaptation blueprint as Tainan City Government.7.Conducting Advocacy of carbon assets or GHGs related issues:This project has completed five advocacies on Common Wealth magazine and internet, and send three network publish to Tainan citizen for promoting the public's concept in low-carbon life and the visibility. Moreover, the project also coordinate with EPB to produce low-carbon promotional materials, including 2,000 copies of carbon clinic advocacy brochure, 1000 low-carbon flash desks and 1000 memo sticks.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司