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Title 空氣污染成因分析與推動改善策略工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫定期分析民國102年最新空氣品質監測結果並製作周報及月報提供署內參考,102年全國一般測站PSI>100比率為1.53%,主要污染物PM10、PM2.5、O3濃度均較101年同期微幅上升,但較近五年同期濃度下降。102年1~11月全國PM2.5手動測站年平均濃度為23.8μg/m3,由比對30座PM2.5手動與自動測站所得之截距與斜率,結果顯示僅有8站符合美國聯邦等似方法(FEM)中斜率與截距項目之規範。分析雲林懸浮微粒不良成因,分為境外沙塵、本土沙塵及PM2.5惡化三大類。判定102年1~11月本土沙塵事件共計21站日,其天氣類型以颱風外圍環流及東北季風為主。以光化測站分析102年臭氧事件日,在事件日清晨臭氧潛勢污染物種多以甲苯、正丁烷或間,對-二甲苯為主。本計畫完成點線面源排放抽樣檢核、與排放清冊執行單位進行檢核會議並提出修正建議。透過統計模式及時間序列,解析全國石油消費、觀光人口、汽車數等因子與PM10濃度具高度正相關性,降雨量、降雨日數及相對濕度則與PM10濃度具有高度負相關。取得世銀推估臺灣城市之PM10年平均濃度資料據以計算美好生活指數。彙整國際重大新增與加嚴法規提供策略研擬參考;完成101年空氣污染防制總檢討報告、修訂空氣污染防制計畫書指引及研提我國空氣品質改善計畫書。以民國109年全國PM2.5年平均值達標為前提,完成空品區達標年度分析,規劃未來重大開發案因應措施,結合既有涵容總量規劃分析不同管制策略之污染物減量成效。使用空氣品質模式進行管制措施成效分析,如實施重大管制策略對於西部地區懸浮微粒可有明顯改善。探討氣象場及排放量對於空品之貢獻比例,本計畫臭氧案例以氣象影響權重較高,懸浮微粒案例則以排放量影響權重較高。透過BenMap完成96~99年全台PM2.5測站空氣品質變化造成全死因死亡率健康衝擊變化。 完成102年度南部陸空聯合稽查,共通報18件疑似污染案件並告發2件;聯合環保局舉辦竹苗空品區交流會;提供102年環境空氣品質分析簡報。研擬判定本土性沙塵暴影響日之原則,提出扣除方法建議,並協助召開研商會議。檢討「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」之修訂方向,研擬「PM2.5預警惡化通報查處標準作業程序」,更新各環保單位空品嚴重惡化預警應變體系聯絡資料,完成應變通報工作。彙整美國EPA設置專家諮詢委員會之方法,提出我國籌組PM2.5空氣品質標準訂定及管制專家諮詢委員會之建議,並協助完成業務單位交辦之事項及相關網頁更新。
EngTitle Causes of air pollution analysis and to promote improvement strategy plan
EngAbstract This project provided the weekly and monthly reports by analyzing air quality monitored data for the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. In 2013, the ratio of PSI>100 was 1.53% with higher PM10、PM2.5、O3 concentrations as comparing to the last year’s. However, the concentrations were still lower than those averages of the recent five years. The FRM monitored PM2.5 concentrations has an average of 23.8μg/m3 in the period of January to November, 2013. The slopes and intercepts of 30 paired FEM and FRM monitors were tested against the US EPA FEM protocol, and 8 FEM monitors met the requirements for the regression analysis of testing specification..The cause analysis of PM air quality in Yun-Lin County showed the trans boundary PM transport, regional high wind dust, and the worsening PM2.5 air quality were the major contributors. There were 21 monitor-days caused by the regional high wind dust under the meteorological conditions such as the outer circulation of typhoons and northeast monsoon during January-November 2013. The 2013 ozone data from the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations, PAMS were analyzed during the air pollution episodes. During the ozone episodes, toluene, n-butane, m-xylene and p-xylene were the potential ozone species and occurred in the early morning of the episode day. The audits of emission data were accomplished for the point, area and line sources, the meetings with the emissions inventory workgroup were conducted and the suggestions and recommendations were provided.In the cause analysis of the PM10 concentrations, the gasoline consumption, number of tourists, number of cars showed positive correlation; the rainfall volume and rainy days, relative humidity showed negative correlation with PM10. The PM10 concentrations from the World Bank, predicted for the cities in Taiwan, were obtained to calculate “Your Better Life Index”. The important international air pollution regulations were reviewed and organized to assist EPA developing future strategies. “The Guidelines for Air Pollution Control Plan and Protocols” was revised and “The Annual Assessment Report of Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2011” was proposed. Aiming the goal to reach PM2.5 annual standard in year 2020, this project performed the air basins analyses including: possible year of attainment, plans for the impact of future development, and analysis of the effectiveness of control strategies within the capped emissions.This project utilizes the air quality models to simulate control strategies and to measure the effectiveness of control; the west region of Taiwan would have a significant improvement in PM concentrations if major controls were implemented. The influences from meteorological conditions played important roles in ozone episode. In PM episodes, the magnitude of emissions would be the major influence. Using the BenMap and the monitored 2007-2010 PM2.5 data, the all-cause mortality due to air quality changes was estimated for its impact.Other tasks of this project included: completed the Land/Air Compliance Inspections and reported 18 suspected cases, and 2 enforcement cases; held information exchange workshops with the local Environmental Protection Bureaus in Hsin-Chu County, Hsin-Chu City and Mao-Li County; proposed the guidance to screen out the influence days from dust storms; assisted the Emergency Management for the Prevention of Air Quality Deterioration meetings and proposed future revision; proposed the SOP for the Alert and Inspection Criteria during PM2.5 Episodes; updated the contact information for the emergency management system and reported to all contacts during the episodes; reviewed the structure of the US Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, CASAC, and proposed the similar advisory committee to review/establish the ambient air quality standards and control strategies in Taiwan; completed other tasks as required and updated the EPA web pages.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司