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Title 產業溫室氣體排放趨勢及減量成本分析計畫
Abstract 本計畫包含四大工作項。在第一工作項目中,研究團隊先透過國內外排放趨勢推估報告之彙整分析,以辨別適用不同層級尺度下的排放趨勢推估方法,及釐清各種管制策略對排放趨勢變化之可能影響。進而,研究團隊採用得以刻畫整體經濟互動關聯性的經濟模型,並配合實證資料模擬各種管制策略對總體經濟之潛在衝擊,以期能夠做為主管機關做為未來決策之參考基礎。在第二部分的工作項目中,本計畫蒐集彙整國際減量專案投資分析方法、研析投資分析流程所需的關鍵決策指標,並進一步考量我國產業特性,研擬適用我國的減量專案之投資分析決策參考原則,提供主管機關及申請單位做為未來審查抵換專案投資外加性之參考。此外,本年度亦協助主管機關完成8件減量專案之投資資料分析及10件國際減量方法之研析。在第三個工作項目中,本計畫共協助47件環評開發行為之個案審查及分析,內容包含個案背景分析(含製程技術分析)及案件之審查意見,確認資料完整性與正確性,並依據溫室氣體排放量化評估、減量措施分析量化及溫室氣體盤查、查證、登錄之規劃等三大方向進行審查作業,並要求開發單位依據上述規範提出具體承諾及期程以利後續監督追蹤作業。而在第四個工作項目中,研究團隊協助3件環評溫室氣體減量及抵換個案之現場追蹤檢點作業,包括溫室氣體減量期程、溫室氣體減量效益、溫室氣體減量措施現況、相關佐證資料、盤查查證登錄作業情形及後續查核事項之確認等,並研提各案件之查核報告書。此外,本計畫針對與本計畫相關之工作項目,共針對溫室氣體管理議題舉辦7場次教育訓練課程,及派員出國2人次以建立國際交流管道。
EngTitle Industrial Greenhouse Gases Emission Trend and Abatement Cost of Emission Analysis
EngAbstract The first part of this project collects the existing literature of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission trend forecasting and then sums up the suitable methodology for emission forecasting to each emission entity level. Furthermore, economic impact analysis (EIA) was applied to assess the economic impact of implementing the emission standard of performance from new stationary sources. Thus, the policy applications were suggested based on the assessment results.In the second part, the international decision making procedure of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) on investment additionality is investigated. The localized industrial benchmarks are then established based on the empirical data. Furthermore, eight cases of investment analysis of Offset Project applications and ten international CDM methodologies have examined by this project to facilitate the work of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) .To assist with analysis and review the individual case of GHGs emissions evaluation and management, this project has examined 47 cases of environment development activities under the principles of validity and completeness. Three key-points principles of review are emphasized, they are quantitative emissions assessment, reduction measures planning, and emission data reporting.Aside from that, three tracking cases have been checked with report and on-site survey for each individual case so as to make sure each case whether completes the commitment or not. Finally, a series of training programs and international visiting are held so as to support the issues about the GHGs management.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中華經濟研究院