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Title 四機買新汰舊推廣活動專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為提升廢四機(廢電視機、廢洗衣機、廢電冰箱及廢冷暖氣機)回收與再利用成效,避免部分業者額外收取回收費用,及廢四機因任意棄置造成環境汙染等。自100年7月1日起實施「廢四機回收政策」,販賣業者在賣出新四機時,應提供「消費者權益須知確認單」並開立「回收清除作業管制聯單」,向消費者宣達所載權益與回收事項,並免費回收廢四機。 本工作計畫為具體呈現廢四機回收新政策與措施,以「買新汰舊 4機而動 百萬好獎抽不完」為主軸,運用「廢四機兒歌篇」30秒宣導短片,於台中、台南及宜蘭地區的地方有線電視台託播2,306檔,於臺北及高雄捷運月台電視託播3,161檔,並加值贈送網路媒體宣傳,總曝光量超過百萬人次。以凝聚社會大眾對政策印象與關注力。 此外,為提昇活動曝光度與民眾參與誘因、加強販賣業者推動廢四機回收政策,除規劃558項環保節能家電作為抽獎獎項,規畫20場巡迴活動,共吸引上千人次參與,並印製主題式海報10,000份等,藉由多元化行銷方式與製作物,讓全民皆可清楚瞭解政策實質內容。 資源回收是不退流行的全民運動,也是減緩地球暖化、創造資源永續的重要工作,每個人都應身體力行,本工作計畫藉由活動策劃、媒體推廣與實體文宣的宣導,有效擴展政策訊息範圍與觸及人數,引領消費者與經銷販賣業者對新政策有相當程度的瞭解,增進對資源回收政策與回收管道的瞭解與支持,提昇全民環保意識,共同維護環境整潔、資源永續。
EngTitle The Renewal of the Four Household Appliances Promotion Event Program
EngAbstract In order to promote the recycling and reuse of the “Waste Four” (derelict TVs, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, and Air Conditioners), prevent some dealers from charging extra fees for recycling, and avoid environmental pollution caused by random abandoning of the “Waste Four”, from 1st July 2011 onward, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan (EPA) stipulated that all vendors of these four household appliances must provide their customers with a “Confirmation Note of Consumer’s Rights”, and issue a “Manifest for Recycling and Disposal Management”, while informing customers of their rights and recycling the four appliances free of charge.To comprehensively present the new policies and measures pertaining to the recycling of the Waste Four, the “Million Dollar Lucky Draw for the Renewal of the Four Household Appliances” was the underpinning theme for the following activities: 30-second promotional videos titled “Nursery Rhyme for the Waste Four”, 2,306 screenings of a 30-second commercial advertising on Cable TV in Taichung, Tainan and Ilan area, 3,161 creenings of a 30-second commercial advertising on Platform TV in Taipei and Kaohsiung MAR Station, and bonus network media promotion. All in all, more than a million people were exposed to these promotional events, which aided in the fostering of goodwill and interest of the general public toward the EPA’s policies.In addition, to enhance the activity’s publicity and public participation, and strengthen vendors’ willingness to cooperate with the recycling policies, the following events were planned: 558 environmental-friendly appliances were set aside for a lucky draw and 20 itinerant activities. These publicity activities garnered thousands of people to participate. Further, 1,000 copies of thematic posters and 10,000 copies of DM were printed for distribution. It is hoped that through this multi-directional marketing method, the general public could be made aware of the actual contents of EPA’s new policiesThis project aimed to increase consumers’ and vendors’ awareness of the EPA’s new policies through careful planning, media promotion and concrete advertising materials. By maximizing the number of people reached and the scope of the campaign, we could increase the public’s understanding and support of the policies and avenues of resource recycling, thereby enhancing our environmental consciousness as a whole in the pursuit of a clean, sustainable living environment.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 奧蘭朵公關顧問有限公司