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Title 102年「中部科學工業園區空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」
Abstract 為掌握中部科學工業園區空氣品質變化,針對園區內各公私場所進行空氣污染源排放資訊更新、稽查檢測作業,於計畫期程內完成園區內公私場所清查作業30家次、排放管道無機酸檢測15根次、CC-FTIR連續監測8根次、揮發性有機污染物防制設備效率驗證10根次、排放管道磷化氫檢測5根次,並針對園區周界敏感地點進行揮發性有機物採樣64點次、重金屬(懸浮微粒、總砷及陰陽離子之成分分析)及戴奧辛採樣分析作業。為提升民眾陳情事件處理效率,設置4套自動採樣設備及簡易氣象站設置,可全天候進行污染排放之即時監測與蒐證以判讀污染來源。統計至102年12月1日止,本計畫共完成30家次區內公私場所清查作業、排放管道無機酸檢測15根次、CC-FTIR連續監測8根次、揮發性有機污染物防制設備效率驗證10根次、排放管道磷化氫檢測5根次、周界敏感地點進行揮發性有機物採樣64點次、重金屬(懸浮微粒、總砷及陰陽離子之成分分析)分析24點次及戴奧辛採樣分析4點次,並針對有疑慮之公私場所皆已進行輔導改善作業,確實掌握區內空氣品質狀況。
EngTitle The Air Pollution Control Plan for Central Taiwan Science Park in 2013
EngAbstract The project, “The Air Pollution Control Plan for Central Taiwan Science Park in 2013,” is aimed to monitor the air quality in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP). The works of this project include: 1.air quality inspection of 30 locations, 2.sampling and analysis of inorganic acid from 15 flue gas sources, 3.CC-FTIR continuous monitoring from 8 flue samples, 4.VOCs removal efficiency proof for 5 VOCs pollution control devices, 5.measurement of phosphine from 5 flue samples, 6.the qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOCs and composition (heavy metal, arsenic, cations and anions etc.), 7.concentration measurement of dioxin at 64 environmental sensitive locations nearby CTSP. Four sets of the mobile air quality auto-sampling equipment with weather monitor were installed on the selected spots. It could monitor the real-time air pollution and recognize the air pollution source, which can provide the air pollution events to residents. At the end of this project (Dec. 1, 2013), it has finished the works include: 1.air quality inspection of 30 locations, 2. sampling and analysis of inorganic acid from 15 flue gas sources, 3.CC-FTIR continuous monitoring from 8 flue samples, 4.VOCs removal efficiency proof for 5 VOCs pollution control devices, 6.the qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOCs and composition analysis (heavy metal, arsenic, cations and anions etc.) for 64 spots and 24 spots, respectively, 7.concentration measurement of dioxin at4 environmental sensitive locations nearby CTSP. In addition, the specialists were invited to give suggestions to air pollution of factories to improve their air pollution control device and air quality policy for the purpose of air quality enhancement in CTSP.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 思維環境科技有限公司