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Title 車輛二氧化碳排放管制計畫
Abstract 首先透過國外車輛二氧化碳排放數據及排放因子蒐集,了解國內車輛二氧化碳排放因子及國內外技術水準;建置二氧化碳管制查詢平台,了解國內廠商排放現況;蒐集國內外管制策略並考量國內現況,提出重型車輛二氧化碳管制先期準備工作,並彙整國內車輛未來可行之二氧化碳減量策略方針。為避免五期標準實施後,現今雙軌制測試程序會造成二氧化碳管制上的不一致性,採用轉換係數廠商也可無須額外測試造成成本負擔,選定20輛五期車進行歐盟及美國測試程序轉換係數研究,研究結果顯示轉換係數不隨著不同耗能車型分類(小客車及小貨車)、不同排氣量等級、是否為GDI引擎車輛而有所差異,建議轉換係數以單一數值做為基準。考量油電混合車車型日益增加,進行40輛次研究測試,除建立國內法規實驗室對應美國SAE J1711及歐盟ECE R101測試程序之檢測能力外,也建立國內油電混合車基礎排放數據。另自民國98年推動國內小客車自願性減量協議以來,已有13間廠商簽署,預估102年底將有8間廠商提前符合協議目標值,累計透過該協議簽署,四年來共計減少50,188噸二氧化碳排放,減量成效顯著。透過八場次節能減碳訓練課程的舉辦,導入環保駕駛概念,將車輛相關節能趨勢與節能方法提供給民眾參考,進而改善國人對於車輛能源使用習慣。同時藉由環保署、六地方環保局也同時與企業及法人代表簽署環保駕駛協議,期能由公部門帶頭,透過環保駕駛手段減少車輛二氧化碳排放。近年來,國內法規逐步與國際調和,移動污染源訓練班檢查人員培訓教材之修訂刻不容緩,透過教材修訂與整合除可節省國家資源外,更可加強國內檢驗人員之專業知識。最後透過國際論文投稿,闡述國內機車管制政策,在提升我國國際能見度同時,並可宣示我國持續推動車輛污染管制之決心。
EngTitle Vehicle carbon dioxide reduction technology assessment program
EngAbstract First, through surveying and collecting of international vehicle CO2 emissions data and analyze the emission factors to comprehend the current status of domestic CO2 emissions from vehicles, global technology level on CO2 reduction, and to establish an information inquiry platform for the Public. This project also surveyed current domestic and abroad CO2 control strategies with consideration of domestic conditions to propose initial preparation tasks for CO2 emissions control from heavy duty vehicles; this project also aggregated future viable control strategies for emissions from vehicles in Taiwan.To avoid inconsistent test results caused by implementing dual available test procedures after the stage 5 emission standards enter into force, a conversion factor is proposed for these two different procedures’ test results to avoid additional test cost burden for manufacturers. Twenty stage 5 compliance vehicles were selected to perform both the EU and the US test procedures to study the conversion factor for these two procedures’ test results. The study showed that the conversion factor will not be varied by different vehicle type (passenger car and light duty truck), different engine displacements, whether engine is equipped with GDI or not, and in the end a single conversion factor was proposed for these two test procedures. Consider the increasing number of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) being sold in Taiwan, 40 HEV were selected and performed emissions tests to establish domestic regulatory test laboratories’ inspection and test capability correspond to the US SAE J1711 and the EU ECE R101 test procedures and also to establish basic HEV emissions data in Taiwan.Since the initial promotion of the “Voluntary Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Agreement” in 2009, there are 13 manufacturers and importers already signed the agreements and 8 of them were projected to achieve their reduction targets in advance by the end of 2013. The effect of CO2 reduction from light duty passenger vehicles through voluntary agreements is significant, estimated 50,188 tons of CO2 emissions were reduced in 4 years.Through holding 8 sessions of energy saving and carbon reduction training courses to introduce the concept of eco-driving and providing the latest energy saving trends and tips to improve the Public's driving habits. Meanwhile the Environmental Protection Administration and 6 local Environmental Protection Departments have co-signed agreements with enterprise and corporate representatives to perform eco-driving, leading by Public sector to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles through eco-driving. In recent years, regulations implemented in Taiwan were harmonized with international regulations step by step, and it is urgent to revise the training materials for mobile source emissions inspection personnel. Through revision and integration of training materials could save national resources and enhance the domestic inspectors’ expertise. Finally, through submit papers to international conferences and to be published on the topics of describing the implemented motorcycle emissions control strategies in Taiwan, our international visibility could be increased and also declare our determination to continuous promoting vehicle emissions control strategies.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院