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Title 全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制及調查計畫(第2期)
Abstract 環保署於99年辦理「全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制及調查計畫」,建立「農地重金屬污染潛勢評量與預警管制系統」及「農地土壤重金屬高污染潛勢篩選機制」,評估結果達危害等級及污染等級區域約占全國農地2.65%,估計其中約1.5萬公頃應有需調查或整治之迫切性,為儘速制訂管制策略及推動調查、整治作業,環保署特辦理第二期計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)。 本計畫主要目的為制訂國內重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制策略,透過修訂高污染潛勢農地篩選機制及建置全國農地污染管理系統,劃定應優先關注區域及開發決策支援系統之前期工具,奠定後續管制策略之基石。並辦理桃園農田水利會轄區四個灌溉小組之環境介質調查及新增農地土壤鉻(總鉻及六價鉻)土壤調查、彰化縣和美鎮農地擴大調查,回饋修訂篩選機制及調查作業模式,結合現場調查實務經驗及農地污染防治需求,建立一致性之調查方式及標準化作業流程,彙整編撰農地土壤重金屬污染調查作業手冊及改善整治技術手冊,茲供相關從業人員參考。 本計畫於桃園農田水利會轄區四個灌溉小組,計採集完成土壤1,130組樣品、底泥60樣品及於新街溪設置3處水質自動監測系統等工作,兩階段調查結果顯示,土壤共計354組樣品超過管制標準,超標率達31.3%,面積為45.4公頃;底泥共計有40組樣品之銅、鋅及鉻超標,其中22組為銅、15組為銅及鋅、2組為鋅與1組為鉻、銅、鋅;新街溪水質自動檢測結果無明顯異常。本計畫另針對彰化和美鎮農地辦理擴大調查,合計44公頃超過土壤污染管制標準,第一階段土壤抽樣之34組土壤,計有29組樣品超過管制標準,第二階段調查採集398組土壤樣品,其中223組達管制標準,兩階段調查結果之污染項目主要為鎳、鉻、銅及鋅,另第二階段調查中有6組樣品鎘超過管制標準。
EngTitle Control and Investigation Program for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal
EngAbstract The EPA program results of “Control and Investigation Program for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal” in 2010 established “the system for potential assessment and early warning control of heavy metal contamination of agricultural land” and “ the mechanism for screening process of the heavy metal contamination of agricultural land”. According to the results, there were about 2.65% of agricultural lands (15,000 hectares) in Taiwan reaching hazardous levels that require urgent investigation and remediation. In order to speed up the pollution control regulation and actions, EPA continued to implement the second-phase Control and Investigation Program for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal (abbreviated as “2nd Control and Investigation Program”). The aim of the “2nd Control and Investigation Program” was to establish the national control regulation strategies of agricultural lands with high potential of heavy metal by revising the mechanism for pollution screening process and building the management systems. It needed to prioritize investigation areas and develop early tools of decision support system for the foundation of the following control strategy. Moreover, there were several regional investigations conducted as the following: the environmental survey and additional chromium (total Cr and Cr (VI)) soil survey of agricultural lands for four groups of the irrigation association in Taoyuan, and expanded soil survey of agricultural lands in the township of Chunghwa Hemei. Combining actual survey practices and pollution control requirements in agricultural lands, the investigations provided feedback to the screening process and operational procedures to establish consistency standard processes. Eventually soil investigation and remediation manuals of heavy metal pollution in agriculture land were compiled as reference for associated practitioners in this specialized area. In the four groups of the irrigation association in Taoyuan, the total amount of 1,130 soil samples and 60 sediment samples were collected and 3 automatic water quality monitoring devices were set in Sinjiesi River. The results showed that there were 354 soil samples (over-limit ratio: 31.3%, 45.5 hectares) and the concentrations of copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) and chromium (Cr) in 40 sediment samples were over control standards. However, there were no obvious abnormal readings in the result of automatic water quality monitoring. In addition, there were 44 hectares of agricultural lands exceeding soil control standards in the survey results in the township of Chunghwa Hemei. This part of investigation was divided to two stages. In the 1st and 2nd stages, the agricultural lands exceeding soil control standards were found in 29 out of 34 samples and in 223 out of 398 samples respectively, where target compounds were Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd) in 6 soil samples were found over the limit in the 2nd stage.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 瑞昶科技股份有限公司