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Title 推動我國產業溫室氣體自願減量與成效查驗管理
Abstract 本計畫主要延續2004~2012年度之執行績效,遵循「推動我國產業溫室氣體自願減量與成效查驗管理」計畫甄選須知所規範之目標,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體減量、額度管理與查驗制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體減量關鍵策略及減量管理機制。同時考量我國產業推行條件,持續深化我國溫室氣體管理制度,以支援環保署及整體國家未來政策之推行。本計畫主要重點工作如下:(一) 研提我國溫室氣體自願減量策略:蒐研美國、日本、英國、韓國及中國等國家之溫室氣體自願減量工作推動目的與執行重點(含:基線建立方式、績效認定、外加性簡化探討及未來減量額度使用之延續及銜接) ,作為未來推動自願減量工作之參考,期能落實國內自願減量認定機制。(二) 研提先期專案及抵換專案修正建議:本項工作主軸為研提先期專案及抵換專案修正建議、未來先期專案及抵換專案推動策略與減量額度使用規劃、溫室氣體公告排放強度之修正建議與5個產品或製程別溫室氣體公告排放強度(草案),期能擴大並落實國內自願減量認定機制。(三) 辦理減量專案及減量方法審議工作:本項工作為協助環保署進行國內減量專案或減量方法之審議工作,迄今累計共受理190件先期專案,18件抵換專案註冊申請,30件新減量方法申請;今年度完成63件先期專案審查、7件抵換專案及7件新減量方法認可審查工作。(四) 追蹤溫室氣體減量額度流向:完成7家公司法人減量額度帳戶開立,審查32件次減量額度使用申請之審核作業、協助核發減量額度16,035,198公噸CO2e。本計畫亦每季提供減量額度帳戶之統計報表,與進行國內減量額度供需分析,以達確實掌握國內減量額度流向與強化額度帳戶管理功能。(五) 管理溫室氣體認查驗機構作業:完成辦理34件查驗機構申請案審查作業(已高於契約10件案件審查要求),其中包含8件業務項目增列申請、11件展延申請、3件查驗基本資料變更申請、15件人員異動申請及2件查驗作業計畫書變更申請;另完成1場認證機構監督查核、9件查驗機構監督追蹤,並執行查驗機構評比作業檢、討認查驗機構管理制度、研提評鑑報告、規劃提升查驗機構及人員專業素質策略,與研修查驗技術規範等,期藉由辦理認證及查驗機構監督管理工作,落實監督追蹤我國認查驗機構及人員管理工作。(六) 擴充更新國家平台管理功能:主要工作為配合減量專案與減量方法審查作業,建立內部審查管理系統、持續更新與維護國家登錄平台主網頁內容與資訊、強化網站安全防護等,期提升國家登錄平台功能,藉此逐步邁向全面電子法管理作業目標。
EngTitle Promoting Taiwan voluntary GHGs reduction in industry and verification performance management
EngAbstract The project of “Promoting Taiwan voluntary GHGs reduction in industry andverification“(the Project), while meeting the contracted objectives according to thecommissioned project guideline, represents the accumulation of work stretching fromthe continuing policy development of domestic GHG accounting, registration,validation, verification and project reductions for industries since 2004 to 2013. TheProject has successfully delivered the following outcomes:1. To envisage the Taiwan voluntary GHG mitigation strategyThe project has studied voluntary GHG mitigation objectives and approaches(including baseline setting, performance determination, simplification ofadditionality test and carried over of credit uses) in major countries such as theUnited States, Japan, United Kingdom, Korea and China mainland as futuredesign references for Taiwan voluntary GHG mitigation policy.2. To improve the mechanisms of the Early Action and the Offset ProgramsThe Project has proposed recommendations and strategies for promoting theEarly Action and the Offset Programs, credit uses, and modified designatedemission intensities. 5 preliminary designated emission intensities in eitherproducts or manufacturing scope have been provided from the Project.3. To assist program deliverance of the Early Action, Offset Programs and new methodologiesThe Project has in total received 190 Early Action projects, 18 Offset projects and 30 new methodologies applications, where 21 Early Action projects had passed preliminary assessment. 63 Early Action projects, 7 Offset projects and 7 new methodologies have completed the review process within this consecutive year. 4. To track the GHG reduction credit movementThe Project has reviewed 32 applications for account opening with 7 accounts been officially opened. The Project also provides credit account reporting and supply-and-demand analysis periodically to track the movement of GHG reduction credits, ensuring a robust integrity of credit tracking and management. Currently, 16,035,198 tons CO2e of emission reduction credits have been issued.5. To assist the management of accreditation body and validation/verificationbodiesThe Project has completed reviewing process of 34 validation andverification bodies (V/VBs) qualification applications, 1 accreditation body (AB)performance inspection, 9 V/VBs performance assessments. In order to improvethe quality of validation and verification, the Project has also completed theV/VBs performance assessment report, proposed verifiers management strategiesby examining the current scheme of accreditation, validation and verification. Inaddition, the Project has revised the Verification Guidelines according to thelatest practices.6. To expand and upgrade for the GHGs RegistryThe Project has developed review progress monitoring subsystem, keptupdating the contents and improved the security system of the GHG Registry.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司