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Title 高雄市大坪頂污染土地永續利用可行性評估計畫
Abstract 為延續101年「高雄地區大坪頂特定區土壤及地下水品質整體評估及後續管制策略研擬計畫」成果,規劃後續展開與推動大坪頂特定區污染土地永續利用與綠色整治的長期策略與行動方案。本計畫完成高雄市大坪頂特定區現階段土地使用與污染背景資訊、環境背景、地區空間規劃調查、高污染潛勢區位與對策、民眾生活形態問卷調查等共計1000份,並完成標示270個約442.9公頃的高污染潛勢區域,土地使用分區以住宅區較高,由於傳統全數移除整治之作法難以適用於本特定區,褐地再利用將是解決本區污染土地問題之主要選項。國內目前尚未有相關褐地再利用案例,為參考國外褐地永續利用情形,工作團隊並彙整國外大型污染場址土地永續利用案例作為後續規劃依據。本區域後續的土地開發規劃評估應納入前述270筆高污染潛勢土地,以最大化土地價值 (活化有價值的土地利用型態)、最小化清理整治費用與最佳化永續環境貢獻度。至於整治工法方面則建議採用以配合健康風險為基準進行規劃,將整治工法與土地使用分區歸為高風險疑慮使用的土地之整治工法及低風險疑慮使用的土地之整治工法。前者清理所有有害事業廢棄物,後者以局部表層清理與污染圍阻整治併行。基於配合整體發展策略所解析之各項需求元素,本工作團隊提出相關的建議推動先期行動方案以及預期產出。其中最為關鍵的應屬整體願景規劃工作,在該項建議計畫中原則上將以土地再利用的方式為出發點,建立整體開發與土地利用模式以及各項基礎建設初步設計,並據此作制度法規研擬與財務的評估。至於綠色整治示範模場屬技術面向的推動工作,考量技術發展上的時間需求,為能對於長期整體發展扮演適切的角色,應盡早執行以利配合整體發展的期程。本計畫並擬定推動「綠色整治示範模場規劃與設置」與「大坪頂特定區土地永續利用願景規劃」二項方案內容建議。
EngTitle Feasibility Study for Sustainable Development of the Contaminated Land in the Dapingding Specific Ur
EngAbstract The objective of this work is to generate a long term action plan for green and sustainable remediation of the contaminated land in the Dapingding specific urban planning area, Kaohsiung City. The results would be used to plan economic development, remediated technologies utilization, risk control alternatives, and regulative requirements for the follow-up policy making in this area. In this work, we have investigated the status of the land use, background of environment, sites of probable concern for illegal dumping, community status and urban plan in this area. Within the Dapingding specific urban planning area, 3,281 hectares of the area were investigated for contamination potentials. After topological comparisons, 270 sites, approximately 422 hectares, of the area were marked as sites of probable concern for illegal dumping. Unfortunately, most lands on those sites have been designated to be residential areas. Since it is not possible to simply clean-up all of those solid wastes, brownfield redevelopment will be the only way to solve the problem of contaminated lands in this area. Some examples of successful brownfield redevelopment will be useful for evaluating the relationship between risk and financial returns, sustainable development and re-use decision of large contaminated lands. In order to maximize the profit of re-using contaminated lands, to minimize the cost of the risk and development and to achieve the goals required by green and sustainable remediation, all of those 270 sites need to be taken into account in planning the Dapingding specific urban planning area. For remediation alternatives, they need to be planned based on the decision generated under health risk evaluation. Sites with higher risk potential or lands for residential use, all of hazard industrial solid wastes needed to be clean-up to minimize the risk of human health. On the contrary, sites with lower risk potential or lands not for residential or crop-growing use, solid wastes at surface layer needed to be clean-up and deeper layer will be confined with barriers. In this work, a preliminary action plan and a framework of integrated elemental projects had been proposed. The key elemental project is regarding to the comprehensive land use strategy for entire Dapingding specific urban planning area that links relations of economic realities, policy making and different stakeholder perspectives. The components delivered by that elemental project will be a model of overall development and land use, a preliminary design of public constructions and evaluation of regulation requirements and financial plan. To support technological requirement, another elemental project in building a green remediation demonstration site will also need to start as soon as possible. The components will be delivered by this elemental project were also proposed in this work.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院